How is the sun not responsible for warming the ocean?

The ocean has been steadily warming. What's responsible for this warming?

  • Sun

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Atmosphere

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Overwhelmingly the sun with a minor contribution by the atmosphere

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Overwhelmingly the atmosphere with a minor contribution by the atmosphere

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not a scientist and I don't pretend much online.

One way that the world’s ocean affects weather and climate is by playing an important role in keeping our planet warm. The majority of radiation from the Sun is absorbed by the ocean, particularly in tropical waters around the equator, where the ocean acts like a massive, heat-retaining solar panel. Land areas also absorb some sunlight, and the atmosphere helps to retain heat that would otherwise quickly radiate into space after sunset.

The ocean doesn't just store solar radiation — it also helps to distribute heat around the globe. When water molecules are heated, they exchange freely with the air in a process called evaporation. Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms that are then carried by trade winds. In fact, almost all rain that falls on land starts off in the ocean. The tropics are particularly rainy because heat absorption, and thus ocean evaporation, is highest in this area.

Outside of Earth’s equatorial areas, weather patterns are driven largely by ocean currents. Currents are movements of ocean water in a continuous flow, created largely by surface winds but also partly by temperature and salinity gradients, Earth’s rotation, and tides. Major current systems typically flow clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere, in circular patterns that often trace the coastlines.

Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface. Without currents in the ocean, regional temperatures would be more extreme — super hot at the equator and frigid toward the poles — and much less of Earth’s land would be habitable.

Warm waters? We should, of course, ascribe blame to the primary cause:

The Sun

I was thinking maybe too many hot tomales near the equator.

How did you come to that stupid conclusion, dingbat?
I think the point that you must have missed is that the ocean warming isn't from AGW. The ocean is warming naturally like it always does during interglacial periods because the ocean currents tamp down glaciation in the northern hemisphere. Which is not the case when the AMOC switches off.
The sun is always warming the ocean. That never changes. Orbital cycles are insignificant. It's how the ocean currents distribute that heat that determines the global climate. When ocean currents do not distribute that heat to the Arctic, glaciation begins and the planet cools. When ocean currents do distribute heat to the Arctic, glaciation recedes and the planet warms. The atmosphere has next to nothing to do with this process.
I am beginning to believe the climate community is as fraudulent as the banking community was during the subprime lending fiasco.
I voted the atmosphere ... the Sun's output is constant, she can't be held responsible for any changes here on Earth ... any first derivative result will be caused by the atmosphere ...

Your math is wrong ... if we irradiate a cubic meter of water with 1,360 watts of energy, what should the temperature be? ... ha ha ha .. even The Chick gets this one right ...
The sun is always warming the ocean. That never changes. Orbital cycles are insignificant. It's how the ocean currents distribute that heat that determines the global climate. When ocean currents do not distribute that heat to the Arctic, glaciation begins and the planet cools. When ocean currents do distribute heat to the Arctic, glaciation recedes and the planet warms. The atmosphere has next to nothing to do with this process.
Are the large number of scientists who disagree with you lying?
Oceans are not warming. If they were, there would be a breakout in cane activity. There is no such breakout. The record decade for canes is still the 1940s, second place is the 1890s. In 1938, a Cat 5 hit Long Island, and no such storm has gotten that far north since.

Poll is a lie, oceans are not warming, and hence nothing is responsible for no warming...
Oceans are not warming. If they were, there would be a breakout in cane activity.
If the oceans were not warming, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, with the actual qualifications to know one way or the other, would have long ago alerted us to this fraud. And, if the oceans aren't warming, then the air can't be warming. And someone would have alerted us to that long ago. But, they haven't, have they. Do you understand that with psychosis it's possible to believe things about the world that absolutely, positively, aren't true.
There is no such breakout. The record decade for canes is still the 1940s, second place is the 1890s. In 1938, a Cat 5 hit Long Island, and no such storm has gotten that far north since.

Poll is a lie, oceans are not warming, and hence nothing is responsible for no warming...
Why do you never address the actual temperature record? Any of them?
Are the large number of scientists who disagree with you lying?
I think they are so convinced that they can't be wrong that they dismiss anything that challenges their beliefs. But I bet there are some who know better and go along.
Oceans are not warming. If they were, there would be a breakout in cane activity. There is no such breakout. The record decade for canes is still the 1940s, second place is the 1890s. In 1938, a Cat 5 hit Long Island, and no such storm has gotten that far north since.

