How is Trump Doing With the Economy?

I say it’s the ‘transition to greatness.’ The transition is the third quarter

The fourth quarter is going to do very well. And next year is going to be through the roof.
Worst economy since the Great Depression

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No, temporary job losses to virus, before that best economy in history. The Great Depression was caused by shoeshine boys thinking buying stocks was better than working....they got what they deserved and so will you.

The economy will not recover at the ring of a bell. Many businesses will not reopen. Some will partially open. Many employees will not be brought back.

Trump has the worst economy in 80 years
Many businesses WON'T reopen...especially in States controlled by Democrats! States controlled by Republicans are going to lead this recovery. The States that continue with lockdowns will see their economies decimated by the actions of THEIR leaders...not because of anything that Donald Trump has done!
the economy has been hut down because of the virus released by the democrat ally the chicoms ...the economy is poised to recover hen e reopen fully ...
The Dems hate Trump. China hates Trump. The Deep State hates Trump. Could there have been a secret deal between those who hate Trump?
Donald is not capable of making anything work. The economy only grew as a result of Democratic policies.
Grew? The Dems did squat but crushed it. Not to mention; adding more to the national debt with their $2T "Care 2" bill package (that has more pork than anything else).
Unscramble those fucking eggs. When in the last 3.5 years did the Dems. crush the economy and add $2T ? From what month & year to month & year? Listen up Ichi san, The GOP has dominated the Senate half of the Legislative and the the Executive branch since Jan 2017. ALL appropriations passed since then have been bipartisan or they haven't been passed you ignorant shit! Go do some basic reading on how the the three branches of the Federal function, fool!
the economy has been hut down because of the virus released by the democrat ally the chicoms ...the economy is poised to recover hen e reopen fully ...
the economy has been hut down because of the virus released by the democrat ally the chicoms ...the economy is poised to recover hen e reopen fully ...
Could you send me one of your decoder rings to unscramble your post to me?

chicoms? Are you 90 something and a Korean War vet? I don't think so! That term went with the wind about 1954 with the fall of Joe McCarthy and the Nation's disillusionment of HUAC. Quit trying to be something you're not!

Further, your claim of the Democratic Party being in alliance with the People's Republic of China is childishly absurd and repeating that sophistry does deep damage to any credibility you may have had in the past. Pitiful!
They forget about the love letters with Kim, how much he kisses up to that Communist Putin, and of course Xi himself. All fucking commies.
you are right ! i hear Trump is letting china practice bad trade policies and i not placing reciprocal tariffs on them and also his son got 1.5 billion from them immediately after they visited china on air force one !!
Worst economy since the Great Depression

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no it isnt .... the economy will start to surge within 8 weeks .

25 percent unemployment?
Negative 30 GDP?

You think you snap a finger and it is over? You must be listening to Trump
snap your finger and its over ?? no idiot i said the economy will rapidly recover because believe it or not the policies that have been put in place in the last 3 years encourage business and investment !Trump has taken the leftist government big regulation big tax shackles off of the economy ! businesses will be lost because of the lockdown but Americans will adapt and innovate and pent up demand will fuel the recovery ! you see many dem business busting policies are gone! and the biggest indicator that we will recover is the stock market ! if the market believed what the left is hoping will happen it would be a lot lower...
Kool-Aid, get yer Trump Kool-Aid

Businesses that were on the brink will not come back, many big box stores and malls will close. Those that do return will still face social distancing and be at partial capacity. Movie Theaters will be empty, Tourism will be dead this summer

That is the reality of the TRUMPvirus
how is a virus that came from a leftist country that has spread and killed hundreds of thousands and damaged virtually every economy in every country on earth Trumps virus ???? and pal you had better hope the economy doesnt collapse! or are you dumb enough to believe that you are immune to a disaster like that ! remember no jobs no tax payers no taxpayers no money for gubment jobs ....idiot ! you had better hope and pray your leaders and their chicom allies dont get what they want !
It is the TRUMPvirus because even though we had four months to prepare, we ended up with the most deaths in the world.

