How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

By any reasonable measure of evil,

what is evil about liberalism? Be specific.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?

All of what you've just say is unsubstantiated, baseless, garbage.
So just like I said - pretend like none of it is true. Got it.
Then claiming the fines incurred for adding to are Stalinism

Here is the problem - being the typical, uneducated, high school drop-out liberal that you are, you truly have no idea what "Stalinism" is. I guarantee you don't even know who it was (except you're going to Google it right now and pretend). I've yet to meet a liberal who had the slightest clue about history, which is why you moron's are doomed to repeat it. It's why you dummies keep employing the same failed policies and then sit around scratching your heads trying to figure out why you keep getting the same failed results.

WooooOooooo, brave words from an asshat who doesn't know what "Liberal" means. The same clown who tried to tell this board that the difference between right and left is how big the government is... :

Today "liberalism" means Stalinism. In the 18th century it meant capitalism and the market economy.

How many American liberals of any consequence can you name that you can prove support a dictatorship where no one is allowed private property and no one can run a private business?
Barack Obama. Nancy Pelosi. Harry Reid. Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders. Maxine Waters...

Great clip. Waters let the cat out of the bag. The good thing about left wing douche bags is that every once in a while they say what they really think.
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

Conservatism is evil because Tim McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.

Want to keep playing this game?
Except that Tim McVeign was an extremely rare one wolf while liberals falsely screaming "racist", "bigot", or "homophobe" is universal, rampant, and systemic. Happens dozens of times per minute just on this board alone.

Would you like another shot at this NY?

A person screaming racist is the moral equivalent of a person who blows up a building and kills over 150 people?

Are you sure about that?
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

Conservatism is evil because Tim McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.

Want to keep playing this game?
Except that Tim McVeign was an extremely rare one wolf while liberals falsely screaming "racist", "bigot", or "homophobe" is universal, rampant, and systemic. Happens dozens of times per minute just on this board alone.

Would you like another shot at this NY?

A person screaming racist is the moral equivalent of a person who blows up a building and kills over 150 people?

Are you sure about that?
No - I'm not sure about that to be honest. But I can tell you that ruining a person's reputation, career, and life with lies is very serious. Too bad liberals don't think so.
What is evil about supporting gay rights?

What is evil about supporting Medicaid?

What is evil about wanting to raise the minimum wage?

What was evil about opposing the Iraq war?
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

Conservatism is evil because Tim McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.

Want to keep playing this game?
Except that Tim McVeign was an extremely rare one wolf while liberals falsely screaming "racist", "bigot", or "homophobe" is universal, rampant, and systemic. Happens dozens of times per minute just on this board alone.

Would you like another shot at this NY?

A person screaming racist is the moral equivalent of a person who blows up a building and kills over 150 people?

Are you sure about that?
No - I'm not sure about that to be honest. But I can tell you that ruining a person's reputation, career, and life with lies is very serious. Too bad liberals don't think so.

Are you referring to the birthers?
This is how evil liberalism is...

On a break during a business trip to Washington last year, David Panton hailed a cab to take him to the Capitol. He told the driver he was going to see the Texas senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

“He’s racist,” the cabdriver replied, according to Mr. Panton.

Mr. Panton, taken aback, informed his driver that Mr. Cruz had a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the right side of his desk, that he was the only senator to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela and that he had a “black guy” as a college roommate and best man at his wedding.

“I don’t believe that,” the cabby said, as Mr. Panton tells it.

“Well,” Mr. Panton replied, “you’re talking to him"

This is the essence of liberalism. Completely ignorant of all facts, of all reality, without any knowledge of the person, they attempt to ruin their reputation and career with very serious accusations (racism).

Conservatism is evil because Tim McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.

Want to keep playing this game?
Except that Tim McVeign was an extremely rare one wolf while liberals falsely screaming "racist", "bigot", or "homophobe" is universal, rampant, and systemic. Happens dozens of times per minute just on this board alone.

Would you like another shot at this NY?

A person screaming racist is the moral equivalent of a person who blows up a building and kills over 150 people?

Are you sure about that?
No - I'm not sure about that to be honest. But I can tell you that ruining a person's reputation, career, and life with lies is very serious. Too bad liberals don't think so.

Are you referring to the birthers?
I've said all along that if anybody knowingly lies about Barack Obama's birth they should be brought up on libel and slander charges. I've said it all along and I've meant it. I have zero tolerance for liars. Zero. I don't care who they are or how they vote.
Then claiming the fines incurred for adding to are Stalinism

Here is the problem - being the typical, uneducated, high school drop-out liberal that you are, you truly have no idea what "Stalinism" is. I guarantee you don't even know who it was (except you're going to Google it right now and pretend). I've yet to meet a liberal who had the slightest clue about history, which is why you moron's are doomed to repeat it. It's why you dummies keep employing the same failed policies and then sit around scratching your heads trying to figure out why you keep getting the same failed results.

There are plenty of liberals in this forum who claim the USSR wasn't socialist. That's how deluded and ignorant they are.

Name five and link to their quotes.

I'm not interested in your homework assignments. Every right winger in here knows it's true. That's enough for me.

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