How Franklin Roosevelt Made Memorial Day Necessary

Monday morning quarter backing

And you...a closed mind.

Clearly, you can't point to anything in my posts that is inaccurate.

Consider this: you may be ignorant of the facts.
Usually when a crazy person posts something insane and innaccurate, it's impossible to convince them they've posted something insane and innaccurate because they are crazy.

Seems that Post #18 rammed your words back down your throat, huh?
Stop seeking my attention you lunatic

You deserved having your face rubbed in it.

It was my guilty pleasure.
Surely these revelations will convince American historians of your charges. Please package all this intelligence up and send copies to the appropriate historical organizations. I can't wait to hear the historian's response.

I've seen your non-response to the fact provided..., you can scurry back to the last seat in the dumb row.

Have a safe Memorial Day.
This God damned lie again, you should be ashamed but your an oriental fifth columnist...
It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.
ZOMG how many hrs did PoliticalSpice spend combing through her rw kool aid sites copynpasting? :tinfoil: :rofl:

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Surely these revelations will convince American historians of your charges. Please package all this intelligence up and send copies to the appropriate historical organizations. I can't wait to hear the historian's response.
Oh here comes the same old BS appeal to authority.

If the state says jump, you say how high.
It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

This God damned lie again, you should be ashamed but your an oriental fifth columnist... know I never lie.

Here....let's prove it together:
Bet you can't refute either of these....

1. . The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
And, it wasn't.

2. The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
It served no American purpose....only those of Joseph Stalin.
And that was good enough for Roosevelt.
It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

Oh PC you're right... he's sooo dreamy!

Surely these revelations will convince American historians of your charges. Please package all this intelligence up and send copies to the appropriate historical organizations. I can't wait to hear the historian's response.
Oh here comes the same old BS appeal to authority.

If the state says jump, you say how high.

It is the only response he can come up with.....he certainly can't deny the facts.
Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of our war dead, is the time to note that hundred of thousands of same need not have died....had Roosevelt been more pro-America and less pro-Stalin.

Here's more evidence that there could have been an end to the war if not for Roosevelt and Stalin:

7. " In 1940, [George H.] Earle was appointed as Ambassador to Bulgaria. During World War II, he served again in the United States Navy, this time as Lieutenant Commander and as a special emissary to the Balkans, where Earle proposed a plan that he believed might bring the war in Europe to an early end.

The German ambassador and the head of the German secret service had secretly proposed a coup against Adolf Hitler that would end with Hitler turned over to the US as a war criminal, but the plot was not approved by the US government." "George Howard Earle", Governors of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,David Martin, "How FDR Dragged out WW II for Stalin

Again? ".... bring the war in Europe to an early end."

Bringing the war to an early end would have saved 200 thousand American servicemen's lives.
I thought we celebrated Decoration Day/ Memorial Day since the Civil War

Didn't know FDR went back that far
Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of our war dead, is the time to note that hundred of thousands of same need not have died....had Roosevelt been more pro-America and less pro-Stalin.

Here's more evidence that there could have been an end to the war if not for Roosevelt and Stalin:

7. " In 1940, [George H.] Earle was appointed as Ambassador to Bulgaria. During World War II, he served again in the United States Navy, this time as Lieutenant Commander and as a special emissary to the Balkans, where Earle proposed a plan that he believed might bring the war in Europe to an early end.

The German ambassador and the head of the German secret service had secretly proposed a coup against Adolf Hitler that would end with Hitler turned over to the US as a war criminal, but the plot was not approved by the US government." "George Howard Earle", Governors of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,David Martin, "How FDR Dragged out WW II for Stalin

Again? ".... bring the war in Europe to an early end."

Bringing the war to an early end would have saved 200 thousand American servicemen's lives.

that the US did not approve-----by no means PROVES that the US did not want
an early end to the war------could be that the plan was no damned good
It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

Oh PC you're right... he's sooo dreamy!


So.....there is no such post of mine....out of thousands......that suggests any such treaty with Hitler???

You were just lying out of embarrassment????

Glad we were able to work together to show that I never lie.

It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

Oh PC you're right... he's sooo dreamy!


So.....there is no such post of mine....out of thousands......that suggests any such treaty with Hitler???

You were just lying out of embarrassment????

Glad we were able to work together to show that I never lie.

It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

Oh PC you're right... he's sooo dreamy!


So.....there is no such post of mine....out of thousands......that suggests any such treaty with Hitler???

You were just lying out of embarrassment????

Glad we were able to work together to show that I never lie.


Even as dense as you are..... you ever get to the point, based on the realization that you can't refute anything I post....

....that you begin to question your indoctrination?

I thought we celebrated Decoration Day/ Memorial Day since the Civil War

Didn't know FDR went back that far

Perhaps you'd like to try...all the other indoctrinees have declined....

Can you rebut these facts?

1. . The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
And, it wasn't.

