CDZ How Free Speech Died on Campus


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
This article explains the slow death of free speech at the hands of speech codes enacted by overzealous administrators at various universities and colleges in the past 15 years.

My opinion here is that while in an attempt by a college to encourage free speech, it winds up limiting it. Students fear having an unpopular opinion on campus, and intimidation is rampant. Free speech you say? There's nothing free about it when you're in college.

The people who believe that colleges and universities are places where we want less freedom of speech have won," Mr. Lukianoff says. "If anything, there should be even greater freedom of speech on college campuses. But now things have been turned around to give campus communities the expectation that if someone's feelings are hurt by something that is said, the university will protect that person. As soon as you allow something as vague as Big Brother protecting your feelings, anything and everything can be punished.

How Free Speech Died on Campus
Gee, TK, you sure have a great interest in what happens on college campuses. This is your third thread on the issue in two days.

Intimidation is rampant?

Lukianoff? He's a very impartial observer. Good choice.
This article explains the slow death of free speech at the hands of speech codes enacted by overzealous administrators at various universities and colleges in the past 15 years.

My opinion here is that while in an attempt by a college to encourage free speech, it winds up limiting it. Students fear having an unpopular opinion on campus, and intimidation is rampant. Free speech you say? There's nothing free about it when you're in college.

The people who believe that colleges and universities are places where we want less freedom of speech have won," Mr. Lukianoff says. "If anything, there should be even greater freedom of speech on college campuses. But now things have been turned around to give campus communities the expectation that if someone's feelings are hurt by something that is said, the university will protect that person. As soon as you allow something as vague as Big Brother protecting your feelings, anything and everything can be punished.

How Free Speech Died on Campus
We're creating an army of hypersensitive narcissists who are existing in some weird intellectual & emotional vacuum.

This is what PC has wrought - college should be a mind-opening environment in which kids learn how to deal with (and learn from) new ideas and with people whose views are different. Instead, these kids are being developed & nurtured within an ideological cocoon that won't resemble real life much at all.

Meh. Fascinating to watch, if nothing else.
"How Free Speech Died on Campus"


Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private citizens and private organizations.

Private colleges and universities are at liberty to control speech as they see fit, where any restrictions on speech imposed in no way constitutes a 'violation' of 'free speech.'

State and public colleges and universities are subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, and as long as their policies concerning restricting speech comports with that jurisprudence, there is likewise no 'violation' of free speech.

And whether students attend a state or private college or university, as private citizens their opinions and viewpoints in justified, warranted opposition to racism, bigotry, and hate in no way 'violate' free speech – as again, the the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not private citizens such as college students.

Moreover, advocates of the myth of 'political correctness' attempt to propagate the lie that students expressing their opinions and viewpoints in justified, warranted opposition to racism, bigotry, and hate have a 'chilling effect' on 'free speech,' resulting in de facto 'censorship' and 'restriction,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

That bigots and racists refrain from expressing their ignorance and hate out of concern for appropriate, warranted, and justified condemnation by private society as a whole is solely the responsibility of bigots and racists, in no way resulting in 'de facto censorship and restriction'; indeed, this is the source of the myth of 'political correctness,' the contempt most have on the right for unfettered dialogue and debate in a free and democratic society.

Consequently, the thread premise fails: free speech is alive and well on college campuses, as it is elsewhere in the United States.
"How Free Speech Died on Campus"


Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private citizens and private organizations.

Private colleges and universities are at liberty to control speech as they see fit, where any restrictions on speech imposed in no way constitutes a 'violation' of 'free speech.'

State and public colleges and universities are subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, and as long as their policies concerning restricting speech comports with that jurisprudence, there is likewise no 'violation' of free speech.

And whether students attend a state or private college or university, as private citizens their opinions and viewpoints in justified, warranted opposition to racism, bigotry, and hate in no way 'violate' free speech – as again, the the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not private citizens such as college students.

Moreover, advocates of the myth of 'political correctness' attempt to propagate the lie that students expressing their opinions and viewpoints in justified, warranted opposition to racism, bigotry, and hate have a 'chilling effect' on 'free speech,' resulting in de facto 'censorship' and 'restriction,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

That bigots and racists refrain from expressing their ignorance and hate out of concern for appropriate, warranted, and justified condemnation by private society as a whole is solely the responsibility of bigots and racists, in no way resulting in 'de facto censorship and restriction'; indeed, this is the source of the myth of 'political correctness,' the contempt most have on the right for unfettered dialogue and debate in a free and democratic society.

Consequently, the thread premise fails: free speech is alive and well on college campuses, as it is elsewhere in the United States.
Free speech is failing on most campuses just as your definition of it has failed you, You have scant idea of what freedom is let alone free speech. Your concept of free speech falls within the parameters of what is acceptable, and all else is inherently some sort of logical fallacy. The mantra according to Orwell's 'Animal Farm' was four legs good, two legs bad.

Sheep do not have the ability nor the intellect to arrive at such a conclusion, except for those who are human. The intellectual aspect however, remains in doubt.
Partisan ideology is truly fascinating.

There are people who claim that all is fine on campuses, that nothing has changed, that anyone can freely say anything.

I don't know if these people (a) really don't see what is happening, (b) see what is happening but deny it because they like it, or (c) are so blinded by their partisan ideology that their mind will not absorb it.

Always interesting. There is simply no way to know.
The Constitution is apparently not applicable in some liberal colleges. Some students claim their feelings are hurt when they are called names and they need to change the administration and faculties until their point of view is in the majority. Meaning, the Political Correctness abounds in these institutions.

But hurting someone's feelings does occur from time to time. It is something that all citizens find they have to ignore the insults and "consider the source." Those who engage with name calling is beneath most people's time and energy. Just shake your head and carry on. The College experience is about is growing up.

If someone calls you a name when you get out of school. what are you going to do? Demand the president resign because the DOJ didn't come to your aid? All races have to grow up and learn how to cope with all people, not just the ones you are comfortable with. Blacks will be working with whites. Whites may have a black administrator above him that he calls boss. Deal with it appropriately. And you were supposed to learn that in your teens and early 20's. In college if you get a higher education.

Colleges should not take those experiences away from people. They have to learn to deal with all races without the aid of segregated "healing spaces." Grow up people.
University? Free speech? The two are antonyms.
The university is a medieval hierarchy of controlled "opinion", nothing more and probably a lot less. Simply not fit to survive the modern access to information.
The death throes of the university slavery system are something we will all have to endure, though we will be better of when it finally dies.

Bottom line to the youngsters out there:
If you are too stupid to learn something on your own then you are too stupid to survive in the modern world.
Otherwise enjoy your debt slavery college boy, maybe you could flip burgers with your "degree"?
Your professor/debtor is counting on you to work many years to pay for his new vacation house.
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University? Free speech? The two are antonyms.
The university is a medieval hierarchy of controlled "opinion", nothing more and probably a lot less. Simply not fit to survive the modern access to information.
The death throes of the university slavery system are something we will all have to endure, though we will be better of when it finally dies.

Bottom line to the youngsters out there:
If you are too stupid to learn something on your own then you are too stupid to survive in the modern world.
Otherwise enjoy your debt slavery college boy, maybe you could flip burgers with your "degree"?
Your professor/debtor is counting on you to work many years to pay for his new vacation house.

Well-stated description of the insidious nature of government-financed higher education: Students are thus lured into these left-wing thought factories which produce programmed minions who vote reliably but have little or no economic skills or value.

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