How far is the US from Fascism ?

prog turds like you are the one's who resemble NAZIs. Consider the way you cheer all these Stalinist show trials Biden is subjecting Trump to.
Someone who worked for Trump wrote a book about him called Tired of Winning.

He parrots Hitler as he unleashes on the “enemy within” and brands opponents “vermin”.

Americans should be alarmed, but not surprised. More than 30 years ago, Trump’s first wife, Ivana, let it be known that he kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches by the bed. In the White House, Trump reportedly told John Kelly, then his chief of staff, that Hitler “did a lot of good things”.

Once upon a time, Bannon, like Merkel, likened Trump’s public persona to that of the Nazi dictator. In June 2015, when Trump made his history-making escalator ride into the Republican primary, Bannon thought of Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda film. As another author reported: “That’s Hitler, Bannon thought.”
Hamas? Jews?
No one of consequence.
Like me, I could give a fuck about either faction.
70 plus years of BS, is enough for me.
THAT'S what religion does to people.
AOC? Rashida Talib? Members of Congress support Hamas.

Who do you think you're fooling?

The bottom line is that Dims support cold blooded murderers.
Someone who worked for Trump wrote a book about him called Tired of Winning.

He parrots Hitler as he unleashes on the “enemy within” and brands opponents “vermin”.

Americans should be alarmed, but not surprised. More than 30 years ago, Trump’s first wife, Ivana, let it be known that he kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches by the bed. In the White House, Trump reportedly told John Kelly, then his chief of staff, that Hitler “did a lot of good things”.

Once upon a time, Bannon, like Merkel, likened Trump’s public persona to that of the Nazi dictator. In June 2015, when Trump made his history-making escalator ride into the Republican primary, Bannon thought of Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda film. As another author reported: “That’s Hitler, Bannon thought.”
Utter horseshit. Anything women say about their ex husbands isn't credible.
Biden vs Trump.

We should just throw in the towel.
Biden is fine. Seems like a decent man and he's doing the best he can with the situation he's handed. Reminds me of Carter in the 80's. He was doing find but then inflation fucked him. And Bush 1 got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. That's why Reagan picked him for VP. He was head of the CIA and got Iran to do that.

Biden has done a lot more than Carter did. And he needs the American people to give him credit for how well the economy has been while dealing with inflation. Yea inflation is fucking a lot of people. Maybe our bosses will give us a raise this year and not just themselves like they've done the last 40 years.
Biden is fine. Seems like a decent man and he's doing the best he can with the situation he's handed. Reminds me of Carter in the 80's. He was doing find but then inflation fucked him. And Bush 1 got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. That's why Reagan picked him for VP. He was head of the CIA and got Iran to do that.

Biden has done a lot more than Carter did. And he needs the American people to give him credit for how well the economy has been while dealing with inflation. Yea inflation is fucking a lot of people. Maybe our bosses will give us a raise this year and not just themselves like they've done the last 40 years.
LOL - sorry. No. Biden is a corrupt droolcup. If these two jokers are the best we can do, and you fools vote for them anyway, our country deserves its pending slide into the shitter.
I can't believe Trump is going full Hitler

He isn't. Biden is the one going full Hitler. Biden is the one prosecuting his political opponents. Biden is the one who locked up over a thousand people for protesting at the capitol. Biden is the one who directed the FBi to have social media censor conservatives.

You fucking brain damaged progs crack me up when you accuse Trump of acting like a NAZI. That's purely your bailiwick.

Tommy Tainant, I regret the use of USA military troops to destroy the WW1 veteran's bonus marchers' Washington D.C. encampments and disperse then. President Hoover may have acted illegally and certainly to his own political disadvantage.

I'm grateful that congress didn't permit FDR to ”pack” the Supreme Court after the court found the NRA unconstitutional.

I regret, as we all should regret FDR's imprisonment of Japanese-Americans.

I regret the passage of federal laws (oner Truman's veto), enabling states to pass laws hindering labor unions. Those anti-labor laws have been increasingly more net detrimental to USA's wage dependent families.

President Eisenhower was a good man, but I regret he didn't stand up against Senator Joseph McCarthy; particularly when McCarthy questioned General Marshall's patriotism. That will always be to Eisenhower's shame.

I'm grateful that the IRS didn't accede to Nixon's attempt to employ their agency for persecuting those on his enemies list.

Although Hitler was elected and became chancellor of Germany, unless and until Donald Trump is found guilty of sedition, his nomination for president shouldn't be prohibited. Democracy can fail even in sunlight, but it doesn't thrive in darkness or shade.
It's democracy's nature to always be subject to risks. Respectfully ,Supposn
As usual.
You're FOS, Q-NUT.

Teabaggers, like their dear leader, support Russia and Putin, a cold blooded murderer.
You mean, as usual, you are full of shit. The accusation that conservatives support Putin is a prog talking point. It's a big fat lie, just like all your claims.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.
Just remember Fascism is a Leftist result.

liberals today have doctrinal and emo tional roots in twentieth-century European fascism. Many people will be shocked just by the thought that long-discredited fascism could mutate into the spirit of another age. It’s always exhilarating when someone takes on received opinion
—David Pryce-Jones, author of The Strange Death of the Soviet Union
You mean, as usual, you are full of shit. The accusation that conservatives support Putin is a prog talking point. It's a big fat lie, just like all your claims.
Conservatives don't support Putin, Q-NUT.
Teabaggers do.

Why does Putin have superfans among the US right wing?​

The Guardian › commentisfree › mar

Mar 1, 2022 — A Yahoo News/YouGov poll from January found that 62% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents reckon Putin is a “stronger leader” than ...

Republicans and Putin's Kremlin: 25 Years of Cozy ...​

New Republic › article › republicans-putin-h...

Mar 18, 2022 — Manafort set up sophisticated disinformation campaigns, using phony think tanks and phony journalists to write phony stories—all supporting ...

The GOP's new, Russia-friendly campaign-trail buddy​

Politico › news › 2022/11/04 › the-g...

Nov 4, 2022 — Polling data shows Republicans growing increasingly wary of supporting Ukraine with weapons and economic aid, views once considered to be on the ...
We have become a fascist state by the early 1950s politically.

We have been struggling with the cultural part of that since the 1950s.
Hamas? Jews?
No one of consequence.
Like me, I could give a fuck about either faction.
70 plus years of BS, is enough for me.
THAT'S what religion does to people.

SmolinOP, regarding "No one of consequence", refer to link, First they came ... - Wikipedia . Respectfully, Supposn

"First they came ..."(German: Zuerst kamen sie ...)is the poetic form of a 1946 post-war confessional prose by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984).It is about the silence of German intellectuals and clergy — including, by his own admission, Niemöller himself—following the Nazis' rise to power and subsequent incremental purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Many variations and adaptations in the spirit of the original have been published in the English language. It deals with themes of persecution, guilt, repentance, and personal responsibility....

… The best-known versions of the confession in English are the edited versions in poetic form that began circulating by the1950s.[1] The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum quotes the following text as one of the many poetic versions of the speech:[2][3]
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ...”.
Hamas? Jews? No one of consequence.
Like me, I could give a fuck about either faction.
70 plus years of BS, is enough for me. THAT'S what religion does to people.

Smokin Op, I'm grateful for Hitler declaration of war upon the United States. Then, prior to Japan's Pearl Harbor attack, many Americans ignorant of their own national heritage, were Nazi supporters.
History repeats itself. Today too many of those fools' grandchildren are now “Holocaust deniers” and supporters of Palestinian terrorists.
Respectfully, Supposn
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