How is austerity doing in Europe

"Find me ANY school of economics that advocates raising taxes in a weak economy and lowering them in a strong one, Rshermr."

What is it about THAT question that doesn't make sense? It's a simple question. One that any real economics major would understand immediately because they would have studied and debated the different schools of economic thought all through college. But not YOU, Tommy! You were totally clueless as to what I was talking about.

It's obvious that you're now frantic to come up with some way to switch this from you not knowing something that any REAL economics major would understand instantly, to a discussion of semantics.
So, Oldstyle, bieng Oldstyle, attacks for his very own mistake. He says the following:

The "trivial" thing that you now would like to forget and move on you lying your ass off and being caught red handed at it.

I do not lie, Oldstyle. Every thread that you get into you spend almost all of your many, many, many posts ignoring the subject of the thread, and instead trying to catch me in a lie. And I fully understand that you can not catch me in a lie. Because as in this case, I did not lie at all. It is just you trying to even the score. Here, me boy, is a news flash: If you do not want to have to feel like you need to even the score, then you yourself need to STOP LYING.
So, we now know you are able to use the search engine on this board. So, you could find the wording to prove that I said that I had been a BP Exec. Remember? You accused me of that a few times in the last month. If you would like, I can go back and give you the post #'s. Though you know exactly what I am talking about. And you know exactly what you said. And you know that I never said that I was a BP Exec, or even said I ever in my life worked for them. NOW, THAT IS A LIE. Because your contention was that I said something that I did not say in order to prove that I knew something. To provide some credibility of my knowledge. But, since I never said anything of the kind, that makes it a LIE, oldstyle. And the fact that I have asked you to prove that I lied shows what you are all about. And the fact that you do not respond, not a word, to my questions about why you lied, proves that you did indeed lie. Because, Oldstyle, it was not only a lie, but a blatant lie. If I had said what you said I did, then you could PROVE it very easily. But you can not. Because I did not. Just another example of you lying. DO lie, Tommy and not particularly well. Your problem is that I have an excellent memory for what you've said in the past. That's problematic for a pathological liar like yourself because you can't keep all of the lies straight. I'll find your post regarding working for BP at some point and then you'll make excuses for why you were "misunderstood" in what you said...and look just as ridiculous as you do NOW.
So, Oldstyle, bieng Oldstyle, attacks for his very own mistake. He says the following:

The "trivial" thing that you now would like to forget and move on you lying your ass off and being caught red handed at it.

I do not lie, Oldstyle. Every thread that you get into you spend almost all of your many, many, many posts ignoring the subject of the thread, and instead trying to catch me in a lie. And I fully understand that you can not catch me in a lie. Because as in this case, I did not lie at all. It is just you trying to even the score. Here, me boy, is a news flash: If you do not want to have to feel like you need to even the score, then you yourself need to STOP LYING.
So, we now know you are able to use the search engine on this board. So, you could find the wording to prove that I said that I had been a BP Exec. Remember? You accused me of that a few times in the last month. If you would like, I can go back and give you the post #'s. Though you know exactly what I am talking about. And you know exactly what you said. And you know that I never said that I was a BP Exec, or even said I ever in my life worked for them. NOW, THAT IS A LIE. Because your contention was that I said something that I did not say in order to prove that I knew something. To provide some credibility of my knowledge. But, since I never said anything of the kind, that makes it a LIE, oldstyle. And the fact that I have asked you to prove that I lied shows what you are all about. And the fact that you do not respond, not a word, to my questions about why you lied, proves that you did indeed lie. Because, Oldstyle, it was not only a lie, but a blatant lie. If I had said what you said I did, then you could PROVE it very easily. But you can not. Because I did not. Just another example of you lying. DO lie, Tommy and not particularly well. Your problem is that I have an excellent memory for what you've said in the past. That's problematic for a pathological liar like yourself because you can't keep all of the lies straight. I'll find your post regarding working for BP at some point and then you'll make excuses for why you were "misunderstood" in what you said...and look just as ridiculous as you do NOW.
Jesus, Oldstyle. Al you have to do, if there had ever been such a post, would be to use the search engine of this board.
But here is the thing:
1. You made up the statement that I said I had worked as an Executive at BP. Made it up from whole cloth.
2. I never said anything of the kind. Never in my life suggested that I had worked there.
3. If I had posted it, it would still be there.
4. You will not make the effort at this time to find the statement that you claim that I made.
5. That effort would be minimal. Maybe 10 minutes.
6. And now you say you wil run into it some day. But you know you will not, because you know you are lying.

