How is austerity doing in Europe

Well let's start with "specious" and "spacious", Tommy. That's just the latest butchering of the English langauge by you.

If anyone should be here giving English would be your "pretend private secretary" know, the one who proofs all of your correspondence so you don't come across as the idiot that you obviously are?
So, you are still upset that I misspelled one word. Now that is a big deal. But I do indeed know the meaning of specious. And I do indeed know how to use it in a sentence.
So, what we just proved is that you have no ability to actually discuss economics, because all of your arguments are specious.
Perhaps we should look at the word advocate. In fact, lets use the word in a sentence:
"Oldstyle thought, incorrectly, that a theory could advocate something; but in fact, anyone should know that a theory is incapable of advocating anything."

Or we should look at the word "with". Another word which, unbelievably, Oldstyle does not understand the meaning of. So, lets use "with" in a sentence: Oldstyle said I had claimed to be a BP executive because I said that I had worked with their people in Anchorage, as he did not know that the meaning of with is not the same as the meaning of for.

Funny thing is that though I do not try at all hard to check my posts for spelling, punctuation, etc., since it is not really important to me, Oldstyle does find it very important. So, when I misspell a word such as specious, it makes Oldstyle do a happy dance. And he is really quick to point out my error. Which, to him is a very, very big deal. But, he makes mistakes, and I could care less. Except when he uses words that have the incorrect meaning to try to build a specious argument that suggests that I am lying.
Typical Tommy Flanagan response to why he didn't know what the Chicago School referred to even though he claims he was not only an economics major in college but taught the subject at a college level as an undergrad. But somehow that's not something that should raise eyebrows about his believability because "a theory is incapable of advocating anything"...whatever THAT gibberish means!

It's why I've never believed much of anything that Rshermr posts.
Typical Tommy Flanagan response to why he didn't know what the Chicago School referred to even though he claims he was not only an economics major in college but taught the subject at a college level as an undergrad. But somehow that's not something that should raise eyebrows about his believability because "a theory is incapable of advocating anything"...whatever THAT gibberish means!

It's why I've never believed much of anything that Rshermr posts.
Well, me boy, maybe you had better start looking for proof that I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was. But you may want to think twice, me boy, because every time you say things like that, you end up looking the fool. Because, you see, Oldstyle, I do indeed know what the Chicago School of economics is. And always have. But why don't you go out and prove that I did not, dipshit. Make a fool of yourself. Waste more of everyone's time.
Because, me boy, you are incapable of discussing economics. And incapable of staying with the subject of any thread. And, of course, what is really, really funny is that you, a simple dishwasher who claims to have had two college classes in economics, believes he is capable of suggesting that he knows more than anyone about the subject.
Do you see how stupid that is, Oldstyle. You have spent the past week plus trying to say that I have lied about this or that, and have been unable to do so. Because I do not lie. But, you have come out the liar multiple times. And, being the great economic mind, you have shown yourself completely unable to discus economic theory of any kind. Hell, you do not even seem to be able to IDENTIFY economic theory. You are, me boy, a true joke.
Oh, my you're claiming that you knew all along? You truely have brass balls. You had zero idea what I was talking about when I asked what economic school it was that backed your theories. You started blathering about what did I want you to do...check the college curriculum of all those schools?

What's pathetic is that I do know more about economics with a two class college background than someone who says that not only did he graduate with a degree in the subject but knew it so well that he was teaching college level classes as an undergrad!
You've obviously decided that your best course of action is to simply lie about how ignorant you were back then because it's patently obvious that anyone that clueless about economic schools of thought is a total bullshit artist if he's claiming to have taught at the college level.
Well, me boy, maybe you had better start looking for proof that I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was. But you may want to think twice, me boy, because every time you say things like that, you end up looking the fool. Because, you see, Oldstyle, I do indeed know what the Chicago School of economics is. And always have. But why don't you go out and prove that I did not, dipshit. Make a fool of yourself. Waste more of everyone's time.
Because, me boy, you are incapable of discussing economics. And incapable of staying with the subject of any thread. And, of course, what is really, really funny is that you, a simple dishwasher who claims to have had two college classes in economics, believes he is capable of suggesting that he knows more than anyone about the subject.
Do you see how stupid that is, Oldstyle. You have spent the past week plus trying to say that I have lied about this or that, and have been unable to do so. Because I do not lie. But, you have come out the liar multiple times. And, being the great economic mind, you have shown yourself completely unable to discus economic theory of any kind. Hell, you do not even seem to be able to IDENTIFY economic theory. You are, me boy, a true joke.

