How Franklin Roosevelt Made Memorial Day Necessary

1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.

he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was
Yeah...he wasn't perfect. Too funny. A man responsible for so much death and suffering wasn't perfect. No shit!

He was not responsible for the death and destruction----he was facing a
very untenable situation and did as good a job at it as could be expected---
same is true of George Wasshington
Total BS and a very lame justification.

FDR was the worst of the worst. When will Americans realize that ALL politicians are scum?...those like FDR, are lower than scum.

He shredded the only document Americans have agreed to be governed by....the US Constitution...

...and he turned both half of Europe, and American foreign policy over to communist homicidal maniac, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

Americans gave up their birthright for some meager material rewards.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.

he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was

Your education continues:

5. Why did Stalin demand the policy of "Unconditional Surrender"?

Stalin was afraid that his erstwhile ally, Germany, would stand in his way of European, and then global, domination after the war.
Therefore, he needed Germany 'pulverized,' 'pastoralized,' 'de-industrialized'....hence he directed his agents in Washington to advance 'unconditional surrender.'

A possibility that the Allies would accept the peace overtures from anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans was anathema to Stalin!

Franz von Papen, ... German statesman and diplomat, and non-Nazi, attempted to open talks with the Allies via the Vatican. Von Papen had done so by February 1943.

In the Kremlin the thought that Papen was aiming at a separate peace with the America and Britain, and that the Vatican might play a role in bringing about an end to the hostilities in the West, could not be allowed!.

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of the intelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116

"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!

Monday morning quarter backing again-------in fact STALIN DID NOT
INVENT "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" ----it is classical-------greek,
roman and even biblical

Stalin imposed the policy of "Unconditional Surrender" on the Allies through his spies in the Roosevelt administration....Harry Hopkins, and Harry Dexter White.

I'll document that.'ll ignore it.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
the remembrance of our war dead,

our? you have no connection to the history of this country you said yourself you were an adopted asian baby, you have NO connetion to the history of America, so it isn't OUR history
^ that

she better hope Trump doesnt win
You lefties claim to be so inclusive of non-citizens. Oh...yeah...just more hypocrisy.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.

----judgement of quality issue is-------a matter of OPINION----- Roosevelt should
have known not to cooperate in any way with Stalin------is a MATTER OF OPINION
based on information that Roosevelt might not have had
He did much more than 'cooperate' with Stalin.

Have you considered for one minute FDR's involvement with Poland in starting the war in 1939? The stupid Anglos and Franks go to war over Poland, only to end the war by giving not only Poland to the world's worst tyrant, but half of Europe. This is somehow considered a great statists.

It was a huge mistake----IN RETROSPECT. The fact is that disgusting as he was----STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers
Good Rubber Room thread PoliticalSpice

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1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.

he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was

Your education continues:

5. Why did Stalin demand the policy of "Unconditional Surrender"?

Stalin was afraid that his erstwhile ally, Germany, would stand in his way of European, and then global, domination after the war.
Therefore, he needed Germany 'pulverized,' 'pastoralized,' 'de-industrialized'....hence he directed his agents in Washington to advance 'unconditional surrender.'

A possibility that the Allies would accept the peace overtures from anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans was anathema to Stalin!

Franz von Papen, ... German statesman and diplomat, and non-Nazi, attempted to open talks with the Allies via the Vatican. Von Papen had done so by February 1943.

In the Kremlin the thought that Papen was aiming at a separate peace with the America and Britain, and that the Vatican might play a role in bringing about an end to the hostilities in the West, could not be allowed!.

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of the intelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116

"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!

Monday morning quarter backing again-------in fact STALIN DID NOT
INVENT "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" ----it is classical-------greek,
roman and even biblical

Stalin imposed the policy of "Unconditional Surrender" on the Allies through his spies in the Roosevelt administration....Harry Hopkins, and Harry Dexter White.

I'll document that.'ll ignore it.

ok-----Josef Stalin ----the Georgian Bolshevik Dog was a sneaky, brutal, barbaric
egomaniac-------what else is new?
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.

he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was

Your education continues:

5. Why did Stalin demand the policy of "Unconditional Surrender"?

Stalin was afraid that his erstwhile ally, Germany, would stand in his way of European, and then global, domination after the war.
Therefore, he needed Germany 'pulverized,' 'pastoralized,' 'de-industrialized'....hence he directed his agents in Washington to advance 'unconditional surrender.'

A possibility that the Allies would accept the peace overtures from anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans was anathema to Stalin!

Franz von Papen, ... German statesman and diplomat, and non-Nazi, attempted to open talks with the Allies via the Vatican. Von Papen had done so by February 1943.