Now, there is a lie, oldstyle. And there is getting caught in a lie. And you know it.
I caught you again, showing that you said you would get off of the whole issue of accusing me of lying about teaching part of a class. Showed you said you would drop it IF provided you with answers that YOU wanted. I did, you did not. That is a lie, oldstyle. Especially since you said you had never made that accusation.

So, here is the deal. If I believe someone is lying, I may question it. But if I can not prove it, I assume that there was no lie. At least I leave it alone. BUT, if I can prove that you are lying, as in these two rather recent cases, then I will document and prove the lie. Which I have done to you many times.
So, I understand that you are trying as hard as possible to catch me in a lie. But you CAN NOT because I DO NOT LIE.

And, Oldstyle, since you are a proven liar, why do you think calling me a "pathological liar" would be believable??? You lie, I can prove you lie, and I do not. End of story.
Must be a sad way to live.
You've been shown rather conclusively to be a liar, Tommy. Your claim to have taught college level economics yet not having any idea what someone was referring to when they asked what economic school backed up your claims showed that! It would be akin to someone claiming to be an electrician but not knowing what an Ampere was.
And I will find your post claiming to have worked at BP...just as I found the post showing your total ignorance about economic schools. That other shoe will fall,'s just a question of wading through your hundreds of posts to find it. As I went AWOL for a good week and a half after you got called out on that it's going to be a challenge to find the correct string. But I will...
And I will find your post claiming to have worked at BP...just as I found the post showing your total ignorance about economic schools. That other shoe will fall,'s just a question of wading through your hundreds of posts to find it. As I went AWOL for a good week and a half after you got called out on that it's going to be a challenge to find the correct string. But I will...
Sorry, I never went awol. I went FISHING a couple of times. But that is the way you are, Oldstyle. Claiming I went "AWOL". Apparently you believe I owe it to you to always be available at your convenience. Here is another news flash. I owe you nothing, me boy. Other than the truth, which I owe everyone.

So, now you are trying to tell me you have to wade through all those posts??? You obviously are too stupid to use the search function. Jesus, Oldstyle, you can not be that dumb. Can you??? Nah....

But, you will find no such post. Never, ever said it. You know so very well.

The really funny thing is that you say I posted that I worked at BP, in your words as an executive. I say that I never claimed to have worked at BP period. So, one of us is lying. And since it is not me, by process of elimination, that indicates it was you. AND I AM PUSHING YOU TO FIND THE POST. EVEN TOLD YOU HOW TO FIND ANY POST THAT ANYONE HAS MADE OVER THE PAST YEAR. AND, SINCE I HAVE NOT BEEN A MEMBER FOR A YEAR, IF I HAD POSTED IT, IT WOULD BE THERE.
Now, here is the deal. I wondred if perhaps I had ever even mentioned BP. Perhaps in a discussion relative to gas or oil prices. I do not think so, but I could have been wrong. So, I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP.
You are lying. And stalling trying to see how you can provide a cut and paste that you can modify. Or just waiting for the question to go away. But understand this, Oldstyle: I will not let it die.

When I have provided a post to prove what you have said, I realized that I could modify that data in any editing software. And post it fraudulently as an actual representation of what was said. So, I have been very careful to provide you the post number, thread name, and date of the posts. I noticed that you did not do so when you posted the copy of the post where we had exchanged information. And I asked you for the post number and date. You never provided that information. Now, I assume that you did not change the text, but based on your history of dishonesty, I just wanted to be sure. Odd that you did not provide it, eh, Oldstyle??'re now disputing that was your post? LOL

Oh, Tommy...

You know very well that's your post but if you'd like I'd be more than happy to go back and get the exact # for you.'re now disputing that was your post? LOL

Oh, Tommy...

