How is the sound of freedom related to Qanon?

Nobody really gives a fuck.

Why is it that you fucking hacks can't commend the liberation of children from the hands of commercial sexual predators?....What the fuck is wrong with you?

Damn Scooter. You are pretty riled up about this. To summarize for your short attention span. I posted that CT has existed for a long time. I was told that wasn’t true and that it was a recent thing. I posted examples of older CT to prove my point.

But you want fly off the handle because I am not cheering for a self serving movie based on a wholly inaccurate story told by a guy who most people involved in actually tracking and rescuing kids think is a dolt? When the thread title is asking how the movie is possibly tied to QAnon?

So let me guess. You think this is the greatest movie ever. Of all time.

You really want to address this issue? Cool. Let’s talk about international agreements and international criminal courts. Let’s talk about what is really needed besides some self promoting dolt who uses psychics to run around chasing “tips”.

Nah. You prefer to believe the fiction instead of reality. Because one of those fictions is you are a good guy who cares. How many kids did you free with your caring?
Damn Scooter. You are pretty riled up about this. To summarize for your short attention span. I posted that CT has existed for a long time. I was told that wasn’t true and that it was a recent thing. I posted examples of older CT to prove my point.

But you want fly off the handle because I am not cheering for a self serving movie based on a wholly inaccurate story told by a guy who most people involved in actually tracking and rescuing kids think is a dolt? When the thread title is asking how the movie is possibly tied to QAnon?

So let me guess. You think this is the greatest movie ever. Of all time.

You really want to address this issue? Cool. Let’s talk about international agreements and international criminal courts. Let’s talk about what is really needed besides some self promoting dolt who uses psychics to run around chasing “tips”.

Nah. You prefer to believe the fiction instead of reality. Because one of those fictions is you are a good guy who cares. How many kids did you free with your caring?
Not riled up at all...I'm accurately descibing hack douchebags like you, who could get on board with a guy who rearranged his entire life to combat child slavery, but refuse to because you'd end up on the same side of people whom you loathe to your core....Then you go "WHATTABOUT!" right on cue.

Haven't seen the movie yet, though I have done some reading on the background, which is a compelling story.

As I already noted, a perti dish has more depth than you snobs.
All your links did was show the challenges transgendered youths face in our school systems
I asked for an example of a child being groomed and you failed miserably

If you read the stories at those links, then you know damn well that that is not what they said.

One was about a five-year-old boy, groomed to think he's a girl, presented to his Kindergarten class in a “transgender reveal” event, to groom the other kids in that class to think that they can choose to be other than their actual sex. That event happened fairly close to where I live, so it got quite a bit of coverage in the local media.

The other story is about an eleven-year-old girl, driven to the point of considering suicide, by a fucked-up subhuman pig of a teacher, that bullied her against her will into taking on a male persona at school. The girl didn't even want to be “transgender”, expressed no inclinations in that direction, and the teacher pushed it on her. The parents had no idea what was going on, until the school felt compelled finally to reveal to them that the child had expressed a desire to commit suicide, as a result of this abuse.

And again, if you think that what happened in either of these cases is in any way acceptable, then you are a far more fucked-up excuse for an imitation of a human being than any of us previously realized.
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Not riled up at all...I'm accurately descibing hack douchebags like you, who could get on board with a guy who rearranged his entire life to combat child slavery, but refuse to because you'd end up on the same side of people whom you loathe to your core....Then you go "WHATTABOUT!" right on cue.

Haven't seen the movie yet, though I have done some reading on the background, which is a compelling story.

As I already noted, a perti dish has more depth than you snobs.

No you are just mad because I was on topic to the point of the thread. Try a media review in another folder.
You kind of look pretty stupid right about now.

Do you know how ridiculous it comes across when •YOU• say that anyone else looks stupid?

Truly, you have no self-awareness at all.

Not riled up at all...I'm accurately descibing hack douchebags like you, who could get on board with a guy who rearranged his entire life to combat child slavery, but refuse to because you'd end up on the same side of people whom you loathe to your core....Then you go "WHATTABOUT!" right on cue.

Haven't seen the movie yet, though I have done some reading on the background, which is a compelling story.

As I already noted, a perti dish has more depth than you snobs.
We can all see where the problem lies and why this stuff is allowed to continue.

