How is austerity doing in Europe

"I wondred if perhaps I had ever even mentioned BP. Perhaps in a discussion relative to gas or oil prices. I do not think so, but I could have been wrong. So, I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Funny thing, say you did a search and didn't find a single mention, by you, of BP yet there in your post #260 is YOU mentioning BP! So did you REALLY do a search or are you just telling another "Tommy Tall Tale" because that really does appear to be you talking about BP!
Which once again proves that you are the Tommy Flanagan of this board.

And after you were called out on that instantly disappeared from that string...never to return. That must have been when you "went fishing"...right, Rshermr?
Well, here is the thing, oldstyle, you are delusional. You seem to think I need to stick around to answer questions for you. Sorry, I frequently disappear from this post, whenever I so desire. seem to desire to go "fishing" alot, Tommy.

So are you going to show me the post where you explained about being a VENDOR and not actually working for BP? I somehow "missed" that in all the posts of your's that I had to suffer through reading.
And after having to scroll through hundreds of your idiotic posts to find that, Tommy...I'm going to sit back and enjoy watching you squirm your lying ass off trying to talk your way out of getting caught red handed telling another one of your WHOPPERS! Have fun!!!
Why, oldstyle??? You just spent all of that time looking for whata??? I worked WITH BP. They were a fairly large customer of mine, when I worked for a company doing an SAP application. Shit, now you will say I claimed to work for SAP. We had a product that INTEGRATED with SAP software. Now, what I did not say, and what would have been a lie, is if I had said I worked FOR BP. You need to look up the definition of the two words. With, and FOR, are different words. Do I need to look them up for you and provide definitions AGAIN. Ass hole.

You spent all of that time and energy to prove that I said I worked as a BP Executive, only to come back with worked with them. Over time, I also worked with Arco, and with Texaco in Anchorage. And with a number of other companies there. But never lived there, and was never in anchorage at any point for more than 4 or 5 days.

Now, as a dish washer, you probably do not have much occasion to visit with vendors. But to IT professionals, what we did was important. And we had a good relationship there. Happens very, very normally for people in the software business. Not so much, I am sure, in the dish washing business.

You know, oldstyle, you wanted SO BADLY to show that I had lied at some point. It completely consumes you. But I never, ever lie. Sorry, little buddy. And I do mean little.
So if you never lie then you'll be able to show me the post where you explained that you worked as a VENDOR and not FOR BP?

Oops...caught yourself in another lie, Tommy!
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Which once again proves that you are the Tommy Flanagan of this board.

And after you were called out on that instantly disappeared from that string...never to return. That must have been when you "went fishing"...right, Rshermr?
Well, here is the thing, oldstyle, you are delusional. You seem to think I need to stick around to answer questions for you. Sorry, I frequently disappear from this post, whenever I so desire. seem to desire to go "fishing" alot, Tommy.

So are you going to show me the post where you explained about being a VENDOR and not actually working for BP? I somehow "missed" that in all the posts of your's that I had to suffer through reading.
I am retired. And, yes indeed, I do go fishing a lot. And I go do other things a lot. Because, you see, I have options. And you, me boy, are very, very, very low on my list.

By the way. About that memory of yours. The one you said was SO GOOD. Kind of fucked up, if you ask me, dipshit. Funny.
"I wondred if perhaps I had ever even mentioned BP. Perhaps in a discussion relative to gas or oil prices. I do not think so, but I could have been wrong. So, I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Funny thing, say you did a search and didn't find a single mention, by you, of BP yet there in your post #260 is YOU mentioning BP! So did you REALLY do a search or are you just telling another "Tommy Tall Tale" because that really does appear to be you talking about BP!
OK, Oldstyle. Let me educate you. You said that I said I had worked for BP as an EXECUTIVE. So, oldstyle, I used the word Executive. Then I used the word Exec. Neither found that post, oldstyle. And that would be because I DID NOT USE THE WORD EXEC OR EXECUTIVE.

