How is Joe Biden the best they can do ?

The Democratic Party is a mess right now. Most of the energy in the party is with the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left, and the traditional liberals who remain are being shouted down and marginalized -- just as we saw with the GOP.

So this wrestling match will continue for a while. But it does look like the Regressives have the upper hand, just as the Trumpsters did.

What a fucking horrible choice.
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There are no good democrats because the goal is to get as many people to struggle so you can promise to fix it!
Problem is when you do that you can’t run on success..

And America sees trumps not as you typical politician .. who’s helping everyone
When I lived in CA, Alan Cranston was one of the two CA senators. I used to shake my head and wonder just how the hell this was the best the state could do given i't population.

Now, I am asking the same thing about Joe Biden.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?

And you've never once asked the same of the Republicans? Trump was the best they could do? Every fault you've listed for Biden could easily be applied to The Donald, with another 10 or 15 added to the list. The sad truth of the matter is, there is not a front-runner candidate from either side worthy of our votes or the job.
the best you could do was tramp:

He won though, and he's going to win again because your side is lacking good options big time.

With Russia's help but he lost by 3 million votes. That is because states like Wyoming have more voting power.
/——-/ If Trump lost, why isn’t Hildabeast President? Oh—— I get it, you’re counting the popular vote which has nothing to do with electing the president. It’s like saying the team with the most hits wins the World Series. Funny stuff.
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.

What do you think I'm a young black ignorant guy??
I should have written "precious", sorry about the mix up. Donald Trump rightly should go down in history as "Donald the Great", the savior of the American Republic from the malignant scourge of modern liberalism and its unholy spawn, the modern American liberal halfwit.

I don't go by precious either. He was never great and probably flew into Washington on fumes. Are you unaware of his history, I think you might be.
But you are so precious.
When I lived in CA, Alan Cranston was one of the two CA senators. I used to shake my head and wonder just how the hell this was the best the state could do given i't population.

Now, I am asking the same thing about Joe Biden.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?

And you've never once asked the same of the Republicans? Trump was the best they could do? Every fault you've listed for Biden could easily be applied to The Donald, with another 10 or 15 added to the list. The sad truth of the matter is, there is not a front-runner candidate from either side worthy of our votes or the job.
/——/ Oh we admit all the time. Was GHWB, Bob Dole, or Mitt Romney the best candidates we could find? No, but they won the primaries and we were stuck with them. Trump is a movement and a once in a lifetime president. He’s the first private citizen elected president. He’s a tough New York street fighter and not your typical diplomatic career politician.
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Good God that’s unhinged and completely illogical.

Are you aware that we have had many presidents who cheated on their wives WHILE IN OFFICE!!!!! Donny hasn’t done that, but your beloved BJ Clinton did. JFK did. LBJ did. FDR did.

Could you please link your sources regarding Donny’s kids enriching themselves? I know you won’t be thought I’d be nice.

Presidents who have sucked up to the Saudis include all of them since at least Nixon.

Please try harder. Read Abby Martin not Rachel Maddow.
Last edited:
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Penelope, after 911 which US uniform did YOU put on? I was a Marine attack pilot back in the 70's and 80's, by the way. My daughter today is a Marine captain and C-130 aircraft commander.

I was in the NG for 4 years before the twin towers. I'm impressed by you and your dtr. Now why didn't tramp kids do service for their country, my gosh they are such patriot's.
Maybe because we have a volunteer force? They chose not to go into the military, as millions and millions of others chose to do. That was before Donald became our finest and ablest president in US history, by the way.
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Penelope, after 911 which US uniform did YOU put on? I was a Marine attack pilot back in the 70's and 80's, by the way. My daughter today is a Marine captain and C-130 aircraft commander.

I was in the NG for 4 years before the twin towers. I'm impressed by you and your dtr. Now why didn't tramp kids do service for their country, my gosh they are such patriot's.
Maybe because we have a volunteer force? They chose not to go into the military, as millions and millions of others chose to do. That was before Donald became our finest and ablest president in US history, by the way.
Precise Penny always runs away when her BS is exposed.
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Penelope, after 911 which US uniform did YOU put on? I was a Marine attack pilot back in the 70's and 80's, by the way. My daughter today is a Marine captain and C-130 aircraft commander.

I was in the NG for 4 years before the twin towers. I'm impressed by you and your dtr. Now why didn't tramp kids do service for their country, my gosh they are such patriot's.
Maybe because we have a volunteer force? They chose not to go into the military, as millions and millions of others chose to do. That was before Donald became our finest and ablest president in US history, by the way.
Precise Penny always runs away when her BS is exposed.

I went grocery shopping and I have to work out. A female does not stay in shape sitting around. I do not have a personal shopper or personal trainer.
Last edited:
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Good God that’s unhinged and completely illogical.

Are you aware that we have had many presidents who cheated on their wives WHILE IN OFFICE!!!!! Donny hasn’t done that, but your beloved BJ Clinton did. JFK did. LBJ did. FDR did.