Half the country is either groomer or supporter of the groomers.

We all can see which side stands for slavery
When the sound of freedom released recently I saw a lot of headlines like this.

And dozens more all saying the movie is tied to Qanon. But after I looked some the movie was written in 2015. And didn't start filming until 2018.

Qanon thing didn't became a thing until 2017, 2 years after Qanon started.

So how can it be Qanon when the script predates Qanon?

And why is a movie based on real life events of people saving trafficked kids Qanon?

And since when is a movie about child trafficking considered bad?
There is some claim in left wing circles which maintains that Qanaon somehow helped produce or fund the movie production. It’s an attempted guilt by association move.
No you are just mad because I was on topic to the point of the thread. Try a media review in another folder.
Not mad in the least....I accurately described and characterized shallow, petty, hater snobs like you, and hit it right on the mark.

I've looked at the reviews, and the ones that don't like it are mostly the usual cadre of haters....Vice, Rolling Stone, etcetera.

But you haters gonna hate...We're used to it.
I'm sayin'!!!

Lookit the cranks on this very thread....You'd think that the story of a man who gives up his relatively normal life, to hunt down kidnapped children and bring their demonic captors to justice, would be something that could be universally applauded....Something profound that could bring people together.

But nooooooooooo!...If those smelly deplorables are getting behind something -anything, there just has to be something politically untoward about it.

That hero is stopping perverted adults from torturing children, and the cranks here can't stand the very idea of children being released from their nasty little claws. This is why the real people of the world despise them and will drive them down into the hell they deserve.

They hate that there are adults who will stand between them and their small and vulnerable prey.

Let's let them know loud and clear what's coming! Especially the vile ghouls that populate this board!


Not mad in the least....I accurately described and characterized shallow, petty, hater snobs like you, and hit it right on the mark.

I've looked at the reviews, and the ones that don't like it are mostly the usual cadre of haters....Vice, Rolling Stone, etcetera.

But you haters gonna hate...We're used to it.

I hope they bring it on! WE ARE READY!

Well, yeah. That's kind of the point. The rightie author was upset because the left was pointing out how bizarre the right's response to the movie is. The left pays no attention to the movie, the right is fixated on it. The left is only interested in why the right is so obsessed.

I’m not talking about the WP article, I’m talking about the RS article, which was written first.

The WP article was a response to that article that criticized the movie - not on its theatrical merits - but because the main actor supposedly follows QAnon.
The criticism is rooted in how the right is using a mundane movie as an excuse to make up weird stories about the left.

And what about the weird stories by the RS article’s author? Why is he criticizing the movie based on the star’s supposed political affiliations and ignoring the real and important subject matter of child trafficking, which everyone knows has become epidemic?
And what about the weird stories by the RS article’s author? Why is he criticizing the movie based on the star’s supposed political affiliations and ignoring the real and important subject matter of child trafficking, which everyone knows has become epidemic?
1) Because they can't.

2) Because they're in favor of grooming and other forms of sexual exploitation of children.
I’m not talking about the WP article, I’m talking about the RS article, which was written first.

And half of it was about the very peculiar reaction of the right.

Did you even read it?

And what about the weird stories by the RS article’s author?

About the very peculiar reaction of the right? I thougth you said he didn't talk about that.

Why is he criticizing the movie based on the star’s supposed political affiliations

Funny. I saw him criticizing the movie because it was absurd.

and ignoring the real and important subject matter of child trafficking, which everyone knows has become epidemic?

Now you're just making up crazy big lies to demonize liberals, so you're not a person to be taken seriously.
1) Because they can't.

2) Because they're in favor of grooming and other forms of sexual exploitation of children.
And nobody ever took this one seriously. Look at him help out the traffickers now by delfecting attention on to innocent people, all to gain more power for his depraved fascist political cult.
Half the country is either groomer or supporter of the groomers.
And you aid the groomers and traffickers.

Just making it clear where we all stand. Liberals actually fight trafficking, conservatives help traffickers for political gain.

We all can see which side stands for slavery
Yep. Your scumbaggery is complete and total. It's not our side flyign confederate flags, little slavery-lover.
The Liberals don't want anybody saying anything about them being pedos and allowing the child sex trade to flourish via open borders.
A Trump humper bringing up pedos and child sex in a completely unrelated thread.

Everyone drink!

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