In the Kremlin the thought that Papen was aiming at a separate peace with the America and Britain, and that the Vatican might play a role in bringing about an end to the hostilities in the West, could not be allowed!.

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of the intelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116

"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!

Monday morning quarter backing again-------in fact STALIN DID NOT
INVENT "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" ----it is classical-------greek,
roman and even biblical

Stalin imposed the policy of "Unconditional Surrender" on the Allies through his spies in the Roosevelt administration....Harry Hopkins, and Harry Dexter White.

I'll document that.'ll ignore it.

ok-----Josef Stalin ----the Georgian Bolshevik Dog was a sneaky, brutal, barbaric
egomaniac-------what else is new?
Agreed, but you forgot to add that FDR was entirely controlled by Uncle Joe and did not mind it one bit.
he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was

Your education continues:

5. Why did Stalin demand the policy of "Unconditional Surrender"?

Stalin was afraid that his erstwhile ally, Germany, would stand in his way of European, and then global, domination after the war.
Therefore, he needed Germany 'pulverized,' 'pastoralized,' 'de-industrialized'....hence he directed his agents in Washington to advance 'unconditional surrender.'

A possibility that the Allies would accept the peace overtures from anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans was anathema to Stalin!

Franz von Papen, ... German statesman and diplomat, and non-Nazi, attempted to open talks with the Allies via the Vatican. Von Papen had done so by February 1943.

In the Kremlin the thought that Papen was aiming at a separate peace with the America and Britain, and that the Vatican might play a role in bringing about an end to the hostilities in the West, could not be allowed!.

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of the intelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116

"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!

Monday morning quarter backing again-------in fact STALIN DID NOT
INVENT "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" ----it is classical-------greek,
roman and even biblical

Stalin imposed the policy of "Unconditional Surrender" on the Allies through his spies in the Roosevelt administration....Harry Hopkins, and Harry Dexter White.

I'll document that.'ll ignore it.

ok-----Josef Stalin ----the Georgian Bolshevik Dog was a sneaky, brutal, barbaric
egomaniac-------what else is new?
Agreed, but you forgot to add that FDR was entirely controlled by Uncle Joe and did not mind it one bit.

? ? I thought he was controlled by his mother and Eleanor
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.

----judgement of quality issue is-------a matter of OPINION----- Roosevelt should
have known not to cooperate in any way with Stalin------is a MATTER OF OPINION
based on information that Roosevelt might not have had
He did much more than 'cooperate' with Stalin.

Have you considered for one minute FDR's involvement with Poland in starting the war in 1939? The stupid Anglos and Franks go to war over Poland, only to end the war by giving not only Poland to the world's worst tyrant, but half of Europe. This is somehow considered a great statists.

It was a huge mistake----IN RETROSPECT. The fact is that disgusting as he was----STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers

"...STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers..."


He was Hitler's ally. He provided the resources for the Wehrmacht.

Ever pick up a history book????

1. FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR. If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational: "Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath" by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

2. FDR knew of the Terror Famine...yet he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..." Time Magazine, December 17, 1934.
Check the timeline.

3. FDR didn't embrace the USSR out of a need in a fight against fact, at that time, FDR had a rosy relationship with Germany. So....why overlook the genocide

a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’
Last edited:
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.

he was a great president------just not perfect and allah was not telling him
what sort of guy stalin was

Your education continues:

5. Why did Stalin demand the policy of "Unconditional Surrender"?

Stalin was afraid that his erstwhile ally, Germany, would stand in his way of European, and then global, domination after the war.
Therefore, he needed Germany 'pulverized,' 'pastoralized,' 'de-industrialized'....hence he directed his agents in Washington to advance 'unconditional surrender.'

A possibility that the Allies would accept the peace overtures from anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans was anathema to Stalin!

Franz von Papen, ... German statesman and diplomat, and non-Nazi, attempted to open talks with the Allies via the Vatican. Von Papen had done so by February 1943.

In the Kremlin the thought that Papen was aiming at a separate peace with the America and Britain, and that the Vatican might play a role in bringing about an end to the hostilities in the West, could not be allowed!.

Lieutenant General Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov .... was a member of the intelligence services of the Soviet Union who rose to the rank of lieutenant general.
Pavel Sudoplatov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his 1994 memoir, Sudoplatov gave the Kremlin's analysis as: "Such an accord [a treaty with the Allies] would limit Communist influence in Europe....Stalin was so furious he ordered von Papen be assassinated, since he was the key figure around whom the Americans and the British would build an alternative government to Hitler if they signed a separate peace." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster,"
by Pavel Sudoplatov Anatoli Sudoplatov (Author), & 3 more, p. 115-116

"Such an accord would limit Communist influence in Europe."

