How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Name five and link to their quotes.

I'm not interested in your homework assignments. Every right winger in here knows it's true. That's enough for me.

Do you notice that he fails to hold himself to the same standard? Dozens of nonsense posts without a single fact, quote, or link to back it up. Nonsense like "Ayn Rand is an idiot" without a single thing to back that up.
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

You actually think you can construct a Composition/Generalization Fallacy on the basis of an anecdote about a purported cab driver??

Have you been working on your degree in Stoopid while you were away or what?
Name five and link to their quotes.

I'm not interested in your homework assignments. Every right winger in here knows it's true. That's enough for me.

Do you notice that he fails to hold himself to the same standard? Dozens of nonsense posts without a single fact, quote, or link to back it up. Nonsense like "Ayn Rand is an idiot" without a single thing to back that up.

Yes, I notice that all the time. It's behavioral trait peculiar to leftwing douche bags.
Name five and link to their quotes.

I'm not interested in your homework assignments. Every right winger in here knows it's true. That's enough for me.

Do you notice that he fails to hold himself to the same standard? Dozens of nonsense posts without a single fact, quote, or link to back it up. Nonsense like "Ayn Rand is an idiot" without a single thing to back that up.

Has bribaby named ONE liberal?
By any reasonable measure of evil,

what is evil about liberalism? Be specific.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?
You've provided no credible evidence constitutional violation by Liberals.
No you posted an opinion based on ignorance about AGW (climate change) now you want an education on climate change? Ok. Here you go junior. This is packed full of more indisputable and undeniable facts than you could ever be capable of absorbing (but hey, it's a good start for you anyway)...

England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

It's not possible to "prove" that, stupid. Nobody exists who's old enough.

What a maroon.

So then, all your claims that AGW is true are bogus?
Could you be any less ignorant?

You just said that it's not possible to prove that AGW is a farce. If that's the case, then it's also not possible to prove that it's not a farce.
really where?
Besides you are wrong there is more than enough evidence to prove climate change is real.
There is no evidence to prove it's not .
For your "logic" and assumption to be valid there would have to be equivalent amounts of evidence for both arguments.
Name five and link to their quotes.

I'm not interested in your homework assignments. Every right winger in here knows it's true. That's enough for me.

Do you notice that he fails to hold himself to the same standard? Dozens of nonsense posts without a single fact, quote, or link to back it up. Nonsense like "Ayn Rand is an idiot" without a single thing to back that up.

Yes, I notice that all the time. It's behavioral trait peculiar to leftwing douche bags.

You can't name 5 people that fit the category that you accused liberals of being in.
Your whole point is its a con job.
If you are conceding it's not a con job then all your whining is meaningless, making the prosecution of offenders legal.
None of what you claim to be Stalinism is .
You lost before you started.

No, my point is that left wingers are Stalinists because they always try to criminalize any dispute with their idiocies.

What law did the "offenders" break? When did disputing scientific theories become a crime? Only a Stalinist would believe people should be prosecuted for expressing an opinion. There isn't the slightest thing legal about the government pissing on the First Amendment.

You're a Stalinist left wing douche bag who enjoys pissing on the Bill of Rights.
your argument is also based on willfully misrepresentation
As this link proves

The 1st Amendment is in no way being pissed on .

ROFL! Your article doesn't support your position, moron. It supports mine. You should try reading stuff before you post links to it.

Of course the 1st Amendment is being pissed on. Criticism of scientific theories is clearly protected by the First Amendment. Any attempt by government to prosecute people for doing so is a fucking douche bag Stalinist piece of shit. No one is surprised that you support such behavior.
It does? post where in the article it does .
Who is no one?

It is not clear that all the scientists who signed the letter have thought carefully about the tension between what they are asking and the continuing freedom to pursue lines of inquiry in public debate that the government may find unwelcome or unreasonable. “I have no idea how it affects the First Amendment,” says one Vermont scientist who backs the probe, quoted by Bruce Parker of Vermont Watchdog.

In a companion piece, Parker interviewed me about the constitutional implications of this extremely bad idea. (I should note that when I discuss RICO in the interview transcript, I’m referring to the civil-litigation side of the law, so-called civil RICO, which seems to be the part of the law the advocates hope to use.)

It is remarkable how many advocates of this scheme seem to imagine that the First Amendment protects only truthful speech and thus (they think) has no application here because climate skepticism is false.
Meaningless comparison.
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

Conservatism is evil because Tim McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.

Want to keep playing this game?
Except that Tim McVeign was an extremely rare one wolf while liberals falsely screaming "racist", "bigot", or "homophobe" is universal, rampant, and systemic. Happens dozens of times per minute just on this board alone.