You know very well that's your post but if you'd like I'd be more than happy to go back and get the exact # for you.
Perhaps you would like to show where I said it was not my post. I simply asked for the post # and date. Is that too difficult for you??
And I will find your post claiming to have worked at BP...just as I found the post showing your total ignorance about economic schools. That other shoe will fall,'s just a question of wading through your hundreds of posts to find it. As I went AWOL for a good week and a half after you got called out on that it's going to be a challenge to find the correct string. But I will...
Well, oldstyle. That was tough. I just searched the entire post for when you or I used either the word exec or executive. Interesting. All were in the last 2 weeks and 3 days. You started it out with your post on 3/1. That was the very first post mentioning "BP Exec". By you, of course, saying that I had said I was a BP Exec. Nothing out there earlier, and I searched for a year. as far as posts with either exec or executive in them. And for either you or I as post owner. So, that is pretty damned simple. Not hundreds of posts to go through, as you would have us believe. The system does it for you. In seconds.
In all previous places where Exec or Executive showed up, it was in other members posts. Not ours. Neither you nor I have used the word exec or the word executive in the past year except for posts since march 1, as broken out below.
So, to make it even easier, here are the dates and post #'s. All are in this thread:
March 1 Post numbers 17, 21, 22.
March 2 Post number 31, 32, 34
March 16 Post number 178

In addition, there were posts on the last two days, March 17 and March 18.
And all of the posts were in the thread that we are now in.

There were a few mentions of exec or executive in threads other than this one. But none by you or I and none connected to BP.

So, there you go. You can, should you want, check it out using the search function. But then you will not bother to check, will you, Oldstyle.

So, I would say anyone making a false accusation on several occasions and calling another a liar when it was the person making the accusations that was lying, would be an ass hole, wouldn't you, Oldstyle??? So, what does that make you, besides an obvious liar.
And I will find your post claiming to have worked at BP...just as I found the post showing your total ignorance about economic schools. That other shoe will fall,'s just a question of wading through your hundreds of posts to find it. As I went AWOL for a good week and a half after you got called out on that it's going to be a challenge to find the correct string. But I will...
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
Tweet. ..........................................Tweeet............................................Tweet.....................................
So, Oldstyle disappears into the Sunset. Hoping to completely ignore the fact that he can find no mention, by me, of having been a BP Exec. Because Oldstyle had lied about it. So there is no mention by me of being a BP Exec. So, Oldstyle just hopes it goes away. Just another lie, oldstyle. Just another of your lies.
Sorry, little buddy but as much as you'd like to hope that was the case...I'm still wading through the strings looking for your claim. I'll find it eventually so start getting your excuses ready...


We have a winner!!!

So you claim that you never worked at BP, Tommy? claimed in the following post that you did...and at a high level. You are SO busted...

"Simple enough. Because their method of raising prices is to raise, then lower. Not direct, continual raising. Because the oil companies know that the public gets used to a high price, then irate as it gets too high, and then happy again when the price declines part way. It is a repeat process. I worked at a relatively high level with BP in Anchorage, and to the folks there it is a joke. Go look up oligopoly. It is classic oligopoly. And wonder why, when the supply is higher and demand lower than it has been for years, the price has gone up, in general."

That would by your post # 260 from the "Should All Jobs Be Required To Pay At Least A Living Wage?" string.

See, here's the thing, Tommy...I happen to have a pretty good memory, which is Kryptonite to a liar like yourself because I REMEMBER what you said in the past...and you DON'T. The reason you don't remember is that you're making it up as you go.
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Which once again proves that you are the Tommy Flanagan of this board.

And after you were called out on that instantly disappeared from that string...never to return. That must have been when you "went fishing"...right, Rshermr?
And after having to scroll through hundreds of your idiotic posts to find that, Tommy...I'm going to sit back and enjoy watching you squirm your lying ass off trying to talk your way out of getting caught red handed telling another one of your WHOPPERS! Have fun!!!
"The really funny thing is that you say I posted that I worked at BP, in your words as an executive. I say that I never claimed to have worked at BP period. So, one of us is lying." Rshermr.

It really IS funny, Tommy! How does someone "forget" that they worked for a company at a "high level"? Gee, you must have had SO MANY high level positions that it's hard to keep track of them all?