Trump loves to put TRUMP on everything he can. Now he gets his own virus
4 months to prepare ? your chicom allies lied and hid info on the virus traitor ! your leaders told people to visit china town and ride the subways after Trump implemented a Travel ban ! and they put infected patients back into elderly care facilities that caused the deaths of thousands after Trump had sent a floating hospital and the military set up a hospital at the javits center !both with thousands of empty beds ! meanwhile the governor of Florida a state with many more elderly than NY protected the elderly and have suffered a fraction of the deaths in cuomos state ! most deaths in the world??? do you actually believe the chicom death count ?? are you that stupid or are you just a communist anti capitalist chicom sympathizer ?? youre probably a combination of both .
I was being generous.
Actually, Trump had three and a half years to prepare. A time he abandoned any inherited framework of Obama’s epidemiology planning.
the obama admin depleted the stockpile and never replenished them !and it the states responsibility to purchase and store ppe for emergencies !
Worst economy since the Great Depression

View attachment 336454
no it isnt .... the economy will start to surge within 8 weeks .

25 percent unemployment?
Negative 30 GDP?

You think you snap a finger and it is over? You must be listening to Trump
snap your finger and its over ?? no idiot i said the economy will rapidly recover because believe it or not the policies that have been put in place in the last 3 years encourage business and investment !Trump has taken the leftist government big regulation big tax shackles off of the economy ! businesses will be lost because of the lockdown but Americans will adapt and innovate and pent up demand will fuel the recovery ! you see many dem business busting policies are gone! and the biggest indicator that we will recover is the stock market ! if the market believed what the left is hoping will happen it would be a lot lower...
Kool-Aid, get yer Trump Kool-Aid

Businesses that were on the brink will not come back, many big box stores and malls will close. Those that do return will still face social distancing and be at partial capacity. Movie Theaters will be empty, Tourism will be dead this summer

That is the reality of the TRUMPvirus
how is a virus that came from a leftist country that has spread and killed hundreds of thousands and damaged virtually every economy in every country on earth Trumps virus ???? and pal you had better hope the economy doesnt collapse! or are you dumb enough to believe that you are immune to a disaster like that ! remember no jobs no tax payers no taxpayers no money for gubment jobs ....idiot ! you had better hope and pray your leaders and their chicom allies dont get what they want !
It is the TRUMPvirus because even though we had four months to prepare, we ended up with the most deaths in the world.

Trump loves to put TRUMP on everything he can. Now he gets his own virus
4 months to prepare ? your chicom allies lied and hid info on the virus traitor ! your leaders told people to visit china town and ride the subways after Trump implemented a Travel ban ! and they put infected patients back into elderly care facilities that caused the deaths of thousands after Trump had sent a floating hospital and the military set up a hospital at the javits center !both with thousands of empty beds ! meanwhile the governor of Florida a state with many more elderly than NY protected the elderly and have suffered a fraction of the deaths in cuomos state ! most deaths in the world??? do you actually believe the chicom death count ?? are you that stupid or are you just a communist anti capitalist chicom sympathizer ?? youre probably a combination of both .
I was being generous.
Actually, Trump had three and a half years to prepare. A time he abandoned any inherited framework of Obama’s epidemiology planning.
the obama admin depleted the stockpile and never replenished them !and it the states responsibility to purchase and store ppe for emergencies !
Never replenished?

You mean Trump and his team of doctors and experts did nothing for 3 1/2 years?
Maybe if he hadn’t disbanded the pandemic response team he could be prepared for these things
Worst economy since the Great Depression

View attachment 336454
no it isnt .... the economy will start to surge within 8 weeks .

25 percent unemployment?
Negative 30 GDP?

You think you snap a finger and it is over? You must be listening to Trump
snap your finger and its over ?? no idiot i said the economy will rapidly recover because believe it or not the policies that have been put in place in the last 3 years encourage business and investment !Trump has taken the leftist government big regulation big tax shackles off of the economy ! businesses will be lost because of the lockdown but Americans will adapt and innovate and pent up demand will fuel the recovery ! you see many dem business busting policies are gone! and the biggest indicator that we will recover is the stock market ! if the market believed what the left is hoping will happen it would be a lot lower...
Kool-Aid, get yer Trump Kool-Aid

Businesses that were on the brink will not come back, many big box stores and malls will close. Those that do return will still face social distancing and be at partial capacity. Movie Theaters will be empty, Tourism will be dead this summer

That is the reality of the TRUMPvirus
how is a virus that came from a leftist country that has spread and killed hundreds of thousands and damaged virtually every economy in every country on earth Trumps virus ???? and pal you had better hope the economy doesnt collapse! or are you dumb enough to believe that you are immune to a disaster like that ! remember no jobs no tax payers no taxpayers no money for gubment jobs ....idiot ! you had better hope and pray your leaders and their chicom allies dont get what they want !
It is the TRUMPvirus because even though we had four months to prepare, we ended up with the most deaths in the world.

