How Is Inflation Affecting You?

I grow own and can it so food cost is not rising
Fertilizer is way up too. While you might make your own, it's going to contribute to more increases in produce prices...

For sure.
They're detached and have aligned themselves with globalist elitists in a run for perpetual power.
The rest of this year will be real interesting times.
You could put either major political party's name to that statement & it would be true. That is why we are in this mess.
I don't like credit--PERIOD. That being said, there are very few true zero interest CCs. I have one--if you pay the outstanding balance in full every month. I am one of the fortunates that also pay no annual fee so my CC is truly zero cost as long as I keep the outstanding balance paid up monthly. The banks hate these type of CCs and people like me who they call parasites because I use the CC for most purchases and get points and discounts because of the card. I haven't paid a dime in interest in around 20 years myself. However--if I DID NOT keep this card paid up, I would be subject to about 15% interest. The person I responded to was talking about maxing his card out to put a roof on as a hedge on inflation which is just not a prudent avenue to follow as I doubt the cost of the job would increase that much while he saved or found a 12 month, same as cash deal. Credit cards can be very useful if used correctly--the problem is many people don't take into account just how much that convenience costs if you fail to use good discipline with them.
Credit cards are, for the vast majority that use them, a terrible idea. People end up paying thousands for things that cost them a hundred bucks all for the convenience of owning shit you actually cant afford.

Like you said, there are some rare people such as yourself that use them properly. It is pretty rare though. I know so many people that dug that hole deeper and deeper and deeper and they have nothing to show for it.

I have owned exactly one credit card in my lifetime, been forced to carry another for work and I can say I will never own one again. I think my total credit card expenditures come out to about 100 bucks and I paid that immediately.

I just do not see the value in my own circumstance that a credit card would bring.
Just stop blaming, Its a waste of time. Its not a depression. deal with it.
That is a winning political strategy.

Everyone, pretend what is going on around you actually is not happening. That is the ticket.
The fellar that comes up with a pill that fixes stupid will not have to worry about inflation...

The US oil industry is responsible for higher gas prices. They have decided they can keep supply down and prices up and make more money doing it with fewer expenses. The reason for inflation is broken supply chains. The Fed can raise interest rates all they want but it will not tale inflation. The so-called economists who are egging the Fed on are incompetent boobs who have no clue what they are talking about. None of this has anything to do with Democrats.
I just went to a little self-service Mexican place for the last time - you know, where you get on line at the counter, wait until they prepare your order, go over to the cash register and pay, take your food to the table, then go back and fill up your soda cup, and then bus your own tray when you’re done.

Here‘s the double whammy:

1) The nachos I like are now up from $12….to $16.

2) On top of the 30% jump, management decided NOW was a good time to change the cash register so that the customer - who has to serve himself and clean up - can add 15%, 18%, or 20% in addition as a tip.
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Terrible comparison.

You see if socialism or Communism is so great, you can move to one of those places to try it out for a while. If you find out it was a bad deal, you can always move back to the USA, if they'll let you. But once you change this place into all the others and discover it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. Once you change this country, it's gone forever.

That's why we on the right are trying to fight socialism and save this country. There is only one United States in the world, and we are doing everything we can to preserve it.
If that is what you think you are doing, you failed long ago. The only thing that won't change about the US is that the US will forever be changing. It is a very different country than it was when I was born. And every generation before could say the exact same thing. You can't stop time.
The US oil industry is responsible for higher gas prices. They have decided they can keep supply down and prices up and make more money doing it with fewer expenses. The reason for inflation is broken supply chains. The Fed can raise interest rates all they want but it will not tale inflation. The so-called economists who are egging the Fed on are incompetent boobs who have no clue what they are talking about. None of this has anything to do with Democrats.

Conspiracy theory much?

Your stuttering shit clown ALWAYS has the solution, God love him. That's why he got 50 million fake votes.

It affects me by making me didn't have to happen...we were doing great despite the pandemic until Joe came along and increased the cost of fuel that runs the nation...this didn't have to happen....this is manmade...meaning one man did this...and America should be mad as hell...this cuts into everyone's nest egg...everyone's but the elite in DC....

You are a liar. We were doing well because the pandemic kept demand down. The cost of fuel is being driven by the US oil industry that is keeping supply down. Before the pandemic, there were over 800 oil rigs in operation. That number dropped below 400 during the pandemic. Now the number of oil rigs stands at around 414. Why have they not restarted these rigs since demand is up? They are deliberately withholding supply from the market to keep prices up. The supply chain disruptions have nothing to do with Biden. That is what is causing general inflation. That doesn't affect the rich as they get richer and everyone else gets poorer. That doesn't fit into your political agenda.
Better question.
How is inflation affecting that 15 dollar minimum wage?
Pretty much right back where they started at 7.50.
All my stocks & assets have increased in value, wages are way up, plenty of jobs everywhere, loan to asset value is shrinking putting more money in my pockets. I invested heavily in real-estate & stocks because I knew Trump's money printing would explode inflation, because he wants all his properties values to soar.

You are trying to judge inflation by normal standards. Money printing has not caused inflation. It is broken supply lines and the greed of US oil producers.
Bi-Dung has done more harm in one year, than any other American President in my lifetime!
Like Ronald Reagan said, Fascism will come to America under the cloak of Liberalism!!

Don't you dare take Ronald Reagan's name in vain. Between Biden and Trump, he would side with Biden. It is right wing Republicans who are bringing fascism to America.
Conspiracy theory much?

Your stuttering shit clown ALWAYS has the solution, God love him. That's why he got 50 million fake votes.

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There does not have to be a conspiracy. You answer the question. Biden has not stopped 1 rig from re-opening. He does not have the power to do so. The demand is there. Yet publicly held oil companies are not re-opening these rigs.
There does not have to be a conspiracy. You answer the question. Biden has not stopped 1 rig from re-opening. He does not have the power to do so. The demand is there. Yet publicly held oil companies are not re-opening these rigs.
The first thing the stammering shit clown was told to do was to cancel all drilling permits on public land and shut down a major pipeline, by executive order.

Were you dropped on your head?

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