Would you like another shot at this NY?

A person screaming racist is the moral equivalent of a person who blows up a building and kills over 150 people?

Are you sure about that?

There are 40 million liberals screaming "racist" every day. Only one person blew up a building in Oklahoma.
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No, my point is that left wingers are Stalinists because they always try to criminalize any dispute with their idiocies.

What law did the "offenders" break? When did disputing scientific theories become a crime? Only a Stalinist would believe people should be prosecuted for expressing an opinion. There isn't the slightest thing legal about the government pissing on the First Amendment.

You're a Stalinist left wing douche bag who enjoys pissing on the Bill of Rights.
your argument is also based on willfully misrepresentation
As this link proves

The 1st Amendment is in no way being pissed on .

ROFL! Your article doesn't support your position, moron. It supports mine. You should try reading stuff before you post links to it.

Of course the 1st Amendment is being pissed on. Criticism of scientific theories is clearly protected by the First Amendment. Any attempt by government to prosecute people for doing so is a fucking douche bag Stalinist piece of shit. No one is surprised that you support such behavior.
It does? post where in the article it does .
Who is no one?

It is not clear that all the scientists who signed the letter have thought carefully about the tension between what they are asking and the continuing freedom to pursue lines of inquiry in public debate that the government may find unwelcome or unreasonable. “I have no idea how it affects the First Amendment,” says one Vermont scientist who backs the probe, quoted by Bruce Parker of Vermont Watchdog.

In a companion piece, Parker interviewed me about the constitutional implications of this extremely bad idea. (I should note that when I discuss RICO in the interview transcript, I’m referring to the civil-litigation side of the law, so-called civil RICO, which seems to be the part of the law the advocates hope to use.)

It is remarkable how many advocates of this scheme seem to imagine that the First Amendment protects only truthful speech and thus (they think) has no application here because climate skepticism is false.
Meaningless comparison.

You're attacking the article you linked to.
By any reasonable measure of evil,

what is evil about liberalism? Be specific.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?
You've provided no credible evidence constitutional violation by Liberals. now you want an education on climate change? Ok. Here you go junior. This is packed full of more indisputable and undeniable facts than you could ever be capable of absorbing (but hey, it's a good start for you anyway)...

England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

It's not possible to "prove" that, stupid. Nobody exists who's old enough.

What a maroon.

So then, all your claims that AGW is true are bogus?
Could you be any less ignorant?

You just said that it's not possible to prove that AGW is a farce. If that's the case, then it's also not possible to prove that it's not a farce.
really where?
Besides you are wrong there is more than enough evidence to prove climate change is real.
There is no evidence to prove it's not .
For your "logic" and assumption to be valid there would have to be equivalent amounts of evidence for both arguments.
You said "it's not possible to prove," not "there is not enough evidence to prove." The former indicates a non-falsifiable statement, such as the claim "chocolate tastes better than vanilla." It can't be proven false, and it can't be proven true. That's the kind of claim you made with regard to AGW, "it can't be proven false."

However, I don't want to over tax your minute brain. I realize you will never get the point.
This is a prime example of how evil liberalism is...

Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool. The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

He returned to the restroom for a second time later that evening, when young girls were changing for swim practice.

Wash. man uses women's bathroom to test transgender ruling

The human freak will probably sue and win a bunch of money, that's how depraved liberals are.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

if liberals are evil... you probably shouldn't talk to any

but what a bunch of nonsense.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~George S Patton

Patton was the lowest form of general..

Yes, a general who thought his job was to destroy the enemy instead of trying to understand what motivates them, what they like and don't like, who they are as people. Makes no sense at all for a general, does it?

No, just a gung-ho dickhead. There were plenty of better/greater generals/admirals than him during WWII. You might have heard of them - they had names like Eisenhower, Bradley and Nimitz...and that's only the American generals...

Democrats based on what? Based on what you want to believe?

It's also a false statement, it doesn't matter who the killers are. The fact is that it's the politics of the people who make the situation that leads to this that actually matters.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~George S Patton

Patton was the lowest form of general..

Yes, a general who thought his job was to destroy the enemy instead of trying to understand what motivates them, what they like and don't like, who they are as people. Makes no sense at all for a general, does it?

No, just a gung-ho dickhead. There were plenty of better/greater generals/admirals than him during WWII. You might have heard of them - they had names like Eisenhower, Bradley and Nimitz...and that's only the American generals...
None of those were great generals/admirals. Eisenhower and Bradley were mostly politicians. As for Nimitz, It's easy to beat the Japanese fleet when you outnumber them 20 to 1.

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