How Is the Economy Doing Under President Trump?

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

I guess you're new to investing, or have never invested. You can't just go by a few days or a month or two. Since Trump took office, the stock market has doubled its performance compared to how it did during Obama's last two *years,* and Trump has only been in office 16 months. It's gained over 4,000 points since January 2017, but it gained fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

Is it so hard to admit that investors were encouraged by a president who was ardently pro-business and anti-over-regulation? Is that really so hard to grasp?

If you had a clue about investing you would know you never talk points, it is always percentages.

Why compare his last years to Trump's first years? Why not compare the same time at the start of each Admin...

On May the 3rd of Obama's 2nd year in office the DJI had rate of increase from the day he took office of 40.29%

On May the 3rd of Trump's second year in office the DJI had a rate of increase from the day he took office of 20.69%

Investors were encouraged by a pro-business president, till he started to actually make decisions. Then the wheels came off.

From the day the Trump signed the tax cut bill to today, the DJI has a rate of growth of -3.65%.
They screwed the pooch with their jumbling of favorites to win.
Toys R. Us has expanded….they are now selling shopping carts, lighting fixtures, display cases etc… Trump’s economy at work.
That's okay. You can go to Walmart to get your Matchbox cars.
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

Now, the manufacturing sector reignites because of less regulation, and these fools are going to try and convince you Obama had something to do with it. Well, I hate to admit it, Obama DID have something to do with it, he got his REGULATION ASS out of office!

Let me tell any independent reading this thread some truth------------> blue collar workers did NOT vote for Donald Trump because Obama was doing a bang up job for them, they voted for him because they knew Obama SUCKED, and knew Hillary was the 3rd term of Obama!

To believe that Obama had ANYTHING to do with the resurgence of manufacturing in this country, thus blue collar have to believe that MORE coalminers were going to work because he basically put them out of business, that MORE oil workers were going to work as he shut down drilling and pipelines, and that people spent MORE money with less money in their pocket.

You also have to believe that Black American and Hispanic American unemployment is at historic lows, because Obama let in illegals to take jobs, and now that Trump stopped that practice, it will catch up and all our fellow Americans are now going to get laid off from their new found jobs that illegals can't take!

Now who besides stupid Lefties believes that is even logical-)

You are being GASLIGHTED! They keep repeating their ridiculous propaganda, until you hear it so much, you believe it has to be true; even though you know instinctively they are full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

They are LYING to you, and trying to convince you that it is you who are looney. NO! It is they who are looney, and a bunch of phony baloneys trying to convince you of the old propagandist saying, "who you gonna believe, me, or your dirty, filthy, lying eyes!"
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

Now, the manufacturing sector reignites because of less regulation, and these fools are going to try and convince you Obama had something to do with it. Well, I hate to admit it, Obama DID have something to do with it, he got his REGULATION ASS out of office!

Let me tell any independent reading this thread some truth------------> blue collar workers did NOT vote for Donald Trump because Obama was doing a bang up job for them, they voted for him because they knew Obama SUCKED, and knew Hillary was the 3rd term of Obama!

To believe that Obama had ANYTHING to do with the resurgence of manufacturing in this country, thus blue collar have to believe that MORE coalminers were going to work because he basically put them out of business, that MORE oil workers were going to work as he shut down drilling and pipelines, and that people spent MORE money with less money in their pocket.

You also have to believe that Black American and Hispanic American unemployment is at historic lows, because Obama let in illegals to take jobs, and now that Trump stopped that practice, it will catch up and all our fellow Americans are now going to get laid off from their new found jobs that illegals can't take!

Now who besides stupid Lefties believes that is even logical-)

You are being GASLIGHTED! They keep repeating their ridiculous propaganda, until you hear it so much, you believe it has to be true; even though you know instinctively they are full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

They are LYING to you, and trying to convince you that it is you who are looney. NO! It is they who are looney, and a bunch of phony baloneys trying to convince you of the old propagandist saying, "who you gonna believe, me, or your dirty, filthy, lying eyes!"
I've managed to keep the same job for thiry damn years...Enough already.
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

Now, the manufacturing sector reignites because of less regulation, and these fools are going to try and convince you Obama had something to do with it. Well, I hate to admit it, Obama DID have something to do with it, he got his REGULATION ASS out of office!

Let me tell any independent reading this thread some truth------------> blue collar workers did NOT vote for Donald Trump because Obama was doing a bang up job for them, they voted for him because they knew Obama SUCKED, and knew Hillary was the 3rd term of Obama!

To believe that Obama had ANYTHING to do with the resurgence of manufacturing in this country, thus blue collar have to believe that MORE coalminers were going to work because he basically put them out of business, that MORE oil workers were going to work as he shut down drilling and pipelines, and that people spent MORE money with less money in their pocket.

You also have to believe that Black American and Hispanic American unemployment is at historic lows, because Obama let in illegals to take jobs, and now that Trump stopped that practice, it will catch up and all our fellow Americans are now going to get laid off from their new found jobs that illegals can't take!