Trump loves to put TRUMP on everything he can. Now he gets his own virus
4 months to prepare ? your chicom allies lied and hid info on the virus traitor ! your leaders told people to visit china town and ride the subways after Trump implemented a Travel ban ! and they put infected patients back into elderly care facilities that caused the deaths of thousands after Trump had sent a floating hospital and the military set up a hospital at the javits center !both with thousands of empty beds ! meanwhile the governor of Florida a state with many more elderly than NY protected the elderly and have suffered a fraction of the deaths in cuomos state ! most deaths in the world??? do you actually believe the chicom death count ?? are you that stupid or are you just a communist anti capitalist chicom sympathizer ?? youre probably a combination of both .
I was being generous.
Actually, Trump had three and a half years to prepare. A time he abandoned any inherited framework of Obama’s epidemiology planning.
the obama admin depleted the stockpile and never replenished them !and it the states responsibility to purchase and store ppe for emergencies !
Never replenished?

You mean Trump and his team of doctors and experts did nothing for 3 1/2 years?
Maybe if he hadn’t disbanded the pandemic response team he could be prepared for these things
he didnt disband the team ...streamlining is not disbanding and Fouci says Trump i following medical advice ! ....but let me ask you one question...... is china responsible for the pandemic thats spreading across the entire planet ?
Democrats are certainly enjoying their sabotage aren't they?

Meanwhile Trump inked a deal with Taiwan to build a 12 billion dollar semiconductor plant in Arizona. And another deal with Belarus to buy our oil.

It's the democrats that want economic carnage. Desire it. Need it.
Democrats are certainly enjoying their sabotage aren't they?

Meanwhile Trump inked a deal with Taiwan to build a 12 billion dollar semiconductor plant in Arizona. And another deal with Belarus to buy our oil.

It's the democrats that want economic carnage. Desire it. Need it.
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Yet, he rolled right over Jeb!, Clinton, Mueller, Schiff and will soon crush Biden as well.
"Other things have never had a vaccine so I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine."


He could have said "diseases," "epidemics," or "pandemics," but the best Trump could come up with is "things?"

Trump then offered several fantasies about how many Americans actually had the virus. It takes less than five seconds to find the answer on a computer, but then he is speaking to his fans and that could be the problem.

According to United States Coronavirus: 1,482,968 Cases and 88,475 Deaths - Worldometer, 1,482,863 have had the virus and 88,470 Americans have died from it. Trump didn't seem overly concerned about those numbers. In fact, he avoids them.

Then he lied.

Blaring truck horns intruded on Trump's performance in the Rose Garden. He claimed that this was the sound of a pro-Trump protest.

"And you hear that outside, that beautiful sound -- those are truckers that are with us all the way. They are protesting in favor of President Trump, as opposed to against. There's hundreds of trucks out there, and that's the sign of love. Not the sign of your typical protest. So I want to thank our great truckers. They like me and I like them. It's almost a celebration, in a way."

Good Lord!
And this man is our President?

The truckers who have lined streets near the White House since May 1 are indeed protesters, not people holding any kind of celebration -- and they are protesting a variety of issues affecting their jobs, not protesting in favor of Trump.

'He lied on national television': Trump falsely claims truckers protesting industry problems are honking to support him - CNNPolitics
Hey shanks , how did all that Russian collusion work out for ya. .... your full of it .... the truth is out , your a fraud .
Dems, you suck! Nobody agrees with you!

Wait a sec. Morning consult is the poll Marion Morrison "fake Duke" said was not good. LOL

Seriously it's too early for polls on this. It's a tribute to the former econ that Trump still is above water, considering the job losses. But states are just now reopening. August - Oct will tell the tale of Trump.
Joe Biden Just Made Another Trump Ad.

“Reporter: ‘56% of Americans said that they are better off today than they were 4 years ago under the Obama-Biden administration. Why should they vote for you?’ Biden: ‘Well if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.’”​

Atlantic Fed Nowcast for 3Q Real GDP is 35.2 percent.

The midline of the Blue Chip Consensus is almost 25%. Either number would be astounding and the best quarterly growth in the history of the Republic.


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