all boring personal attack from psycho soap opera libturd who lacks IQ for substance!!
Oh, my you're claiming that you knew all along? You truely have brass balls. You had zero idea what I was talking about when I asked what economic school it was that backed your theories. You started blathering about what did I want you to do...check the college curriculum of all those schools?

What's pathetic is that I do know more about economics with a two class college background than someone who says that not only did he graduate with a degree in the subject but knew it so well that he was teaching college level classes as an undergrad!
Right. Man, can you lie. Anyone with any background in economics knows what an economic theory is. And they know what an economic school of thought is. But only Oldstyle believes that a school of economics can advocate ANYTHING. Because, you see, that is what Oldstyle would LIKE to believe. Even though an Economic school is not a person, and by the basic definition of advocate, as I have shown you, can not possibly advocate. But Oldstyle does not care. He wants to push forward with his blather. On, and on, and on, and on. Because that is all that he is capable of doing.
It must suck to be Oldstyle.
You've obviously decided that your best course of action is to simply lie about how ignorant you were back then because it's patently obvious that anyone that clueless about economic schools of thought is a total bullshit artist if he's claiming to have taught at the college level.
And you, me boy, spend your time trying to say that I am ignorant. Funny. No proof, just lies about what you say happened. Just more lies, because that is what Oldstyle does.
Oh, my you're claiming that you knew all along? You truely have brass balls. You had zero idea what I was talking about when I asked what economic school it was that backed your theories. You started blathering about what did I want you to do...check the college curriculum of all those schools?

What's pathetic is that I do know more about economics with a two class college background than someone who says that not only did he graduate with a degree in the subject but knew it so well that he was teaching college level classes as an undergrad!
Right. Man, can you lie. Anyone with any background in economics knows what an economic theory is. And they know what an economic school of thought is. But only Oldstyle believes that a school of economics can advocate ANYTHING. Because, you see, that is what Oldstyle would LIKE to believe. Even though an Economic school is not a person, and by the basic definition of advocate, as I have shown you, can not possibly advocate. But Oldstyle does not care. He wants to push forward with his blather. On, and on, and on, and on. Because that is all that he is capable of doing.
It must suck to be Oldstyle.

You're right, Tommy! Anyone with a background in economics SHOULD know what is being referred to when someone brings up the term economic school! Yet you didn't. You didn't have a CLUE what I was asking for when I asked you what economic school advocated the theories that you espoused.

Which is why you are one of the bigger liars on this board.

Taught economics at the college level? Dude...I doubt you could even find the classroom...let alone teach the class! You're an internet fraud. One of those pathetic people who has to embellish who they are because they have so little self esteem. You ARE Tommy Flanagan.
"Examine the person’s reaction when they're busted in a lie. The worst thing that can happen to a pathological liar is to be busted for telling the lie.
Extreme defensiveness. Expect the person to become extremely defensive, doing whatever he or she can to pin blame on someone else.
Quickly fabricating another lie to cover up the original fib. The pathological liar will start the cover-up process quickly to ensure that their reputation remains in tact. This may include a bigger lie than the original fib––which may be quite apparent.
Vindictive and may seek revenge. Rage and anger may be another reaction stemming from being “outed”, so expect possible retaliation or vindictive behavior."
How to Spot a Pathological Liar How to Spot a Pathological Liar: 7 steps - wikiHow
Like claiming to have a degree in economics but then not knowing basic Keyensian theory.