Now who besides stupid Lefties believes that is even logical-)

You are being GASLIGHTED! They keep repeating their ridiculous propaganda, until you hear it so much, you believe it has to be true; even though you know instinctively they are full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

They are LYING to you, and trying to convince you that it is you who are looney. NO! It is they who are looney, and a bunch of phony baloneys trying to convince you of the old propagandist saying, "who you gonna believe, me, or your dirty, filthy, lying eyes!"
I've managed to keep the same job for thiry damn years...Enough already.

What has that got to do with young people looking for a job? I didn't see you doing the LIBERAL thing by giving up YOUR job, so a younger person could have one!

Oh no! You wouldn't give up YOUR job or cash, but want to take cash from everyone else to give away. HYPOCRITE!
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

Now, the manufacturing sector reignites because of less regulation, and these fools are going to try and convince you Obama had something to do with it. Well, I hate to admit it, Obama DID have something to do with it, he got his REGULATION ASS out of office!

Let me tell any independent reading this thread some truth------------> blue collar workers did NOT vote for Donald Trump because Obama was doing a bang up job for them, they voted for him because they knew Obama SUCKED, and knew Hillary was the 3rd term of Obama!

To believe that Obama had ANYTHING to do with the resurgence of manufacturing in this country, thus blue collar have to believe that MORE coalminers were going to work because he basically put them out of business, that MORE oil workers were going to work as he shut down drilling and pipelines, and that people spent MORE money with less money in their pocket.

You also have to believe that Black American and Hispanic American unemployment is at historic lows, because Obama let in illegals to take jobs, and now that Trump stopped that practice, it will catch up and all our fellow Americans are now going to get laid off from their new found jobs that illegals can't take!

Now who besides stupid Lefties believes that is even logical-)

You are being GASLIGHTED! They keep repeating their ridiculous propaganda, until you hear it so much, you believe it has to be true; even though you know instinctively they are full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

They are LYING to you, and trying to convince you that it is you who are looney. NO! It is they who are looney, and a bunch of phony baloneys trying to convince you of the old propagandist saying, "who you gonna believe, me, or your dirty, filthy, lying eyes!"
I've managed to keep the same job for thiry damn years...Enough already.

What has that got to do with young people looking for a job? I didn't see you doing the LIBERAL thing by giving up YOUR job, so a younger person could have one!

Oh no! You wouldn't give up YOUR job or cash, but want to take cash from everyone else to give away. HYPOCRITE!
We are hiring all the time since the young folks don't seem to want to work hard and learn a trade.
Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
/-----/ If this had happened with Hildabeast as president, Libtards would be on their knees praising her. But the truth is, none of this would have happened if any one of the candidates had won instead of Trump.
Trump train.jpg
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
/-----/ If this had happened with Hildabeast as president, Libtards would be on their knees praising her. But the truth is, none of this would have happened if any one of the candidates had won instead of Trump.
View attachment 191616

Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
/-----/ If this had happened with Hildabeast as president, Libtards would be on their knees praising her. But the truth is, none of this would have happened if any one of the candidates had won instead of Trump.
View attachment 191616

Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017
/-----/ If this had happened with Hildabeast as president, Libtards would be on their knees praising her. But the truth is, none of this would have happened if any one of the candidates had won instead of Trump.
View attachment 191616
So if anyone was voted in but Trump the US would go into a deep depression?
You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

I am not the left and I never proclaimed the recession was over as I got out of the Marine Corp in the heart of it and finding a job even with 20 years in the Marines was insane.

I have spoken out on this very forum against the CAFE standards, not just the ones that Obama imposed but about the very concept of them.

The fact that I choose not to kiss Trump's ass like you do, does not make me a lefty or a liberal. I can assure you I am much further right than you. I am just not a Trump zealot
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

You conveniently choose Obama's last 2 years because it helps Trump. The DJIA jumped up around 150% during Obama's 8 years. Under Trump it has gone up around 40% however it has stalled out at 24,000 partially due to Trump's threats to start a trade war.
The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

The economy was doing well before Trump entered office..And it continues to do well..Carry on..

The economy has trended just as one would expect. The stock market not doing so well...

Huh? The stock market has risen by more than 4,000 points since Trump took office, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points during Obama's last two years.

If the stock market had ever jumped by 4,000 points in a 16-month period under Obama, you guys would have been praising Obama up and down over it. But since it's happened under Trump, you can't allow yourselves to be happy about it.

Down over 2600 from its high. Once trump policies really kicked in it started tanking...

The DJI was up 5.17 points today! That is a win compared to the last 4 months

You gotta love the left, lolol.

Remember when all the Lefties on here along with Obama, proclaimed the recession officially OVER, hahahahahaha. Nobody could get a job making anything worth squat in the manufacturing sector, but Obama and his minions told us we had recovered, or were recovering...........even as he shut down coalminers, imposed MASSIVE C.A.F.E. standards on automakers, and had no investment going on here.

Now, the manufacturing sector reignites because of less regulation, and these fools are going to try and convince you Obama had something to do with it. Well, I hate to admit it, Obama DID have something to do with it, he got his REGULATION ASS out of office!