Now, I have educated you some on search tools. You can thank me, if you want.

Jesus, you are dumb some times, Oldstyle. Perhaps you should go take a class in use of web search tools.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.

If you party like it is 1999, spending more than you make, you are going to have put those party supplies on your credit card.

Eventually, your debt will exceed your ability to pay and your creditors will shut off your credit.

At that point, you will have no choice but to stop partying. And then your whining and gnashing of teeth will commence.

People like you make it sound like it is the creditors' fault that you now have to cut back.

OF COURSE LIFE WILL BE HARDER. What do you expect, even more credit to get deeper into debt you can't pay back?

Austerity IS good for you. It forces you to re-evaluate where you royally fucked up, and it forces you to get your shit together.

Is it painful? HELL YES. But what else is going to force you to get your shit together? Providing you with more cash to burn so your creditors can take a loss won't do it.

All this whining in an attempt to avoid the pain we brought on ourselves is childish and stupid.

So here's the thing. We can impose auterity on ourselves now, ON OUR OWN TERMS, or we can wait until the people who lend us money impose austerity on us on THEIR terms, suddenly and without warning.

Your choice.

Time to grow up.
Great. The question was do you believe Austerity is WORKING. It has nothing to do with your opinion of the european countries needing to be punished. And having it coming. It has to do with is it WORKING.

Relative to the US, perhaps you can show a time when cutting spending and lowering taxes has helped an economy with an unemployment problem. And then we may have something to talk about.

Relative to your comment about growing up, I will keep that in mind. I do value your opinion so much.

For instance, the Partying like it was 1999 statement. You were talking, my poor ignorant friend, about a time when we had a DEFICIT. Makes you look rather stupid when you say things like that.
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"I wondred if perhaps I had ever even mentioned BP. Perhaps in a discussion relative to gas or oil prices. I do not think so, but I could have been wrong. So, I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Funny thing, say you did a search and didn't find a single mention, by you, of BP yet there in your post #260 is YOU mentioning BP! So did you REALLY do a search or are you just telling another "Tommy Tall Tale" because that really does appear to be you talking about BP!
OK, Oldstyle. Let me educate you. You said that I said I had worked for BP as an EXECUTIVE. So, oldstyle, I used the word Executive. Then I used the word Exec. Neither found that post, oldstyle. And that would be because I DID NOT USE THE WORD EXEC OR EXECUTIVE.

Now, I have educated you some on search tools. You can thank me, if you want.

Jesus, you are dumb some times, Oldstyle. Perhaps you should go take a class in use of web search tools.

You can't even keep your story straight from one page of posts to the next. Does this sound familiar?

"I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Care to try again, Tommy?

So are you going to admit that you lied about explaining about being a "VENDOR" rather than "FOR" BP? Or were you going to provide that post for us all to see?
"I wondred if perhaps I had ever even mentioned BP. Perhaps in a discussion relative to gas or oil prices. I do not think so, but I could have been wrong. So, I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Funny thing, say you did a search and didn't find a single mention, by you, of BP yet there in your post #260 is YOU mentioning BP! So did you REALLY do a search or are you just telling another "Tommy Tall Tale" because that really does appear to be you talking about BP!
OK, Oldstyle. Let me educate you. You said that I said I had worked for BP as an EXECUTIVE. So, oldstyle, I used the word Executive. Then I used the word Exec. Neither found that post, oldstyle. And that would be because I DID NOT USE THE WORD EXEC OR EXECUTIVE.

Now, I have educated you some on search tools. You can thank me, if you want.

Jesus, you are dumb some times, Oldstyle. Perhaps you should go take a class in use of web search tools.

You can't even keep your story straight from one page of posts to the next. Does this sound familiar?

"I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Care to try again, Tommy?

So are you going to admit that you lied about explaining about being a "VENDOR" rather than "FOR" BP? Or were you going to provide that post for us all to see?
Jesus H christ, Oldstyle. I did search for BP. And I got no hits. I subsequently used the words exec and executive. Because, you complete clown, it turns out that this browser does not find short strings.

