How High Will High SALT get in High SALT States After April 15th

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?
dimocrap scum been bitching about 'pay your fair share' for years but when President Of The United States Of America, Donald John Trump actually does something about it -- They whine like the little bitches they are.

If dimocrap scum States want to lower the tax burden on dimocrap scum elites, then maybe they should do so themselves. I have no desire to subsidize dimocrap scum living in Kalifornication or New Yawk Shitty.

Better yet, they can move to low/no Tax States.

But look at how much they get for what they pay in State Taxes --


And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?
/----/ Gov Fredo Cuomo is actually looking to cut spending.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in his budget, proposed slashing $60 million from the state's $715 million Aid and Incentives for Municipalities funding as a way of reducing costs — money that many municipalities already have budgeted for the current year.

New York is currently facing a looming $2.3 billion budget deficit as a result of slowing tax revenue, which is complicating Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed spending plan for the next fiscal year.
dimocrap scum been bitching about 'pay your fair share' for years but when President Of The United States Of America, Donald John Trump actually does something about it -- They whine like the little bitches they are.

If dimocrap scum States want to lower the tax burden on dimocrap scum elites, then maybe they should do so themselves. I have no desire to subsidize dimocrap scum living in Kalifornication or New Yawk Shitty.

Better yet, they can move to low/no Tax States.

But look at how much they get for what they pay in State Taxes --


/----/ SALT states, like my NY, should cap the taxes at $10,000 a year. Just cut spending.
The blood sucking, negative income red states desperate to suck more out of prosperous blue states
And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?

It'll go as high as the voters allow it to. The blue states are going to beat the bushes looking for anything they can tax or raise taxes on. From Forbes:

In addition to a graduated income tax hike, Governor Pritzker is seeking to generate additional revenue for state coffers by raising taxes on vaping devices and electronic cigarettes, as well as legalizing marijuana. Illinois is not the only blue state where Democratic lawmakers are working to move from a flat to a progressive income tax structure.

Voters in Massachusetts have rejected five previous ballot measures to impose a progressive tax hike on upper income households. That isn’t stopping proponents of a graduated income tax from making another go of it in 2019.

This proposal would also hit thousands of small businesses who file under the individual income tax system.

According to IRS data, more than 529,000 Massachusetts sole proprietors, along with 184,000 S-Corps shareholders and partners filed under the individual income tax system in 2016, the most recent year for which data is available, and more than 15,000 of those small business owners would be hit by the progressive income tax hike proposed by Senator Lewis as a way to soak the rich.

Blue State Lawmakers Target Wealthy With Progressive Income Tax Hikes That Would Hit Small Business

And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?
/----/ Gov Fredo Cuomo is actually looking to cut spending.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in his budget, proposed slashing $60 million from the state's $715 million Aid and Incentives for Municipalities funding as a way of reducing costs — money that many municipalities already have budgeted for the current year.

New York is currently facing a looming $2.3 billion budget deficit as a result of slowing tax revenue, which is complicating Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed spending plan for the next fiscal year.

If NYC is anything like California, they'll cut programs the public uses the most. God forbid they make any cuts at the upper end of the food chain.
And Toro, who does know his business, does not have nearly as good data as he thinks he has. The bond ratings companies did accept bribes to lie about actual ratings in the run up to the meltdown and almost certainly did so in the run up to dot bomb. And with IL and NY being the big 'uns when it comes to capital markets I think we are probably seeing a default due to over rated bonds in the relatively near future in either IL or NY. That will lead to a DOJ/SEC investigation from hell that will take all the way to the 2020 election and beyond to clean up.
And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?
/----/ Gov Fredo Cuomo is actually looking to cut spending.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in his budget, proposed slashing $60 million from the state's $715 million Aid and Incentives for Municipalities funding as a way of reducing costs — money that many municipalities already have budgeted for the current year.

New York is currently facing a looming $2.3 billion budget deficit as a result of slowing tax revenue, which is complicating Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed spending plan for the next fiscal year.

If NYC is anything like California, they'll cut programs the public uses the most. God forbid they make any cuts at the upper end of the food chain.

According to my brother-in law and cousins of my wife that ball dropped long ago.
And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?

It'll go as high as the voters allow it to. The blue states are going to beat the bushes looking for anything they can tax or raise taxes on. From Forbes:

In addition to a graduated income tax hike, Governor Pritzker is seeking to generate additional revenue for state coffers by raising taxes on vaping devices and electronic cigarettes, as well as legalizing marijuana. Illinois is not the only blue state where Democratic lawmakers are working to move from a flat to a progressive income tax structure.