Neither Stalin nor Roosevelt would allow that!

Monday morning quarter backing again-------in fact STALIN DID NOT
INVENT "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" ----it is classical-------greek,
roman and even biblical

Stalin imposed the policy of "Unconditional Surrender" on the Allies through his spies in the Roosevelt administration....Harry Hopkins, and Harry Dexter White.

I'll document that.'ll ignore it.

ok-----Josef Stalin ----the Georgian Bolshevik Dog was a sneaky, brutal, barbaric
egomaniac-------what else is new?

Obviously,- to you at least- is the fact that Roosevelt viewed himself as Stalin's vassal.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
Stop seeking my attention you lunatic
The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

Was there an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler????

6. Here's more proof to an anti-Nazi, anti-communist resistance movement in Germany.

… When Louis Lochner, for many years the AP bureau chief in Berlin, attempted to file a story on the activities of anti-Nazi Germans operating out of France in October 1944, U.S. military censors blocked the story.
“The government official in charge of censorship was forthcoming enough to confide to Lochner that there was a personal directive from the president of the United States ‘in his capacity of commander in chief forbidding all mention of the German resistance,’” writes Klaus P. Fischer in his 2011 book, Hitler and America.

Drawing from Lochner’s 1956 memoir Always the Unexpected, Fischer quotes Lochner’s explanation for this seemingly inexplicable and outrageous censorship: “Stories of the existence of a resistance movement did not fit into the concept of Unconditional Surrender!”

Now....why would Lochner state "that there was a personal directive from the president of the United States ‘in his capacity of commander in chief forbidding all mention of the German resistance’”"

And....more to the point...why would Roosevelt block all reference to the anti-Nazi Germans???

Answer: obedience to Joseph Stalin.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.

----judgement of quality issue is-------a matter of OPINION----- Roosevelt should
have known not to cooperate in any way with Stalin------is a MATTER OF OPINION
based on information that Roosevelt might not have had
He did much more than 'cooperate' with Stalin.

Have you considered for one minute FDR's involvement with Poland in starting the war in 1939? The stupid Anglos and Franks go to war over Poland, only to end the war by giving not only Poland to the world's worst tyrant, but half of Europe. This is somehow considered a great statists.

It was a huge mistake----IN RETROSPECT. The fact is that disgusting as he was----STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers

"...STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers..."


He was Hitler's ally. He provided the resources for the Wehrmacht.

Ever pick up a history book????

1. FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR. If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational: "Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath" by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

2. FDR knew of the Terror Famine...yet he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..." Time Magazine, December 17, 1934.
Check the timeline.

3. FDR didn't embrace the USSR out of a need in a fight against fact, at that time, FDR had a rosy relationship with Germany. So....why overlook the genocide

a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

so? you are citing world leaders way back in the early 1930s------and in the height of a WORLD WIDE economic depression -------striving to MAKE FRIENDS
Surely these revelations will convince American historians of your charges. Please package all this intelligence up and send copies to the appropriate historical organizations. I can't wait to hear the historian's response.
Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
Stop seeking my attention you lunatic
And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.

----judgement of quality issue is-------a matter of OPINION----- Roosevelt should
have known not to cooperate in any way with Stalin------is a MATTER OF OPINION
based on information that Roosevelt might not have had
He did much more than 'cooperate' with Stalin.

Have you considered for one minute FDR's involvement with Poland in starting the war in 1939? The stupid Anglos and Franks go to war over Poland, only to end the war by giving not only Poland to the world's worst tyrant, but half of Europe. This is somehow considered a great statists.

It was a huge mistake----IN RETROSPECT. The fact is that disgusting as he was----STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers

"...STALIN was our "ALLY" against the axis powers..."


He was Hitler's ally. He provided the resources for the Wehrmacht.

Ever pick up a history book????

1. FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR. If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational: "Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath" by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

2. FDR knew of the Terror Famine...yet he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..." Time Magazine, December 17, 1934.
Check the timeline.

3. FDR didn't embrace the USSR out of a need in a fight against fact, at that time, FDR had a rosy relationship with Germany. So....why overlook the genocide

a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

so? you are citing world leaders way back in the early 1930s------and in the height of a WORLD WIDE economic depression -------striving to MAKE FRIENDS

Did you want another chance?


Any inaccuracy in the following?

1. . The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
And, it wasn't.

2. The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
It served no American purpose....only those of Joseph Stalin.
And that was good enough for Roosevelt.

3 "...striving to MAKE FRIENDS

That's putting a pretty face on it.....
This is the truth:.....Roosevelt was a dictator-wannabe.....he yearned for the powers that Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini had.

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