Challenged on that?

Instantly claims to not only have an economics degree but to have taught college an undergrad.

You're text book, Tommy...
Challenged on the total implausibility of undergrads teaching college courses?

Responds with posts rife with "dip shit" "ass hole" & "liar" thrown at the challenger. Text book, Tommy...text book.
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Oh, my you're claiming that you knew all along? You truely have brass balls. You had zero idea what I was talking about when I asked what economic school it was that backed your theories. You started blathering about what did I want you to do...check the college curriculum of all those schools?

What's pathetic is that I do know more about economics with a two class college background than someone who says that not only did he graduate with a degree in the subject but knew it so well that he was teaching college level classes as an undergrad!
Right. Man, can you lie. Anyone with any background in economics knows what an economic theory is. And they know what an economic school of thought is. But only Oldstyle believes that a school of economics can advocate ANYTHING. Because, you see, that is what Oldstyle would LIKE to believe. Even though an Economic school is not a person, and by the basic definition of advocate, as I have shown you, can not possibly advocate. But Oldstyle does not care. He wants to push forward with his blather. On, and on, and on, and on. Because that is all that he is capable of doing.
It must suck to be Oldstyle.

You're right, Tommy! Anyone with a background in economics SHOULD know what is being referred to when someone brings up the term economic school! Yet you didn't. You didn't have a CLUE what I was asking for when I asked you what economic school advocated the theories that you espoused.

Which is why you are one of the bigger liars on this board.

Taught economics at the college level? Dude...I doubt you could even find the classroom...let alone teach the class! You're an internet fraud. One of those pathetic people who has to embellish who they are because they have so little self esteem. You ARE Tommy Flanagan.
Funny. You think that you have the stones to tell anyone what they know or do not know. A simple dish washer. You had two classes in econ, a degree in history, and a background washing dishes. Sorry, me boy, you do not impress anyone with your accusations.
Are you capable of discussing economics?? It would seem not.
And yes, of course you should know what an economic School of Thought is. Which I do. An economic school of thought is the same thing, me boy, as an economic theory.
What you are trying to hide, of course, is that you said "what economic school advocates". And, my poor pitiful dish washer, you do not need a degree in anything to know that a theory does not advocate. As we have been through before. Many, many times. It mist be pitiful to have to keep bringing up crap that you have already been thrashed on. Maybe you need to go look up the word advocate again.

So, poor Oldstyle. Trying as hard as possible to make some point. Whatever it is. In whatever subject it is. It must really suck to be you.
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Right. Man, can you lie. Anyone with any background in economics knows what an economic theory is. And they know what an economic school of thought is. But only Oldstyle believes that a school of economics can advocate ANYTHING. Because, you see, that is what Oldstyle would LIKE to believe. Even though an Economic school is not a person, and by the basic definition of advocate, as I have shown you, can not possibly advocate. But Oldstyle does not care. He wants to push forward with his blather. On, and on, and on, and on. Because that is all that he is capable of doing.
It must suck to be Oldstyle.

You're right, Tommy! Anyone with a background in economics SHOULD know what is being referred to when someone brings up the term economic school! Yet you didn't. You didn't have a CLUE what I was asking for when I asked you what economic school advocated the theories that you espoused.

Which is why you are one of the bigger liars on this board.

Taught economics at the college level? Dude...I doubt you could even find the classroom...let alone teach the class! You're an internet fraud. One of those pathetic people who has to embellish who they are because they have so little self esteem. You ARE Tommy Flanagan.
Funny. You think that you have the stones to tell anyone what they know or do not know. A simple dish washer. You had two classes in econ, a degree in history, and a background washing dishes. Sorry, me boy, you do not impress anyone with your accusations.
Are you capable of discussing economics?? It would seem not.