Go try it for yourself, you idiot. Quit wasting my time asking stupid questions. I used a lot of combinations, shit head. Like BP EXEC, for example. And found that the search string has to be one continuous set of characters. And I now know other things about this search tool.

Jesus H Christ, you are dumb. And trying SO hard to prove that I lied to you.

So, to understand why I did not find the post you found do the following:
Go to advanced search, for search string use Exec, executive, and bp. You will see that none find your post. Now, take a look at the post you found. It has the word Oligarchy in it. Use that in the string. And you will come up with that VERY post.

So, Oldstyle. You said that I said I was a BP Exec, or executive. Which is why I used those specific words. And you were wrong. (another memory failure on your part). Get it yet, or do you need more explanation.

You are trying too hard, Oldstyle. You already look desperate.
Desperate? LOL I'm still waiting for you to show me the post where you explained how you were a VENDOR for BP...not actually employed by BP.

Will that be coming anytime soon?
And I can always tell when your panties are in a bunch after getting caught telling another one of your "embellishments" start throwing out the "shit head", "idiot", "dipshit" and "clown" insults faster and faster. I think the record for that was calling me "dipshit" 10 times in one post. Gotta love an "intellectual" like you, Tommy! Or was that not you either? It's so hard to tell with you.
OK, Oldstyle. Let me educate you. You said that I said I had worked for BP as an EXECUTIVE. So, oldstyle, I used the word Executive. Then I used the word Exec. Neither found that post, oldstyle. And that would be because I DID NOT USE THE WORD EXEC OR EXECUTIVE.

Now, I have educated you some on search tools. You can thank me, if you want.

Jesus, you are dumb some times, Oldstyle. Perhaps you should go take a class in use of web search tools.

You can't even keep your story straight from one page of posts to the next. Does this sound familiar?

"I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Care to try again, Tommy?

So are you going to admit that you lied about explaining about being a "VENDOR" rather than "FOR" BP? Or were you going to provide that post for us all to see?
Jesus H christ, Oldstyle. I did search for BP. And I got no hits. I subsequently used the words exec and executive. Because, you complete clown, it turns out that this browser does not find short strings.

Go try it for yourself, you idiot. Quit wasting my time asking stupid questions. I used a lot of combinations, shit head. Like BP EXEC, for example. And found that the search string has to be one continuous set of characters. And I now know other things about this search tool.

Jesus H Christ, you are dumb. And trying SO hard to prove that I lied to you.

So, to understand why I did not find the post you found do the following:
Go to advanced search, for search string use Exec, executive, and bp. You will see that none find your post. Now, take a look at the post you found. It has the word Oligarchy in it. Use that in the string. And you will come up with that VERY post.

So, Oldstyle. You said that I said I was a BP Exec, or executive. Which is why I used those specific words. And you were wrong. (another memory failure on your part). Get it yet, or do you need more explanation.

You are trying too hard, Oldstyle. You already look desperate.

Gee, Tommy...wasn't it you that was insulting me over not knowing how to use search? Then it turns out YOU are the one that doesn't know how to use it?

Which must be why you STILL haven't provided that post where you explained that you were a VENDOR for BP and not an employee...right, little buddy?:razz:
Desperate? LOL I'm still waiting for you to show me the post where you explained how you were a VENDOR for BP...not actually employed by BP.

Will that be coming anytime soon?
So, let me understand this, dipshit. You call me a liar, saying for days that I had said that I had been a BP Exec. Said several times that I had lied about that. So, finally, you bring back a post that says that I had WORKED WITH BP. And danced all over the post because you were so happy.

Which proved only that you were STUPID. Because I said nothing about working for BP.

