Zone1 How important is it you as a Christian?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
That there is enmity between people and snakes.

15 And I will put enmity between thee (the snake) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
I'm not seeing this given enmity as important only to one category of God's loving believers, but to all mankind.

But since I love the Lord Christ very much, I had to take my mama dog to the veteranarian's two weeks ago because she defended her two daughter doggies and took a snake bite for her trouble that tripled the size of her neck until the vet's shot and other medicine kicked in. She wouldn't let any of her year-old pups take a snake bite. It made me love Miss Songie more, and Mr. Copperhead has not shown himself around here since. I never got to see him, but the veterinarian said her symptoms told him it was a Coipperhead that bit her causing all that damage. I'm grateful to God her life was spared, and she's just fine now and lounging on the large chair behind me. I totally love this brave animal girl and the puppies she defended in this household. 💗💗💗
That there is enmity between people and snakes.

15 And I will put enmity between thee (the snake) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
The "woman" represents Jesus's church on Earth. The snake represents Satan. The enmity is between people who are of God and people who are of Satan.
The "woman" represents Jesus's church on Earth. The snake represents Satan. The enmity is between people who are of God and people who are of Satan.
Don't forget Adam, who represents Jesus Christ.
That there is enmity between people and snakes.

15 And I will put enmity between thee (the snake) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
Never was taken that way, not one Creed has the identity of the snake as DE FIDE. Not one.
That alone destroys your premise, your logic, and your concluson.

Have a nice day.
Never was taken that way, not one Creed has the identity of the snake as DE FIDE. Not one.
That alone destroys your premise, your logic, and your concluson.

Have a nice day.
This thread is tongue-in-cheek, aimed at literalists.
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This thread is tongue-in-cheek, aimed at literalists.
I had a friend like you as a child. He would throw sht at you or something and then say "just kidding" -- because if you say you're kidding well that's okay, right ?
I had a friend like you as a child. He would throw sht at you or something and then say "just kidding" -- because if you say you're kidding well that's okay, right ?
Tongue-in-cheek isn't "just kidding". There is irony, subtilties, and humor.

Regardless of 'de fide' millions of Christians believe there was an actual snake in the garden, and it seems that the churches are more than happy to let them.
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Eve didn't produce the snake or the bride., I never saw that said in the bible.
Correct, she just blamed the snake for deceiving her. The second known example of an external locus of control. Adam was the first when he blamed God for making the woman.
Correct, she just blamed the snake for deceiving her. The second known example of an external locus of control. Adam was the first when he blamed God for making the woman.
Where does Adam blame God? The serpent(Fallen anointed Cherub who spoke through the serpent) did deceive her.
Eve didn't produce the snake or the bride., I never saw that said in the bible.
The 'snake' wasn't a snake. It was the product of the literary device of anthropomorphism. Review the root word in the Hebrew dictionary.

"Belly" doesn't mean 'go on your belly' (like a snake). Review the root word in the Hebrew dictionary.

If Eve was going to only produce 'the children of God', and the Serpent was going to father the evil people, why would God curse her by her bringing forth children in sorrow (grievous hardship).

Why would God tell the snake that it would eat dirt all of its days when there's no evidence that snakes ever ate dirt. We do know that women eat dirt and have for perhaps thousands of years.

The story only makes sense if Eve was being possessed by the serpent from within as an 'alter ego' and God was speaking to 'both' in the whole discourse, just as Jesus was speaking to Satan while looking directly at Peter.
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Eve didn't produce the snake or the bride., I never saw that said in the bible.
Eve produced the serpent's seed, Cain
She also produced God's seed, Abel.
There was 'enmity' between them.

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