Biden's fingerprints are all over Trump prosecutions.

If you walk out of the store with a case of beer on the bottom of the cart you didnt know was there you dont get charged with a crime when you bring it back in. Trump took the case of beer locked it in the car, drove the car around, told the cops he didnt have the beer, then had his lawyer lie about having the beer, then put it in his bathroom. Yea. Good point nostradumbass.
Extremely poor analogy stupid gator
We are talking about Tater and him stealing classified docs, Dumbass. He knew he had them, it wasn't an accident.

You can't accidentally steal hundreds of classified documents over decades from a SCIF, stupid.
Neither Biden nor Pence hid their documents in an effort to keep them. You are as disingenuous as your are mentally incapacitated. Mentally incapacitated means dumb by the way.

Hur’s report says the differences between the two cases are “clear.” Unlike Biden — who cooperated with investigators, agreed to searches of his homes and sat for a voluntary interview — the allegations in Trump’s case present “serious aggravating facts,” Hur wrote.

“Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite,” the report said.

For instance, prosecutors say, after the Justice Department issued a subpoena for the records in May 2022, Trump asked his own lawyers if he could defy the request and said words to the effect of, “I don’t want anybody looking through my boxes.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” one of his lawyers described him as saying, according to the indictment.
I disagree. By law Trump had the right to keep those documents. By law Biden had no right to have those documents. Trump was the president when he removed those documents, your article assumes that Biden was President also when he took those documents. He was not. Huge difference. I found your article to be biased and assumptive.
I note you have no proof. Just whining and crying.

Where did you post proof? Your source is a right wing conspiracy theory website.

You haven't presented any proof that Biden had anything to do with these prosecutions. Just like you have presented any proof that Biden is taking bribes from foreign countries.

If Biden really wanted to go after Trump, he go after him for theft from the public treasury, tax evasion, overbilling on Secret Service accommodations, obstruction of justice while President, "pay for play" at his East Coast Golf Clubs, hiring illegal aliens, selling pardons. He'd be investigating why Trump's personal account received hundreds of millions of dollars from over 200 foreign entities in the year after he left office, while he held onto classified documents. If Biden REALLY did want to go after Trump.

Instead, the reason why there are now "fake electors" criminal cases in 4 different states now, is because the states gave up waiting for the feds to file cases against these schemes.
I disagree. By law Trump had the right to keep those documents. By law Biden had no right to have those documents. Trump was the president when he removed those documents, your article assumes that Biden was President also when he took those documents. He was not. Huge difference. I found your article to be biased and assumptive.

By what law????? The one Trump made up?

How does this let him off the hook for lying to the FBI, refusing to return the documents, even when given a Court Order to do so, hiding the documents, or obstructing the investigation?

If Trump had, at any time, simply returned the documents, nothing would have happened. Instead, he went out of his way to be a complete asshole and got himself arrested for it. Why?

Why did he have to rant and rave and carry on like a complete asshole when E. Jean Carroll's book came out? Probably because he thought he could bully her around. Trump likes bullying women around. If he had said nothing, the book would have been forgotten in a week, but Trump had to make it into a real big fucking deal, by lying about this woman. Because he thought he could.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for the mess he's made of everything.
By what law????? The one Trump made up?

How does this let him off the hook for lying to the FBI, refusing to return the documents, even when given a Court Order to do so, hiding the documents, or obstructing the investigation?

If Trump had, at any time, simply returned the documents, nothing would have happened. Instead, he went out of his way to be a complete asshole and got himself arrested for it. Why?

Why did he have to rant and rave and carry on like a complete asshole when E. Jean Carroll's book came out? Probably because he thought he could bully her around. Trump likes bullying women around. If he had said nothing, the book would have been forgotten in a week, but Trump had to make it into a real big fucking deal, by lying about this woman. Because he thought he could.

Trump has no one to blame but himself for the mess he's made of everything.
Another tantrum from proven liar dragonbitch. Carroll is sweating bullets because the appeal is being heard and she's already been caught lying. Trump didn't lie. SHE did and continues to do so. Too bad for you there's a letter thanking Trump for cooperating in the documents issue. You have nobody to blame but yourself for you utter stupidity.

Barack Ovomit fingerprints even more than the helpless cretin Biden

Biden's fingerprints are all over Trump prosecutions.​

"Coming from the Commander-in-Rigging"

Coming from the Federalists, not too surprising they resort immediately to petty name calling because they have no evident that Biden directed any of the state prosecutions of Benedict Donald. Just tenuous links to make spectacular claims.
Biden is a disgrace like all demscum
Thanks. Your legal assessment also has zippo to do with the event. Just ask Hur.
The guy who laud out multiple felonies then sad Tater was too much of a vegetable to understand what was going on if he took him to court?
Oh it was done, I just don't know when. Stop assuming
If you don’t know … then you are the one assuming because you have no evidence that it occurred. This is what is commonly referred to as “baseless”. It is also the mark of a cult: the leader is always right…no evidence required.
Obviously stolen classified information. A vice president has no right to take. It's really simple
A Vice President has the same rights concerning classified material as the President. This has been the case since Obama issued EO 13526. I don’t know why you guys keep ignoring this.

However, BOTH Trump and Biden lost all rights to access and keep classified material after their terms ended.
So if you steal a car and drive it around for years, then when caught all you have to do is give it back and there is no crime?
Dumb comparison. Theft requires intent to take and retain something. In the case of past Presidents and Vice Presidents, there is usually some wrangling with the Archives about what is considered personal and what is considered official records, particularly in regards to notes and diaries. Likewise, inadvertently (and recklessly) retaining documents, such as Pence and Biden did is not theft. Refusing to return the. After discovery however, is another matter. Look up the laws concerning this.

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