So, you wasted my time. And you wasted the time of anyone who would have been following the post. And it proved you a lying shit, again. Trying to prove that I had lied. You may,Dipshit, have noted that the subject of this thread is AUSTERITY IN EUROPE. So, again, you have wasted every ones time going about your little agenda of proving that I lied. About something REALLY STUPID.
And no admission that you were wrong. No appology for calling me a liar. And you want me to go search for the post where I believe I said that I had been a vendor. And you must have some reason why I should spend more time on you. But you are a complete ass hole. You have no honor. You have no integrity. But still you believe I should spend time looking for something that if I find it will prove absolutely nothing. Right.
Desperate? LOL I'm still waiting for you to show me the post where you explained how you were a VENDOR for BP...not actually employed by BP.

Will that be coming anytime soon?
So, let me understand this, dipshit. You call me a liar, saying for days that I had said that I had been a BP Exec. Said several times that I had lied about that. So, finally, you bring back a post that says that I had WORKED WITH BP. And danced all over the post because you were so happy.

Which proved only that you were STUPID. Because I said nothing about working for BP.

So, you wasted my time. And you wasted the time of anyone who would have been following the post. And it proved you a lying shit, again. Trying to prove that I had lied. You may,Dipshit, have noted that the subject of this thread is AUSTERITY IN EUROPE. So, again, you have wasted every ones time going about your little agenda of proving that I lied. About something REALLY STUPID.
And no admission that you were wrong. No appology for calling me a liar. And you want me to go search for the post where I believe I said that I had been a vendor. And you must have some reason why I should spend more time on you. But you are a complete ass hole. You have no honor. You have no integrity. But still you believe I should spend time looking for something that if I find it will prove absolutely nothing. Right.
By the way, Oldstyle. If you want to know, use the search tool. I have spent a good deal of time educating you on it's use. Answering your completely ignorant questions about it. And being called a liar because you could not figure it out.
You are obviously a technical genius. Jesus, me boy, even my 8 year old grandson could figure this search tool out.

Kind of like your great understanding of the English language. Even though I have to keep defining simple words for you. for. with. advocates. And the use of quotation marks. You need to start understanding, oldstyle, that you are not the brightest bulb on any tree. And you believe yourself to be very smart. And then there is that GREAT memory that you claimed to have. Jesus, Oldstyle, if it was not so sad it would be funny.

It really is not that you do not understand words or sentence structure, or special characters. What is funny is that you continually build yourself up as an expert in these things, and then come out looking like an idiot because you do not understand. Sad. But funny.
You can't even keep your story straight from one page of posts to the next. Does this sound familiar?

"I used the search tool to find where I had used the term BP in a post. And, what do you know, Oldstyle. Not a single mention, by me, of BP."

Care to try again, Tommy?

So are you going to admit that you lied about explaining about being a "VENDOR" rather than "FOR" BP? Or were you going to provide that post for us all to see?
Jesus H christ, Oldstyle. I did search for BP. And I got no hits. I subsequently used the words exec and executive. Because, you complete clown, it turns out that this browser does not find short strings.

Go try it for yourself, you idiot. Quit wasting my time asking stupid questions. I used a lot of combinations, shit head. Like BP EXEC, for example. And found that the search string has to be one continuous set of characters. And I now know other things about this search tool.

Jesus H Christ, you are dumb. And trying SO hard to prove that I lied to you.

So, to understand why I did not find the post you found do the following:
Go to advanced search, for search string use Exec, executive, and bp. You will see that none find your post. Now, take a look at the post you found. It has the word Oligarchy in it. Use that in the string. And you will come up with that VERY post.

So, Oldstyle. You said that I said I was a BP Exec, or executive. Which is why I used those specific words. And you were wrong. (another memory failure on your part). Get it yet, or do you need more explanation.

You are trying too hard, Oldstyle. You already look desperate.

Gee, Tommy...wasn't it you that was insulting me over not knowing how to use search? Then it turns out YOU are the one that doesn't know how to use it?