Could you please link your sources regarding Donny’s kids enriching themselves? I know you won’t be thought I’d be nice.

Presidents who have sucked up to the Saudis include all of them since at least Nixon.

Please try harder. Read Abby Martin not Rachel Maddow.

Tramps bottom line is the kids bottom lines and I'm sure Kushner is enriching his family as well. They joined their daddy's company and worked off his name, although most know it stinks to high heaven. Tramp Jr went and played bartender for year. Clinton (although I never voted for him) and JFK did not depend on their daddy's for their future. Non of them went into their daddy's business (like tramps 3 kids) and none of them filed bankruptcy 6 times by taking every red cent out of the businesses till there was nothing left.
Trump is the best president you'll ever see in your train wreck life, boy.

I'm not a boy and he is the worst president and he will go down as the worst pres. in the US.
Why? Please explain.

I don’t see how Donny as bad as he is, could be as bad as Dishonest Abe, W, Dirty Harry Truman, LBJ, Tricky Dick, or FDR. All were responsible for the deaths of numerous people and massive destruction.

But then I don’t consume corporate government controlled media like you do. Plus I don’t give a shit what he says. I like most intelligent adults pay attention to what he does, unlike you.

Abby Martin a well known progressive spells it out for you.

Trump tried to overthrow Maduro, blocked ending Yemen war, killed 1000s w/ sanctions, quadrupled drone strikes, doubled civilian casualties, killed more ppl than any other yr in Afghanistan, increased troops in Iraq all while privatizing the wars. Con artistry at its finest ✌
Joe Biden is the quintessential career public parasite. A male life form who has never done a honest day's work in his life, yet is oddly called "Lunch bucket Joe" by the cretins who worship him. A politician who used his position to enrich himself and his family, as we clearly see with Hunter, a drug and sex addict who was kicked out of the Navy and who dumped his wife and children to start screwing his dead brother's widow. A guy with zero expertise in energy gets a seat on the board of directors in the Ukraine, imagine that. With a payout of somewhere between $50-160K/month. Trump would mop the floor with old Joe in any honest debate forum.

Need I remind you about the Accent Hollywood tape and how tramp had affairs on 3 wifes'. Also tramp and his kids are enriching themselves now and in a huge way. Tramp 3 kids were allowed to go into the service since the Saudi's blew our twin towers down, but were chickenshit, they can shoot big game animals though.

All companies want attorneys with investment exp, and tramps kids depended on their daddy's money and the daddy depended on his daddy's money.
Good God that’s unhinged and completely illogical.

Are you aware that we have had many presidents who cheated on their wives WHILE IN OFFICE!!!!! Donny hasn’t done that, but your beloved BJ Clinton did. JFK did. LBJ did. FDR did.

Could you please link your sources regarding Donny’s kids enriching themselves? I know you won’t be thought I’d be nice.

Presidents who have sucked up to the Saudis include all of them since at least Nixon.

Please try harder. Read Abby Martin not Rachel Maddow.

Tramps bottom line is the kids bottom lines and I'm sure Kushner is enriching his family as well. They joined their daddy's company and worked off his name, although most know it stinks to high heaven. Tramp Jr went and played bartender for year. Clinton (although I never voted for him) and JFK did not depend on their daddy's for their future. Non of them went into their daddy's business (like tramps 3 kids) and none of them filed bankruptcy 6 times by taking every red cent out of the businesses till there was nothing left.
/----/ "JFK did not depend on their daddy's for their future."
Joe bought his son's election. Don't kid yourself. He was knee-deep in dirty politics to help his kids win.
YTEDK Joe Kennedy Sr page - How Joe Made His Son President
- On November 8, 1960, John F Kennedy was elected president, defeating Republican Richard Nixon. Jack received 34,226,731 votes to 34,108,157 for Nixon. The popular vote margin, 118,574, was the equivalent of a win by one vote in every precinct in America.
Trump is nothing but a lying POS He hires only the best???He's fired more in his 1st term than any president ever has
and the best you could do was tramp:
Known serial adulterer and confessed serial female assaulterer, bankrupted 6 times, didn't pay contractors, tax evasion.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?
And Biden is beating him every where. But so are most of the other candidates.
Trump is nothing but a lying POS He hires only the best???He's fired more in his 1st term than any president ever has
/——-/ So? What’s wrong with getting rid of those who don’t work out?
How BEST were they ???? The man is an ah He shows it every day His foul mouth in front of the country proves he's lost it
/——/ Obviously you never hired anyone, but did you ever use a service that didn’t work out the way you thought? Did you stick with them anyway or find someone new? I don’t expect an honest answer due to your TDS.
When I lived in CA, Alan Cranston was one of the two CA senators. I used to shake my head and wonder just how the hell this was the best the state could do given i't population.

Now, I am asking the same thing about Joe Biden.

He's a proven liar.

He's a smear artist.

He looks stupid.

He acts stupid.

They are forever pulling his foot out of his mouth.

And he is a leading candidate for president ?

What the hell are we doing wrong ?

Because the party only runs candidates who are bought off, owned, and controlled that's why.

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