Poll is a lie, oceans are not warming, and hence nothing is responsible for no warming...
Measurements and common sense say otherwise. Do you seriously think the sun doesn't heat the ocean? What do you think happens to all that heat?
I voted the atmosphere ... the Sun's output is constant, she can't be held responsible for any changes here on Earth ... any first derivative result will be caused by the atmosphere ...

Your math is wrong ... if we irradiate a cubic meter of water with 1,360 watts of energy, what should the temperature be? ... ha ha ha .. even The Chick gets this one right ...
If you are serious I just lost all respect for you.
If you are serious I just lost all respect for you.
I rather doubt that concerns him much. The point he makes, however, ought to be VERY significant to you. You've repeatedly made statements like "the sun continues to warm the ocean" as if (as RD points out) the constant stream of energy from the sun could produce changes on the Earth. This is an extraordinarily fundamental error on your part.
I rather doubt that concerns him much. The point he makes, however, ought to be VERY significant to you. You've repeatedly made statements like "the sun continues to warm the ocean" as if (as RD points out) the constant stream of energy from the sun could produce changes on the Earth. This is an extraordinarily fundamental error on your part.
Me too.

The constant solar output does not cause climate changes on earth. How that heat is distributed across the globe does. Change the distribution, change the climate. Constant solar output does not mean even heating of the planet's surfaces. It's uneven heating which causes weather and climate. Salinity and density differences is what causes the currents to change. The currents changing is what causes the climate to change.
Me too.

The constant solar output does not cause climate changes on earth. How that heat is distributed across the globe does. Change the distribution, change the climate. Constant solar output does not mean even heating of the planet's surfaces. It's uneven heating which causes weather and climate. Salinity and density differences is what causes the currents to change. The currents changing is what causes the climate to change.

1,360 W/m^2 times the cosine of latitude ... easy ... trigonometry is high school math ... but go back to simple algebra, what temperature should the oceans be? ...

No answer is an answer itself ...
1,360 W/m^2 times the cosine of latitude ... easy ... trigonometry is high school math ... but go back to simple algebra, what temperature should the oceans be? ...

No answer is an answer itself ...
Great. So how much heat do you believe the ocean contains? How much heat do you believe the atmosphere contains?

Ball park answers are fine.
Great. So how much heat do you believe the ocean contains? How much heat do you believe the atmosphere contains?

Ball park answers are fine.

2.1 x 10^17 joules at 286 K for just water's latent heat in the atmosphere ... on average ... a fair part of that energy came from the gravitational collapse ... solar energy isn't stored on Earth, it's radiated back out into space ... partially via this latent heat

The ocean is easier ... almost half the heat is tied up in the liquid state-of-matter ... 4.2 X 10^28 J ... and again, all of it primordial, the sun doesn't provide any of this energy ... never has ... although in a few billion years that's supposed to change, the energy is vaporize the Earth will come from the Sun in her Red Giant stage of life ...

Hey stupid ... there's no convection in the oceans ... the sun warms the top layer of water molecules, and none other ... the water molecules, you know, "evaporate" hahahahahahahahahaha ...

Obviously you don't understand the physics going on here ... or you'd give the oceans' proper temperature ... ask The Chick, her math is good enough ...
2.1 x 10^17 joules at 286 K for just water's latent heat in the atmosphere ... on average ... a fair part of that energy came from the gravitational collapse ... solar energy isn't stored on Earth, it's radiated back out into space ... partially via this latent heat

The ocean is easier ... almost half the heat is tied up in the liquid state-of-matter ... 4.2 X 10^28 J ... and again, all of it primordial, the sun doesn't provide any of this energy ... never has ... although in a few billion years that's supposed to change, the energy is vaporize the Earth will come from the Sun in her Red Giant stage of life ...

Hey stupid ... there's no convection in the oceans ... which ding didn't say because he's wicked smart ...
the sun warms the top layer of water molecules, and none other ... the water molecules, you know, "evaporate" hahahahahahahahahaha ...

Obviously understand the physics way better than me ... ask The Chick, her math is good enough ...
So according to your "calculations" the ocean contains way more than 1000 times the heat of the atmosphere. #winning

I'm ignoring your idiotic thinking that the ocean doesn't store solar energy. SMH.

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