Which must be why you STILL haven't provided that post where you explained that you were a VENDOR for BP and not an employee...right, little buddy?:razz:
Oh, hell, Oldstyle. I think you have suffered enough. I went ahead and found where I had told you that I was a vendor, and that I did not work for BP.
So, here is the thing. You say I can not use the search tool, which is stupid. You could have found this very, very quickly and easily. But since you are obviously technology challenged, here you go. Oh, and by the way, I was absolutely correct. Again. As I said, I told YOU that I was a vendor.

3/1 Post 22
And that would be a bald faced lie. Which is nothing new for oldstyle. I never in my life said I was an executive at BP. I never worked for them. I did work with execs at BP, in a position with a vendor selling to them. But I never in my life worked for them. Now, maybe if you disagree, you would like to provide some proof. But of course, you can not, because you are lying. Again. As you are wont to do.

3/1 Post 17
Then, Oldstyle said:
He took a little leave of absence after declaring that he was an executive at BP while folks were discussing energy policy. I think even Rshermr knew he was a little "over the top" on that lie.

And that would be a bald faced lie. Which is nothing new for oldstyle. I never in my life said I was an executive at BP. I never worked for them. I did work with execs at BP, in a position with a vendor selling to them. But I never in my life worked for them. Now, maybe if you disagree, you would like to provide some proof. But of course, you can not, because you are lying. Again. As you are wont to do.

Now, Oldstyle, that was on March 1, less than three weeks ago. Where is that GREAT MEMORY you claim to have. And, Oldstyle, I am really getting tired of having to educate you. I educate, and it never takes. You just go on calling me a liar. Too bad you lack integrity. We could have avoided all of this stuff, which must be really embarrassing to you.
Desperate? LOL I'm still waiting for you to show me the post where you explained how you were a VENDOR for BP...not actually employed by BP.

Will that be coming anytime soon?
So, let me understand this, dipshit. You call me a liar, saying for days that I had said that I had been a BP Exec. Said several times that I had lied about that. So, finally, you bring back a post that says that I had WORKED WITH BP. And danced all over the post because you were so happy.

Which proved only that you were STUPID. Because I said nothing about working for BP.

So, you wasted my time. And you wasted the time of anyone who would have been following the post. And it proved you a lying shit, again. Trying to prove that I had lied. You may,Dipshit, have noted that the subject of this thread is AUSTERITY IN EUROPE. So, again, you have wasted every ones time going about your little agenda of proving that I lied. About something REALLY STUPID.
And no admission that you were wrong. No appology for calling me a liar. And you want me to go search for the post where I believe I said that I had been a vendor. And you must have some reason why I should spend more time on you. But you are a complete ass hole. You have no honor. You have no integrity. But still you believe I should spend time looking for something that if I find it will prove absolutely nothing. Right.
By the way, Oldstyle. If you want to know, use the search tool. I have spent a good deal of time educating you on it's use. Answering your completely ignorant questions about it. And being called a liar because you could not figure it out.
You are obviously a technical genius. Jesus, me boy, even my 8 year old grandson could figure this search tool out.

Kind of like your great understanding of the English language. Even though I have to keep defining simple words for you. for. with. advocates. And the use of quotation marks. You need to start understanding, oldstyle, that you are not the brightest bulb on any tree. And you believe yourself to be very smart. And then there is that GREAT memory that you claimed to have. Jesus, Oldstyle, if it was not so sad it would be funny.

It really is not that you do not understand words or sentence structure, or special characters. What is funny is that you continually build yourself up as an expert in these things, and then come out looking like an idiot because you do not understand. Sad. But funny.

You're going to educate me on how to use the search feature? Ah, Tommy...I found the post where you said you worked with BP at a high didn't...or have you forgotten that? You said it didn't exist. Funny how you constantly demand that I provide links and post numbers for anything I question in regards to you but you find my asking the same of you to be a major inconvenience.