Voters in Massachusetts have rejected five previous ballot measures to impose a progressive tax hike on upper income households. That isn’t stopping proponents of a graduated income tax from making another go of it in 2019.

This proposal would also hit thousands of small businesses who file under the individual income tax system.

According to IRS data, more than 529,000 Massachusetts sole proprietors, along with 184,000 S-Corps shareholders and partners filed under the individual income tax system in 2016, the most recent year for which data is available, and more than 15,000 of those small business owners would be hit by the progressive income tax hike proposed by Senator Lewis as a way to soak the rich.

Blue State Lawmakers Target Wealthy With Progressive Income Tax Hikes That Would Hit Small Business
New Englanders, folks from MD and those from other high SALT jurisdictions are running housing prices through the roof not just here in FL but also GA and AL. The crooks in LA and MS are getting pushed away slowly but surely by US snowbirds
The voters in California have to approve any new taxes on the masses. The Mayor of San Francisco has begun a new program to cleanup the homeless and the drug users from the streets. Now if I lived there I would go out and pick up the used needles and used bags of crank, heroin, and other shit. It is just me that I will not sit idle while deterioration is occurring around me.
And by the way please say the title three times real, real fast prior to posting.

As we all know the answer to a shrinking tax base in high SALT states is increased state and local taxes.

How high can that fly?

It'll go as high as the voters allow it to. The blue states are going to beat the bushes looking for anything they can tax or raise taxes on. From Forbes:

In addition to a graduated income tax hike, Governor Pritzker is seeking to generate additional revenue for state coffers by raising taxes on vaping devices and electronic cigarettes, as well as legalizing marijuana. Illinois is not the only blue state where Democratic lawmakers are working to move from a flat to a progressive income tax structure.

Voters in Massachusetts have rejected five previous ballot measures to impose a progressive tax hike on upper income households. That isn’t stopping proponents of a graduated income tax from making another go of it in 2019.

This proposal would also hit thousands of small businesses who file under the individual income tax system.

According to IRS data, more than 529,000 Massachusetts sole proprietors, along with 184,000 S-Corps shareholders and partners filed under the individual income tax system in 2016, the most recent year for which data is available, and more than 15,000 of those small business owners would be hit by the progressive income tax hike proposed by Senator Lewis as a way to soak the rich.

Blue State Lawmakers Target Wealthy With Progressive Income Tax Hikes That Would Hit Small Business
New Englanders, folks from MD and those from other high SALT jurisdictions are running housing prices through the roof not just here in FL but also GA and AL. The crooks in LA and MS are getting pushed away slowly but surely by US snowbirds
The housing in all areas is deficient and causing prices to rise. Even in the farming areas of California prices are moving up as people from the bay area are priced out and need to live somewhere.
The blood sucking, negative income red states desperate to suck more out of prosperous blue states
/----/ Think of it as income equality on steroids. Then you'll like it.
I no longer support funding you trash in flyover country. Not after what you’ve become.
/-----/ Libtards demand redistribution, libtards get redistribution, libtards attack redistribution. BTWn will you get tired of funding the welfare queens and illegals?
The blood sucking, negative income red states desperate to suck more out of prosperous blue states
/----/ Think of it as income equality on steroids. Then you'll like it.
I no longer support funding you trash in flyover country. Not after what you’ve become.
/-----/ Libtards demand redistribution, libtards get redistribution, libtards attack redistribution. BTWn will you get tired of funding the welfare queens and illegals?

Doubling down on dumb is the odds on favorite.
The blood sucking, negative income red states desperate to suck more out of prosperous blue states
/----/ Think of it as income equality on steroids. Then you'll like it.
I no longer support funding you trash in flyover country. Not after what you’ve become.
/-----/ Libtards demand redistribution, libtards get redistribution, libtards attack redistribution. BTWn will you get tired of funding the welfare queens and illegals?
Once, but not anymore. I will never vote to fund a red state for anything again.
The blood sucking, negative income red states desperate to suck more out of prosperous blue states

Maybe you should recalculate to include the up to 35% tax subsidies the high tax States have been getting. Of course that doesn't count with you regressives, you think you're, ENTITLED. LMAO

dimocrap scum been bitching about 'pay your fair share' for years but when President Of The United States Of America, Donald John Trump actually does something about it -- They whine like the little bitches they are.

If dimocrap scum States want to lower the tax burden on dimocrap scum elites, then maybe they should do so themselves. I have no desire to subsidize dimocrap scum living in Kalifornication or New Yawk Shitty.

Better yet, they can move to low/no Tax States.

But look at how much they get for what they pay in State Taxes --



Stay right there, baby! I'll be there in a minute!

(She's Hawt)

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