How intimately should teachers know their students?

Immigrants send U.S. dollars to their families back home. That's how it works.
Stop every penny of that and it still won’t equate to funding for your imaginary schools all across the country. It really doesn’t work that way.
Stop every penny of that and it still won’t equate to funding for your imaginary schools all across the country. It really doesn’t work that way.
There is funding for anything if we prioritize it. We just prefer consumption over investment. For example, I believe most teachers would prefer a pay raise over new school infrastructure (of course they want both but would choose a raise if it came to a vote).
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What "lack of attention"?
The lack of attention to what is being taught in classrooms around the country. Excepting for serious mental or emotional problems, most kids can easily master their courses. Declining grades across the whole country suggests...lack of attention.

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