How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
We can expect the next 6 months - right up to Nov 3 - to be a gradual rollout of "bombshells" regarding who knew the Russiagate scam was a political, often illegal witch-hunt and when they knew it.

Don't hold your breath. Getting Flynn off for bogus charges is a far way from holding anyone accountable for the corruption. To many people including republicans knew what was going on. Everything coming out has been known and reported on by many bloggers connected the dots.
They impeached and tried to ruin General Flynn and Trump and his family...Obama must be made an example of for what happens when you commit a treasonous act.....its that damn simple...anything short of that will be a travesty of justice....and the American people will get screwed....and law and order will weaken...and respect for authority will lessen....please...don't look the other way just because he was the first black president...he broke the law and should pay a penalty.....
Teflon Obama will never be indicted. I don't like to see wasted effort.
I cant wait for the lawsuit to start where Gen Flynn goes after everyone for defamation of Character and unlawful imprisonment. He can go after Obama's money, Joe Biden, James Comey, Clapper, and anyone else who knew. His case could bankrupt a bunch of liberals, and i would love to see those people slumming around
Too late to impeach Barry and nobody wants to put him in jail. It would be refreshing, however, if the mainstream media came around and admitted that they were tricked into supporting what amounts to an attempted political coup and that they demand prosecutions for treason for the former Obama holdovers as well as the leadership of the FBI and even the CIA.
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified.

More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.
We can expect the next 6 months - right up to Nov 3 - to be a gradual rollout of "bombshells" regarding who knew the Russiagate scam was a political, often illegal witch-hunt and when they knew it.

Obama was a Trojan Horse, a poison pill. His election to the highest political office in our land was intended to rot our civilization from the inside out, over time—and so far that strategy is succeeding quite as intended. Obama created ISIS for fuck sake. He advanced the radical leftist cultural war, gaining miles of new ground, many years ahead of what any ideologue expected. Gay marriage, it's legalization, was perhaps the equivalent of dropping a nuke on the ancient concept of the nuclear family. Rotten, radical feminism, LGTBQ propaganda and brainwashing, abortion unbound, trans mutilation of our children and open invitation to all of our enemies around the globe . . . all of this is the Obama legacy, from which America might never recover.
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified.

More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.
Hey Dumas! You libtards have been hysterical since Trump was elected. Dew yew need to see some freaking out, screaming, crying videos to remind ewe?
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified.

More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.
Here sweetie!

We can expect the next 6 months - right up to Nov 3 - to be a gradual rollout of "bombshells" regarding who knew the Russiagate scam was a political, often illegal witch-hunt and when they knew it.

Scandal free. Uh-huh
Trump cultists, what's made you all so especially hysterical today? I mean, you're always hysterical, but today, you're more hysterical than I've ever seen you. You haven't lost the election yet, so the hysteria isn't justified. More correctly, why do you think your masters ordered you to get extra-hysterical today? After all, it's not like you do it of your own volition.
So you have no comments or concerns about the abuses of authority perpetrated by the those at the highest levels of our most important and powerful gov't agencies?

The fact is I'm not a little surprised by your silence in the matter because bitter leftards are traitors ... every stinkin' one of you.
"How Far Up the Ladder Did the Fraud Go?"

To Trump and Putin!
^^^And that, tragically, is how far down the ladder are America's leftards.

Somehow "Trump and Putin" are responsible for the violations of our civil rights by Obama's FBI/CIA/DOJ.

It must be said again ... we just can't fix STUPID.

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