How Is Inflation Affecting You?

No you can't. Unless Trump had foreknowledge of the Wuhan lab leak, or collaborated with China to release it.
There is no evidence supporting a wuhan lab leak, it is just a theory. You are are plying a double standard to the two presidents.
I just went to a little self-service Mexican place for the last time - you know, where you get on line at the counter, wait until they prepare your order, go over to the cash register and pay, take your food to the table, then go back and fill up your soda cup, and then bus your own tray when you’re done.

Here‘s the double whammy:

1) The nachos I like are now up from $12….to $16.

2) On top of the 30% jump, management decided NOW was a good time to change the cash register so that the customer - who has to serve himself and clean up - can add 15%, 18%, or 20% in addition as a tip.


You're an idiot
The first thing the stammering shit clown was told to do was to cancel all drilling permits on public land and shut down a major pipeline, by executive order.

Were you dropped on your head?
He actually didn’t cancel them all, which pissed off environmentalists, and those that were halted were halted because Trump pushed them through in rush and circumvented much of the required review process. None of them had even been explored yet to see if there was anything worth drilling for, much less drillrd and in production.
There is no evidence supporting a wuhan lab leak, it is just a theory. You are are plying a double standard to the two presidents.

Nope. I am just ignoring your cookie-cutter "double standard" talking points. They provide no substance to your argument and do not detract from your refusal to blame Biden for actions he did or did not take that served to the detriment of the country.


It affects me by making me didn't have to happen...we were doing great despite the pandemic until Joe came along and increased the cost of fuel that runs the nation...this didn't have to happen....this is manmade...meaning one man did this...and America should be mad as hell...this cuts into everyone's nest egg...everyone's but the elite in DC....
How exactly did he increase the cost of fuel? He didn’t. Presidents don’t have much effect on that. Nothing Biden has done has altered our production.
Well Biden gas hit a new high of $4.33 a gallon here and a sandwich, soup and drink at Panera Bread cost over $27. :oops:
You must live somewhere outrageous…gas is 3.19 to 3.39 here and that meal here about 20.00.
Nope. I am just ignoring your cookie-cutter "double standard" talking points. They provide no substance to your argument and do not detract from your refusal to blame Biden for actions he did or did not take that served to the detriment of the country.


If you can’t even recognize you have double standard
, it isn’t worth discussing further is it? Every thing you just said has been said about Trump, but I suspect you would never hold him responsible. There are things I blame Biden for, but this isn’t one of them, it’s BDS.
Preview of coming attractions:

1. The price of your stocks rises.
2. Xiden triples capital gains taxes.
3. You cash out stocks in order to buy groceries.
4. Xiden introduces windfall profit taxes on capital gains.
5. You cash out more of your stocks to pay the mortgage.
6. You deplete your stock holdings to pay off the surging interest rate on credit card balances
7. Xiden introduces new rules eliminating more former deductions.
8. You compute your income tax payment and discover that you spent all your gains.
9. 2024 rolls around and you campaign for liberal candidates because you haven't felt enough pain.
I don't know anybody that blames him for the economy least not anybody honest.

When you credit or discredit somebody for pro or con, you need to provide proof as to what they did to cause it. In both Trump and his great economy and Biden with destroying our country, we can point to things they actually did to make it that way.
Biden inherited a Mess.

Highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression, a recession, a supply chain crisis, a massive increase in debt due to the tax cuts which reduced revenue and continued spending. The ”great economy” under Trump was largely hype. The growth rate under Trump was the same as it was under Obama, not more. And the rate of wage growth actually decreased.

It can be fairly argued that Trump squandered our economy’s strengths in a way that made the Covid hit that much worse.

So again, if you are going to blame Biden for inflation, you need to blame Trump for mess he left.

You talk about Biden paying people to stay home yet forget that Trump did the same thing.
Let's say you're right.

You'd never blame Biden. Why should I blame Trump?
Who say’s I never blame Biden? There are some things I do blame him for. But in terms of the economy, it can take years to see what effect policies have, if any since there are so many factors at play. Biden’s only been in office a little over a year, not nearly enough time to have much effect.

Why should you blame Trump? Ask yourself why you never do.

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