Let me tell any independent reading this thread some truth------------> blue collar workers did NOT vote for Donald Trump because Obama was doing a bang up job for them, they voted for him because they knew Obama SUCKED, and knew Hillary was the 3rd term of Obama!

To believe that Obama had ANYTHING to do with the resurgence of manufacturing in this country, thus blue collar have to believe that MORE coalminers were going to work because he basically put them out of business, that MORE oil workers were going to work as he shut down drilling and pipelines, and that people spent MORE money with less money in their pocket.

You also have to believe that Black American and Hispanic American unemployment is at historic lows, because Obama let in illegals to take jobs, and now that Trump stopped that practice, it will catch up and all our fellow Americans are now going to get laid off from their new found jobs that illegals can't take!

Now who besides stupid Lefties believes that is even logical-)

You are being GASLIGHTED! They keep repeating their ridiculous propaganda, until you hear it so much, you believe it has to be true; even though you know instinctively they are full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

They are LYING to you, and trying to convince you that it is you who are looney. NO! It is they who are looney, and a bunch of phony baloneys trying to convince you of the old propagandist saying, "who you gonna believe, me, or your dirty, filthy, lying eyes!"

The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump deserve the credit. The net reshoring of jobs actually started under Obama. Many companies have found advantages such as cheap natural gas that outweigh regulations. While Obama wanted to destroy coal, he is not responsible for coal's decline. Coal will decline and there is nothing Trump or anyone else can do about it.
Let us consider what has happened with the economy since Donald Trump took office:

* The unemployment rate has dropped from 4.8% to 4.1%.

* The stock market has risen from 19,827 on January 20, 2017, to 23,924, an increase of over 4,000 points in only 16 months. By comparison, in Obama’s last two years, the stock market rose from by fewer than 2,000 points, from 17,832 points on January 2, 2015, to 19,827 when Trump took office. In other words, in the 16 months that Trump has been president, the stock market has risen by over 4,000 points, whereas it rose by fewer than 2,000 points in Obama’s last 24 months in office.

* Manufacturing jobs have made a remarkable comeback. March also saw the third-largest jump in manufacturing jobs in over 15 years with the creation of 22,000 new manufacturing jobs. Even more encouraging, this gain occurred in durable-goods manufacturing. This continues the trend of solid growth in manufacturing jobs that started in December. December saw the largest jump in such jobs in over 15 years, followed by February, which saw the second-largest jump. Exceeding all analysts' expectations, the U.S. economy added a whopping 31,000 manufacturing jobs in February.

In December 2016, the month before Trump was inaugurated, there were 12,351,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. In January 2017, the month Trump was inaugurated, manufacturing jobs rose to 12,369,000—an increase of 18,000. In the months since Trump’s inauguration, manufacturing jobs have increased by 267,000.

* Since Trump took office, the number of people on food stamps has dropped by 2 million.

* Trump’s massive deregulation efforts have brought positive results. Investor’s Business Daily:

While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. Case in point: Last week, Trump directed the EPA to cut even more red tape for manufacturers. And he's not done yet.

The idea is not to get rid of air quality standards, but to make sure that the science behind them is transparent and reliable — and not just part of someone's political agenda, as has often been the case in the past.

The White House says that U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards constitute "outdated and unnecessary barriers to growth." Under the new standards, EPA will process state-submitted plans within 18 months, for instance, giving regulated industries a clearer idea of what they can and can't do, quickly. And the permitting process for individual projects will eventually be limited to a year. . . .

Trump, more than any president since Ronald Reagan, understands that excessive regulation is poison for economic growth. Comparing deregulation to tax cuts, Trump said on Thursday that "the cutting of regulations could have had the same or even a bigger impact on our economy." That's no exaggeration. In Obama's last year, the number of factory jobs shrank by 16,000. Since Trump entered office and began cutting taxes and slashing regulations, 281,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created.

Already, Trump's deregulation binge has borne fruit. The National Association of Manufacturers quarterly surveyfound that the small manufacturers' optimism index reached 94.5% in March, its highest level since the survey began 20 years ago. And the index for sales growth rose to its second-highest reading ever. (Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily)​

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

U.S. private employment growth eases but manufacturing shines: ADP

Employment Situation Summary

Manufacturing Jobs Up 31,000 in February; 263,000 Since Trump Took Office

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

Yes, Good Economic News was ‘Underreported‘ in 2017

This should help

Socialism never improves an economy, because socialism is incestuouse and stagnat...
More good news about our economy.

Private Sector Posts Another Month of Employment Growth
Firms across the country added 204,000 workers in April, according to ADP survey
Austen Hufford
May 2, 2018 8:49 a.m. ET

Hiring at private U.S. employers grew more than expected in April, according to a report, as employment continued to grow despite signs of potential labor shortages.

Private Sector Posts Another Month of Employment Growth
Ok, so slashing regulations had no effect? You can't even give Trump credit for that? You can hate reducing taxes and better trade deals for some strange reason, but cutting red tape you can't ignore. As for Toys R Us, before Trump was elected the company made an insane amount of borrowing. They were in trouble for years, and doomed since there initial dealings. I have the perfect solution, let's bail them out like Obama. Too big to fail.

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