As for your schooling ANYONE on the English language? Are you kidding, Dude? In case you hadn't noticed... you're borderline illiterate! You schooling someone on the English language would make as much sense as Jodi Arias mentoring an anger management group or Bill Clinton being a house father at a sorority house.

The waste of everyone's time is you posting something that would lead people to believe that you worked with BP at a high level...but you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that.
So, let me understand this, dipshit. You call me a liar, saying for days that I had said that I had been a BP Exec. Said several times that I had lied about that. So, finally, you bring back a post that says that I had WORKED WITH BP. And danced all over the post because you were so happy.

Which proved only that you were STUPID. Because I said nothing about working for BP.

So, you wasted my time. And you wasted the time of anyone who would have been following the post. And it proved you a lying shit, again. Trying to prove that I had lied. You may,Dipshit, have noted that the subject of this thread is AUSTERITY IN EUROPE. So, again, you have wasted every ones time going about your little agenda of proving that I lied. About something REALLY STUPID.
And no admission that you were wrong. No appology for calling me a liar. And you want me to go search for the post where I believe I said that I had been a vendor. And you must have some reason why I should spend more time on you. But you are a complete ass hole. You have no honor. You have no integrity. But still you believe I should spend time looking for something that if I find it will prove absolutely nothing. Right.
By the way, Oldstyle. If you want to know, use the search tool. I have spent a good deal of time educating you on it's use. Answering your completely ignorant questions about it. And being called a liar because you could not figure it out.
You are obviously a technical genius. Jesus, me boy, even my 8 year old grandson could figure this search tool out.

Kind of like your great understanding of the English language. Even though I have to keep defining simple words for you. for. with. advocates. And the use of quotation marks. You need to start understanding, oldstyle, that you are not the brightest bulb on any tree. And you believe yourself to be very smart. And then there is that GREAT memory that you claimed to have. Jesus, Oldstyle, if it was not so sad it would be funny.

It really is not that you do not understand words or sentence structure, or special characters. What is funny is that you continually build yourself up as an expert in these things, and then come out looking like an idiot because you do not understand. Sad. But funny.

You're going to educate me on how to use the search feature? Ah, Tommy...I found the post where you said you worked with BP at a high didn't...or have you forgotten that? You said it didn't exist. Funny how you constantly demand that I provide links and post numbers for anything I question in regards to you but you find my asking the same of you to be a major inconvenience.

As for your schooling ANYONE on the English language? Are you kidding, Dude? In case you hadn't noticed... you're borderline illiterate! You schooling someone on the English language would make as much sense as Jodi Arias mentoring an anger management group or Bill Clinton being a house father at a sorority house.

The waste of everyone's time is you posting something that would lead people to believe that you worked with BP at a high level...but you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that.
Just as I thought. You said that I had claimed to have been a bp exec. Said I had lied. Then, it turns out that, as I said, I had never said I worked at BP. And, what do you know, me boy. You were unable to muster the common courtesy to appologize for calling me a liar.

Then, you called me a liar for not having provided you with the proof that I had said I was a vendor representative. You could not prove your statement, just called me a liar for not proving it to you. So, I proved it to you. Gave you the post. And, you were unable to muster the common courtesy to appologize for calling me a liar.

So, apparently you have no class. That is no surprise. And you have no integrity. That is no surprise. Funny thing is, I can do nothing, get called a liar, prove you were wrong, and you have no response but to keep on attacking. Must suck to be you.

And, relative to your saying that I could not find the post with the really simple search, that would be because you said that I had said I was an executive. And, me boy, according to you, you were digging through all of those posts manually. Took you a couple days, me boy. The search function would have taken a couple minutes.

As for my english, perhaps you can let me know what words I did not know the meaning of. Nah, that will just require you to lie again. And act like a low paid secretary.
Well let's start with "specious" and "spacious", Tommy. That's just the latest butchering of the English langauge by you.

If anyone should be here giving English would be your "pretend private secretary" know, the one who proofs all of your correspondence so you don't come across as the idiot that you obviously are?

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