How is the sound of freedom related to Qanon?

Stuff that you obsess about, to the exclusion of all else. That's not normal. You're not normal.

You may find this hard to believe, but it really is okay to think about something other than children's genitals. TheParty will tell you that's not true, but you don't have to obey TheParty. You can choose to reject perversion.
They go out of their way to trivialize, politicize and weaponize something as horrible as pedophilia in one thread, making a mockery of it, then they'll claim to be Christians in another thread.

They just keep getting worse. Darker.
They go out of their way to trivialize, politicize and weaponize something as horrible as pedophilia in one thread, making a mockery of it, then they'll claim to be Christians in another thread.

They just keep getting worse. Darker.

Dark is grooming and sexually abusing children..

Everyone is noticing you've failed to condemn it. Instead you're on some fictitious Qanon crap
When the sound of freedom released recently I saw a lot of headlines like this.

And dozens more all saying the movie is tied to Qanon. But after I looked some the movie was written in 2015. And didn't start filming until 2018.

Qanon thing didn't became a thing until 2017, 2 years after Qanon started.

So how can it be Qanon when the script predates Qanon?

And why is a movie based on real life events of people saving trafficked kids Qanon?

And since when is a movie about child trafficking considered bad?
the script is based on a true story ... wow ! the left sure is getting very triggered for some very strange reason !
When the sound of freedom released recently I saw a lot of headlines like this.

And dozens more all saying the movie is tied to Qanon. But after I looked some the movie was written in 2015. And didn't start filming until 2018.

Qanon thing didn't became a thing until 2017, 2 years after Qanon started.

So how can it be Qanon when the script predates Qanon?

And why is a movie based on real life events of people saving trafficked kids Qanon?

And since when is a movie about child trafficking considered bad?

The child groomers of the democrat party media wing, Hollywood, have to do their best to suppress any nascent movement against what they they will smear a movie that is trying to help children ............

Again.......for the left, they obviously haven't checked their Borg Queen mind signals lately......

Qanon failed as a smear since no one besides democrat party smear merchants knew what it now the smear against republicans is supposed to be "Christian Nationalism."

If the democrats attacking this movie would just keep up with the party created smears for republicans, they would not have used qanon....
Yeah, Caviezel is a big time Q nut. While many Trumpsters try to downplay it, the whole Q culture is now in the GQP's DNA.

That doesn't make every Republican a Q nut, but the two are now tied, whether they like it or not.

I wouldn't want to be associated with it either, so I'm not surprised when they bristle at the comparisons.


No one outside of you assholes knows what qanon is...........if you would simply keep up with your democrat party news letters, the new smear against republicans is "Christian Nationalism." Please try to keep up.......only you assholes know what qanon is, since you idiots created it....

No one outside of you assholes knows what qanon is...........if you would simply keep up with your democrat party news letters, the new smear against republicans is "Christian Nationalism." Please try to keep up.......only you assholes know what qanon is, since you idiots created it....
Ol' Mac triggers another one. I don't believe you.

If you don't like that, tough shit.
Gfy already, you're easy

Watch it you little loon and never ever confront me again

WTF is the matter with you?
I asked for an example of a child who was groomed to be a homosexual or transexual and you reply with a video about a girl who is over 18 and had an abusive boyfriend

Are you really this stupid?
I saw The Sound of Freedom yesterday. Not a pizza place in the entire movie. It is the true story of Tim Ballard who spent his life disrupting the child sex slave industry. Rather than accuse shadowy democrats of being prime users, the movie extensively exposes the Hispanic traffickers. At the end of the movie they have photographs of the real Tim Ballard with his family and testifying before congress.

What is it that democrats are so scared of?

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