2. The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
It served no American purpose....only those of Joseph Stalin.
And that was good enough for Roosevelt. careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!
It's pretty telling that PC the lunatic wishes that, even with hindsight, we had signed a peace treaty with Hitler.

Oooo......look how easy it was to get you to lie....

Or....can you find any post of mine that suggested a treaty with Hitler?

You guys always lie when I eviscerate you with facts.

Oh PC you're right... he's sooo dreamy!


So.....there is no such post of mine....out of thousands......that suggests any such treaty with Hitler???

You were just lying out of embarrassment????

Glad we were able to work together to show that I never lie.


Even as dense as you are..... you ever get to the point, based on the realization that you can't refute anything I post....

....that you begin to question your indoctrination?

Yeah if we'd just slapped Hitler on the wrist the war would have ended way sooner and he could have been our friend! And Stalin wouldn't have been able to... uh... it would have stopped him from... uh... hmm
Memorial Day, a time of remembrance of our war dead, is the time to note that hundred of thousands of same need not have died....had Roosevelt been more pro-America and less pro-Stalin.

Here's more evidence that there could have been an end to the war if not for Roosevelt and Stalin:

7. " In 1940, [George H.] Earle was appointed as Ambassador to Bulgaria. During World War II, he served again in the United States Navy, this time as Lieutenant Commander and as a special emissary to the Balkans, where Earle proposed a plan that he believed might bring the war in Europe to an early end.

The German ambassador and the head of the German secret service had secretly proposed a coup against Adolf Hitler that would end with Hitler turned over to the US as a war criminal, but the plot was not approved by the US government." "George Howard Earle", Governors of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,David Martin, "How FDR Dragged out WW II for Stalin

Again? ".... bring the war in Europe to an early end."

Bringing the war to an early end would have saved 200 thousand American servicemen's lives.

that the US did not approve-----by no means PROVES that the US did not want
an early end to the war------could be that the plan was no damned good

"...could be that the plan was no damned good..."

Well.....let's investigate that....

And....the same George Earle that Roosevelt had selected for a fact-finding mission to Europe....and then ignored the facts that Earle provided.....

8. "George H. Earle’s series of secret negotiations with the German underground, which began with [Hitler’s chief spy Adm. Wilhelm] Canaris…. he sent Canaris’s initial query regarding a negotiated peace to the White House via diplomatic pouch in early 1943….

The next approach to Earle, also in that spring of 1943, came from Baron Kurt von Lersner, a German aristocrat of Jewish extraction who lived in virtual exile in Turkey. He, too, had a proposal for the Allies. Earle wrote, “According to Lersner— and I could not doubt him; he had placed his life in my hands— some of the highest officials in Germany, [ambassador to Turkey Franz von] Papen included, loved their country but hated Hitler. They wanted to end the war before he bled Germany of all her youth, all her strength and resources. At the same time, they were deeply concerned about Russia’s growing might and power.” …

Earle sent off another dispatch to FDR at the White House marked “Urgent.” Again, Earle received no reply. “I pressed the matter with every ounce of my persuasion and judgment,” Earle wrote, “but I sensed the old trouble. Lersner’s call for an overt stand against Communist expansion distressed Roosevelt.” …

Earle wrote that his German contacts came back to him with another more specific plan, laying out the involvement of Field Marshal Ludwig Beck; Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, chief of police of Berlin; Prince Gottfried Bismarck, a Potsdam official and grandson of the “Iron Chancellor”; and a well-known cavalry officer, Freiherr von Boeselager. Again, the plan was to stage a coup, turn over Hitler and his top henchmen to the Allies, and bring about Germany’s “unconditional surrender, with one condition”: The Russians were not to be allowed into Central Europe, including Germany or territory at that time controlled by Germany." "Wedemeyer Reports!: An objective, dispassionate examination of World War II, postwar policies, and Grand Strategy," Hardcover – 1959by General Albert C. Wedemeyer

Get the picture??? FDR would not sign on to ending the war unless Stalin inherited...occupied...... Europe.

Soooo......what's the explanation for Roosevelt refusing to allow the war to end???

Answer: Joseph Stalin you find this a "bad plan">.".. the plan was to stage a coup, turn over Hitler and his top henchmen to the Allies, and bring about Germany’s “unconditional surrender, with one condition”: The Russians were not to be allowed into Central Europe, including Germany or territory at that time controlled by Germany." the benefit of saving 200,000 American lives.
Happy Memorial Day.
I thought we celebrated Decoration Day/ Memorial Day since the Civil War

Didn't know FDR went back that far

Perhaps you'd like to try...all the other indoctrinees have declined....

Can you rebut these facts?

1. . The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."
And, it wasn't.

2. The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.
It served no American purpose....only those of Joseph Stalin.
And that was good enough for Roosevelt. careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!
Frau Braun at her best for Memorial Day

Unconditional Surrender is the only option America would accept
But Frau Braun here wants us to take it easy on Hitler

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