How is that Man Made Global Warming workin’ out for ya?

Oh great, here we go again...the old Snowball argument...

View attachment 457331

Oh the ignorance you push, there has been an INCREASE in snowfall in the Northern Hemisphere since the warmist doom and gloom bullcrap came along.

Has been cooling for nearly 5 years now.

The 2001 IPPC report projected a decrease in snow and increase in Rain/freezing rain, it appears they were wrong..... again.
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n says it is the #1 problem facing America.

View attachment 457330
If one is so concerned about this then they should just off themselves. If they all did it that would do the trick to reduce the foot print. Maybe Kerry's plane go down like the original Mr Ketchup wil help too.
Maybe these myopic pos should look past the ends of their nose and stop the decimation of the rain forests of the world. If we had a CO2 filter--as God planned it, maybe we wouldn't have global warming. I am not in total disagreement that global warming has a man-made component, but if the population continues to increase, we need MORE filter capacity--not less and it has less to do with the oil industry than with the removal of the natural filter capacity of the earth. Gore, Biden and Thunberg be damned.

By one estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster. “There is far more forest here than there was 30 years ago,” said Ms. Ortega de Wing, 64, who remembers fields of mango trees and banana plants.
New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests - The New York ...
C'mon Man, Look at the source--the NYT?
That is why i am using it. Even the NY Times is saying that there is more forest today than 30 years ago. Are you telling me the NYT is lying?
JC. China and India belch out 100 times more than fucking us. Give me a fukin break dude. Go over there and bitch. They'll find you chopped up and thrown in the woods.
When Lake of the Woods looks like this...

Instead of this...

I will not only believe global warming, I will celebrate with a Mai Tai on the new beaches of MN.

So far, very dissatisfied with the prospects of that reality. :eusa_eh:
When Lake of the Woods looks like this...
View attachment 457348

Instead of this...View attachment 457346
I will not only believe global warming, I will celebrate with a Mai Tai on the new beaches of MN.

So far, very dissatisfied with the prospects of that reality. :eusa_eh:

What I love is how it's exposing the problems with the "renewable energy sources. Wind turbines freeze and solar panels don't work with snow on them.

n says it is the #1 problem facing America.

View attachment 457330
If one is so concerned about this then they should just off themselves. If they all did it that would do the trick to reduce the foot print. Maybe Kerry's plane go down like the original Mr Ketchup wil help too.
Maybe these myopic pos should look past the ends of their nose and stop the decimation of the rain forests of the world. If we had a CO2 filter--as God planned it, maybe we wouldn't have global warming. I am not in total disagreement that global warming has a man-made component, but if the population continues to increase, we need MORE filter capacity--not less and it has less to do with the oil industry than with the removal of the natural filter capacity of the earth. Gore, Biden and Thunberg be damned.

By one estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster. “There is far more forest here than there was 30 years ago,” said Ms. Ortega de Wing, 64, who remembers fields of mango trees and banana plants.
New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests - The New York ...
C'mon Man, Look at the source--the NYT?
That is why i am using it. Even the NY Times is saying that there is more forest today than 30 years ago. Are you telling me the NYT is lying?
Do I really have to tell you that they are lying? Where have you been for the last four years.
But this article is from 2009 back when Al Jazeera Gore was predicting the Earth would end by 2016.
It's 8 degrees here and snowing again. 20 to 30 mph winds, looks like a blizzard outside. Might get down to zero tonight.
About 80oF here...BEWDIFUL!!!!! I've never been in THAT sort of cold though.

Dropping to -18 F out my door the 5th night in a row.
I welcome any warming.

What the hell makes these idiots think we are at the perfect pinnacle of Earth's climate anyway? No deviations allowed. This has been a tropical world and an ice world over its history.
They believe the planets climate should remain static because humans were stupid and built entire cities in flood prone areas.
Biden says it is the #1 problem facing America.

View attachment 457330

Well, news for you. He's wrong, biggest problem is that the Polar Bears will now be moving back to Texas and they are white to boot. They will be replacing the browns and if this cold keeps up, Biden may have to put a wall on the Northern Border
Another conservative who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.
Where does the cold air come from, if the Ice Caps are melting(melting ice is above 32 degrees)? Please enlighten all of US, oh high and righteous global warming zelot?
You're too stupid to see the light.

You're too stupid to understand anything at all.
I'm rubber, you're glue...

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