How has the Obama years effected you personally?

Healthcare premiums up $4865 since Obama promised to cut them $2500 :eek:

Remember “if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it?” Yeah, that was a pretty good Obama lie. In fact it was PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year” and also topped the Washington Post’s “Biggest Pinocchios of 2013” – “Pinocchio” being a nice of way of saying “pile of bovine excrement.”

Read more at (no title)
I've only been around this site for maybe a few months and over and over and over again, all you see is this negative shit about Obama and now the dept ceiling circus is about to start....but guys, I would like to know, since 2008 and now, what exactly has impacted your life so intensely that you find a need to come here every mf day and whine about it....just askin?

What has this president done that all the fuckin presidents has done that make you nuts come here and whine almost daily?
he got born half black.

other than that he really hasn't done anything wrong. The GOP enabled crooks to crash the world's economy. He's had to his best with a crippled economy and the Gop Oppose him on every bill because he's black.
He is a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy.

And he has obviously driven me crazy...for I have had to resort to a message board for psychic relief where I can call him a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy. It is a bit more satisfying than going to the window and screaming: "I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Driven me to a message board...where I find so many people sucking at the public teat...or seeking to suck...that they are happy to have a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy, as long as he is giving out Free Stuff.

Merit, Self-Reliance, Hard Work....those values have pretty much been declared Racist by this consummate Ass Obama....and the lazy socialist cocksuckers who adore him.

He has 478 days left in office. God help us. Its too long.
Healthcare premiums up $4865 since Obama promised to cut them $2500 :eek:

Remember “if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it?” Yeah, that was a pretty good Obama lie. In fact it was PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year” and also topped the Washington Post’s “Biggest Pinocchios of 2013” – “Pinocchio” being a nice of way of saying “pile of bovine excrement.”

Read more at (no title)

Okay, so did you lose you're healthcare plan? And because the greedy fuckin health industry raised costs, that's Obama's fault?
He is a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy.

And he has obviously driven me crazy...for I have had to resort to a message board for psychic relief where I can call him a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy. It is a bit more satisfying than going to the window and screaming: "I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Driven me to a message board...where I find so many people sucking at the public teat...or seeking to suck...that they are happy to have a Liar, a Socialist, and a Pussy, as long as he is giving out Free Stuff.

Merit, Self-Reliance, Hard Work....those values have pretty much been declared Racist by this consummate Ass Obama....and the lazy socialist cocksuckers who adore him.

He has 478 days left in office. God help us. Its too long.

All that rhetorical rage and still, can't name one motherfuckin thing the man has done that has effected you personally....FBI are you keeping an eye on this nut, I see another terrorist in the makings....cause this mf needs help.
Good topic question.
Obama energy policy has cost us over $60,000 in disposable income -- so far. And it coincided with our most significant expense period -- our kid in college.
Living in a mostly black locale, obama's racial division politics have exacerbated black racism.
Now we have the new USSR and it's islimic affiliates generating a new Cold War.
That pretty much sums up how our subversive-in-chief has performed.

Snicker......Okay, explain to me how this energy policy has effected you...what the sun didn't shine on your solar panel, how has it effected you and your family??? Oh, so because Obama did what? you now live in fear of blacks??? Explain what have they done to you thus far? And fuck Russia, I want personal shit and unless your in uniform, no need to comment.....I'll be waiting
His policies and epa regulations has raised my power over 30%. My water bill has tripled. For starters.

LOLOLOL oh and lets blame him for the wife cheating on you to, the kids getting bad grades and the boss on your job writing you got complaints, its called STATE ISSUES, CITY CONCERNS, LACK OF STATE REVENUE, ETC....THIS IS NOT A OBAMA ISSUE, YOU DUMP FUCK!!
Good topic question.
Obama energy policy has cost us over $60,000 in disposable income -- so far. And it coincided with our most significant expense period -- our kid in college.
Living in a mostly black locale, obama's racial division politics have exacerbated black racism.
Now we have the new USSR and it's islimic affiliates generating a new Cold War.
That pretty much sums up how our subversive-in-chief has performed.

Snicker......Okay, explain to me how this energy policy has effected you...what the sun didn't shine on your solar panel, how has it effected you and your family??? Oh, so because Obama did what? you now live in fear of blacks??? Explain what have they done to you thus far? And fuck Russia, I want personal shit and unless your in uniform, no need to comment.....I'll be waiting
Obama energy policy drives up energy costs which transfer to all consumer goods costs. Everything costs 15-40% more while wages have stagnated and dropped. Our personal lost income is over $60k so far.
Black self-ID has undermined integration and segregationist influence has prevailed and expanded. Riots in Baltimore affected my locale. Plus our schools are performing at the same low level, crime is high and it is more and more excused by black racism.
Go look at Russia's new alliance with Iran and the vacuums in Iraq and Syria that obama created with his premature Iraq troop withdrawal and feckless approach in the ME.

You're insane...The White House plan would order power plants to cut carbon emissions 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The aim is to encourage an aggressive shift toward renewable energy and away from coal-fired electricity, pushing utilities to invest even more heavily in wind and solar energy.

Change is good.....and if you got issues with wages, with low performing schools, etc...than stop voting the GOP ticket you moron and get on board with the dems, who want better wages, better schools, etc.
Healthcare company I worked for ... Over 8 years ...moved half of it's jobs over seas to Mexico, India and the Phillipines. The rest had to move back to their home office in Ohio. Laying off well over 500 People... Directly related to changes due to the ACA.

Same company has been struggling ever since. Hope no one needs medical supplies, IV systems or drugs BTW.