personal attack from liberal without IQ for substance-go away why waste our time!!
"Examine the person’s reaction when they're busted in a lie. The worst thing that can happen to a pathological liar is to be busted for telling the lie.
Extreme defensiveness. Expect the person to become extremely defensive, doing whatever he or she can to pin blame on someone else.
Quickly fabricating another lie to cover up the original fib. The pathological liar will start the cover-up process quickly to ensure that their reputation remains in tact. This may include a bigger lie than the original fib––which may be quite apparent.
Vindictive and may seek revenge. Rage and anger may be another reaction stemming from being “outed”, so expect possible retaliation or vindictive behavior."
How to Spot a Pathological Liar How to Spot a Pathological Liar: 7 steps - wikiHow
So, Oldstyle, having been caught in numerous lies, continues to do the only thing that he can do. Which is lie more. You have never caught me in a lie, Oldstyle. Same old problem. I simply do not lie.

Now you, on the other hand, seem to be completely incapable of doing anything but attacking. Calling me a liar. Which you can never, ever prove. Because I do not lie.

It must be pathetic being you.
Like claiming to have a degree in economics but then not knowing basic Keyensian theory.

Challenged on that?

Instantly claims to not only have an economics degree but to have taught college an undergrad.

You're text book, Tommy...
First, me boy, you do not know how to spell Keynesian economics. There is no such thing as Keyensian theory, which you seem to be so confused about. Look it up by the correct spelling. It will work better for you.

And again, Oldstyle lies. I did not bring up "teaching college economics". I did not "teach college economics", but rather taught a breakout group for a professor. Which you know. And, talking about a stupid accusation, my poor ignorant dishwasher, saying that I do not have a good understanding of Keynesian economics would be stupid. Your accusations are the same, over and over and over. Stupid, childish, juvenile games.

But I have to admit. You do know more about washing dishes than I do.
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"Examine the person’s reaction when they're busted in a lie. The worst thing that can happen to a pathological liar is to be busted for telling the lie.
Extreme defensiveness. Expect the person to become extremely defensive, doing whatever he or she can to pin blame on someone else.
Quickly fabricating another lie to cover up the original fib. The pathological liar will start the cover-up process quickly to ensure that their reputation remains in tact. This may include a bigger lie than the original fib––which may be quite apparent.
Vindictive and may seek revenge. Rage and anger may be another reaction stemming from being “outed”, so expect possible retaliation or vindictive behavior."
How to Spot a Pathological Liar How to Spot a Pathological Liar: 7 steps - wikiHow
So, Oldstyle, having been caught in numerous lies, continues to do the only thing that he can do. Which is lie more. You have never caught me in a lie, Oldstyle. Same old problem. I simply do not lie.

Now you, on the other hand, seem to be completely incapable of doing anything but attacking. Calling me a liar. Which you can never, ever prove. Because I do not lie.

It must be pathetic being you.

personal attack from liberal without IQ for substance-go away why waste our time!!
"Examine the person’s reaction when they're busted in a lie. The worst thing that can happen to a pathological liar is to be busted for telling the lie.
Extreme defensiveness. Expect the person to become extremely defensive, doing whatever he or she can to pin blame on someone else.
Quickly fabricating another lie to cover up the original fib. The pathological liar will start the cover-up process quickly to ensure that their reputation remains in tact. This may include a bigger lie than the original fib––which may be quite apparent.
Vindictive and may seek revenge. Rage and anger may be another reaction stemming from being “outed”, so expect possible retaliation or vindictive behavior."
How to Spot a Pathological Liar How to Spot a Pathological Liar: 7 steps - wikiHow
So, Oldstyle, having been caught in numerous lies, continues to do the only thing that he can do. Which is lie more. You have never caught me in a lie, Oldstyle. Same old problem. I simply do not lie.

Now you, on the other hand, seem to be completely incapable of doing anything but attacking. Calling me a liar. Which you can never, ever prove. Because I do not lie.

It must be pathetic being you.

personal attack from liberal without IQ for substance-go away why waste our time!!
What?? You trying to help Oldstyle??? He needs help, but this is funny. A libertarian and a con tool, with a combined IQ of under 100??? Really, check out the following:

University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) : Gene Expression

Watching Fox makes you stupid

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day

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