Better break out the fishing poles, little buddy...this string has just become your biggest nightmare.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.

If you party like it is 1999, spending more than you make, you are going to have put those party supplies on your credit card.

Eventually, your debt will exceed your ability to pay and your creditors will shut off your credit.

At that point, you will have no choice but to stop partying. And then your whining and gnashing of teeth will commence.

People like you make it sound like it is the creditors' fault that you now have to cut back.

OF COURSE LIFE WILL BE HARDER. What do you expect, even more credit to get deeper into debt you can't pay back?

Austerity IS good for you. It forces you to re-evaluate where you royally fucked up, and it forces you to get your shit together.

Is it painful? HELL YES. But what else is going to force you to get your shit together? Providing you with more cash to burn so your creditors can take a loss won't do it.

All this whining in an attempt to avoid the pain we brought on ourselves is childish and stupid.

So here's the thing. We can impose auterity on ourselves now, ON OUR OWN TERMS, or we can wait until the people who lend us money impose austerity on us on THEIR terms, suddenly and without warning.

Your choice.

Time to grow up.
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Sorry, little buddy but as much as you'd like to hope that was the case...I'm still wading through the strings looking for your claim. I'll find it eventually so start getting your excuses ready...

So, that damned search function too difficult for you??

Interesting. You said I had claimed to have been a BP Executive. But you do not remember when. Or where. But you would like someone to believe that you are sure I did say so.
Makes no sense, oldstyle. I think you will simply disapear into the sunset. Because you have never, ever admitted you were wrong.

We have a winner!!!

So you claim that you never worked at BP, Tommy? claimed in the following post that you did...and at a high level. You are SO busted...

"Simple enough. Because their method of raising prices is to raise, then lower. Not direct, continual raising. Because the oil companies know that the public gets used to a high price, then irate as it gets too high, and then happy again when the price declines part way. It is a repeat process. I worked at a relatively high level with BP in Anchorage, and to the folks there it is a joke. Go look up oligopoly. It is classic oligopoly. And wonder why, when the supply is higher and demand lower than it has been for years, the price has gone up, in general."

That would by your post # 260 from the "Should All Jobs Be Required To Pay At Least A Living Wage?" string.

See, here's the thing, Tommy...I happen to have a pretty good memory, which is Kryptonite to a liar like yourself because I REMEMBER what you said in the past...and you DON'T. The reason you don't remember is that you're making it up as you go.
Problem is, dipshit, you have not the common sense to understand that I did not say, or suggest, that I worked FOR BP. I was discussing what BP execs said when I talked to them as a VENDOR. And I did explain that. Dipshit.

We have a winner!!!

So you claim that you never worked at BP, Tommy? claimed in the following post that you did...and at a high level. You are SO busted...

"Simple enough. Because their method of raising prices is to raise, then lower. Not direct, continual raising. Because the oil companies know that the public gets used to a high price, then irate as it gets too high, and then happy again when the price declines part way. It is a repeat process. I worked at a relatively high level with BP in Anchorage, and to the folks there it is a joke. Go look up oligopoly. It is classic oligopoly. And wonder why, when the supply is higher and demand lower than it has been for years, the price has gone up, in general."

That would by your post # 260 from the "Should All Jobs Be Required To Pay At Least A Living Wage?" string.

See, here's the thing, Tommy...I happen to have a pretty good memory, which is Kryptonite to a liar like yourself because I REMEMBER what you said in the past...and you DON'T. The reason you don't remember is that you're making it up as you go.
Problem is, dipshit, you have not the common sense to understand that I did not say, or suggest, that I worked FOR BP. I was discussing what BP execs said when I talked to them as a VENDOR. And I did explain that. Dipshit.

Where was it that you explained that you were a "VENDOR", Tommy? Please show the post where THAT fabrication ever took place!

You can't because right after you got called on your claim to have worked at went "fishing" and never returned to the string.
Which once again proves that you are the Tommy Flanagan of this board.

And after you were called out on that instantly disappeared from that string...never to return. That must have been when you "went fishing"...right, Rshermr?
Well, here is the thing, oldstyle, you are delusional. You seem to think I need to stick around to answer questions for you. Sorry, I frequently disappear from this post, whenever I so desire.

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