If ACA does anything its a job builder....but again, the Health care industry is about profits and that's why we need single payer to get these people, you out of the middle man business into the direct line of service. Blame your company, the don't want to pay a decent wage and would rather find it offshore cheaply, but how is that Obama's fault. I work in the mortgage industry, 80% of our jobs are in the same offshore countries as in the new redwhiteandblue!! Do I blame Obama, NO!!
Good topic question.
Obama energy policy has cost us over $60,000 in disposable income -- so far. And it coincided with our most significant expense period -- our kid in college.
Living in a mostly black locale, obama's racial division politics have exacerbated black racism.
Now we have the new USSR and it's islimic affiliates generating a new Cold War.
That pretty much sums up how our subversive-in-chief has performed.

Snicker......Okay, explain to me how this energy policy has effected you...what the sun didn't shine on your solar panel, how has it effected you and your family??? Oh, so because Obama did what? you now live in fear of blacks??? Explain what have they done to you thus far? And fuck Russia, I want personal shit and unless your in uniform, no need to comment.....I'll be waiting
Obama energy policy drives up energy costs which transfer to all consumer goods costs. Everything costs 15-40% more while wages have stagnated and dropped. Our personal lost income is over $60k so far.
Black self-ID has undermined integration and segregationist influence has prevailed and expanded. Riots in Baltimore affected my locale. Plus our schools are performing at the same low level, crime is high and it is more and more excused by black racism.
Go look at Russia's new alliance with Iran and the vacuums in Iraq and Syria that obama created with his premature Iraq troop withdrawal and feckless approach in the ME.

You're insane...The White House plan would order power plants to cut carbon emissions 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The aim is to encourage an aggressive shift toward renewable energy and away from coal-fired electricity, pushing utilities to invest even more heavily in wind and solar energy.

Change is good.....and if you got issues with wages, with low performing schools, etc...than stop voting the GOP ticket you moron and get on board with the dems, who want better wages, better schools, etc.
Geez, you're dense. Where do the dems get the money for better wages, etc.?
Obama's reimposing of fossil fuel extraction restrictions is what screwed the economy. Practically from day one of his having taken the country hostage.
Hmmmmmm.............. Looks like mostly a bunch of losers that can't stand the thought of a Black Man in the White House. This old lib has made 100k in 7 of the last 8 years, and looks like I will repeat that this year.
My business was painfully slow for the first 3 or 4 years. Now it's like we hit a wall. The work is there but the jobs are craptacular as compared to pre crash.
I've only been around this site for maybe a few months and over and over and over again, all you see is this negative shit about Obama and now the dept ceiling circus is about to start....but guys, I would like to know, since 2008 and now, what exactly has impacted your life so intensely that you find a need to come here every mf day and whine about it....just askin?

What has this president done that all the fuckin presidents has done that make you nuts come here and whine almost daily?
Game changer. I use it as an example to kids all the time both negative and positive to prove my point. While whites are uncomfortable with Black people having success they cant stop you if you dont quit.
Hmmmmmm.............. Looks like mostly a bunch of losers that can't stand the thought of a Black Man in the White House. This old lib has made 100k in 7 of the last 8 years, and looks like I will repeat that this year.
How original. Playing the race card in defense of the hack.
My house has continued to make $100k over the past seven years, too. Problem is that we're actually aware of and adversely affected by the $60k increase in costs for all consumer goods during that period. You probably have as well but are oblivious to it. You should get yourself an accountant.
how has obama affected me personally???
I get to come on this forum and make outrageous statements about our peace prize laureate
he's also raised my IQ. Who else thinks that taking a plastic box off of a 1980's clock makes a person a freakin genius

seriously: I can't find 60 grain .224 v max bullets
varget reloading powder is now harder than hell to get
.22 bullets have been like hens teeth.
he's lowered property values in my area by bringing those freakin syrians in here.This also put a financial strain on county services.

need I go on....
Healthcare premiums up $4865 since Obama promised to cut them $2500 :eek:

Remember “if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it?” Yeah, that was a pretty good Obama lie. In fact it was PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year” and also topped the Washington Post’s “Biggest Pinocchios of 2013” – “Pinocchio” being a nice of way of saying “pile of bovine excrement.”

Read more at (no title)

Okay, so did you lose you're healthcare plan? And because the greedy fuckin health industry raised costs, that's Obama's fault?

You really are stupid. Face the facts, Obama is a fucking disaster
Good topic question.
Obama energy policy has cost us over $60,000 in disposable income -- so far. And it coincided with our most significant expense period -- our kid in college.
Living in a mostly black locale, obama's racial division politics have exacerbated black racism.
Now we have the new USSR and it's islimic affiliates generating a new Cold War.
That pretty much sums up how our subversive-in-chief has performed.

Snicker......Okay, explain to me how this energy policy has effected you...what the sun didn't shine on your solar panel, how has it effected you and your family??? Oh, so because Obama did what? you now live in fear of blacks??? Explain what have they done to you thus far? And fuck Russia, I want personal shit and unless your in uniform, no need to comment.....I'll be waiting
His policies and epa regulations has raised my power over 30%. My water bill has tripled. For starters.

LOLOLOL oh and lets blame him for the wife cheating on you to, the kids getting bad grades and the boss on your job writing you got complaints, its called STATE ISSUES, CITY CONCERNS, LACK OF STATE REVENUE, ETC....THIS IS NOT A OBAMA ISSUE, YOU DUMP FUCK!!
He said himself that under his policies energy prices will skyrocket. You dumb fuck.
Hmmmmmm.............. Looks like mostly a bunch of losers that can't stand the thought of a Black Man in the White House. This old lib has made 100k in 7 of the last 8 years, and looks like I will repeat that this year.
Sounds like your main priorities in life are skin color and how much money you have. Interesting.
Obamas life is a big lie. Nothing about his personal history before occupying our White House, is true. This man is made up in order to position him for the presidency. Even his girlfriend was a composite.

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