How Liberalism violates all 10 Commandments

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What on earth are you talking about?


Who cares about the 10 commandments? If you read them it should be obvious to you that the powerful wrote those to keep the masses in line.

As a liberal, I don't care if you worship false idols. Knock yourselves out. And notice it isn't against the law to fuck another man's wife? Or its not illegal to cheat on your wife? I wonder why that is?

And why should someone honor their parents if they were bad? Back when they wrote the 10 commandments, parents used their kids as farm hands. It's why they had them. There was economic value in having a lot of kids. Basically it wasn't out of love. They were slaves. So of course MAN wrote "Honor your parents" into the 10 commandments. Why doesn't it say treat your kids well? Nothing about being good to your children? That's not a commandment? Of course it isn't.
What on earth are you talking about?


Who cares about the 10 commandments? If you read them it should be obvious to you that the powerful wrote those to keep the masses in line.

As a liberal, I don't care if you worship false idols. Knock yourselves out. And notice it isn't against the law to fuck another man's wife? Or its not illegal to cheat on your wife? I wonder why that is?

And why should someone honor their parents if they were bad? Back when they wrote the 10 commandments, parents used their kids as farm hands. It's why they had them. There was economic value in having a lot of kids. Basically it wasn't out of love. They were slaves. So of course MAN wrote "Honor your parents" into the 10 commandments. Why doesn't it say treat your kids well? Nothing about being good to your children? That's not a commandment? Of course it isn't.

If you aren't interested in the ten commandments, then I propose you start your own thread about whatever it is you're blathering about.

THIS thread is about how liberalism violates the ten commandments.
"Volumes could be penned on the myriad ways in which the central tenets of liberalism violate each of the Ten Commandments. The following is a much truncated analysis:

"The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17):
1. Thou Shalt Have No Gods Before Me.
At worst, liberalism denies the very existence of God in the forms of atheism and secularism, while, at best, it adopts that wonderfully “inclusive” blasphemy called religious pluralism. Pluralism presumes to give the false gods of false religions equal footing and denies Christ as He defined Himself: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Liberal “Christianity” falls under this category. It’s pluralism with a Christian stamp.
Secular humanism, liberalism’s prevailing false religion, denies God altogether and crowns man as king over himself and the measure of all things. “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

"2. Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images.
We’re talking idolatry here. Liberalism is built on it. First, there’s literal idolatry (the worship of man-made idols, animals or inanimate objects) enjoyed by our New Age friends. And then there’s everything else: pantheistic environmentalism, the idols of “reproductive freedom,” “sexual liberation and equality,” etc.
Essentially, liberalism worships the created over the Creator. Liberalism also worships the sins of the flesh (see Commandments No. 1, 6 and 7).

"3. Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain.
To deny God is to take the Lord’s name in vain. To deny God as He defines Himself is to take the Lord’s name in vain. To misrepresent God, to call other gods God or to deny the deity of Christ is to take the Lord’s name in vain. Liberalism does this and much more. Many liberals also mock Christ, Christianity and Christians. They revile the exclusive nature of Jesus, His commands and His faithful followers. They hate truth.

"4. Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath.
This one is a bit tricky as it is widely understood to fall under the Jewish ceremonial law, not the moral law – the old covenant, not the new. Christ Himself healed (worked) on the Sabbath. That said, many Christians still view Sunday as the Sabbath and do, indeed, keep it holy. Not all liberals (there are certainly liberal Jews), but liberalism at large denies the Sabbath any significance whatsoever, much less a holy significance.

"5. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
Liberalism seeks to supplant parents with “progressive” government. It diminishes parental rights and encourages children to rebel against the antiquated conventions held by mom and dad. It denies that children even need a mother and father and bristles at the “heteronormative” lack of “gender neutrality” inherent within the very words “mother and father.” The sin-centered, counter-biblical notion of “gay marriage” desecrates God’s design for true marriage and family and is intended to undermine these cornerstone institutions.

"6. Thou Shalt Not Murder.
Abortion, euthanasia, “pro-choice,” “reproductive rights,” “death with dignity.” Need I say more? Sacrosanct is the liberal rite of passage for a feminist mother to slaughter her own child in the womb. Fifty-five million dead babies later, liberals continue to worship at the pagan altar of “choice” (see Commandments No. 1 and 2).

"7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
This means all sexual immorality as identified in the scriptures, to include marital infidelity, fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, et al. Liberalism, it seems, embraces all perversions of God’s design for human sexuality. Central to liberalism is moral relativism. When it comes to sex, you can do no wrong because there is no wrong.

"8. Thou Shalt Not Steal.
With class warfare as its fuel, liberalism embraces the redistributionist philosophies of Marx and Engels. Liberalism thrives on theft. Like some completely incompetent and inefficient Robin Hood, liberal government steals from the middle class to give to the poor, thereby ensuring that liberal politicians remain in power and everyone else remains miserable.

"9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.
I give you Saul Alinsky from his Rules for Radicals: “The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means.” As we’ve learned from Barack “you can keep your insurance” Obama, that includes lying. Liberals lie. That’s what they do. The ends justify the means. Bearing false witness about detractors of liberalism is par for the course.

"10. Thou Shalt Not Covet.
Again, liberalism uses man’s inherent covetousness as the driving force behind all liberal economic policies. Creating a political climate of economic envy and class warfare gives liberal government the cover needed to take wealth from those who produce and redistribute it to those who don’t. Not only does liberalism violate this commandment, liberalism commands its adherents to do the exact opposite. “Thou shalt covet.”
As Satan “masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14), so, too, does liberalism masquerade as good. It’s deceptively packaged in flowery euphemisms and feel-good sound bites that promise “equality,” “tolerance” and libertine notions of “social justice.”

"Yet, in reality, liberalism, in both philosophical and practical terms, simply signifies man’s predisposition to “call evil good and good evil.” It’s sin, all dolled up and doled out."

Read more at How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments |

Pretty ridiculous but I'm curious. You're not christian and you very obviously despise "god/Jesus". Why would YOU, of all people, post something like this?

* no one knows what the Commandments from God were - the etchings were destroyed by Moses, something he must not have agreed with .... and made up the 10 followed by "Christians".

Er...there were no Christians when the Ten Commandments were recorded.

Try again.
What on earth are you talking about?


Who cares about the 10 commandments? If you read them it should be obvious to you that the powerful wrote those to keep the masses in line.

As a liberal, I don't care if you worship false idols. Knock yourselves out. And notice it isn't against the law to fuck another man's wife? Or its not illegal to cheat on your wife? I wonder why that is?

And why should someone honor their parents if they were bad? Back when they wrote the 10 commandments, parents used their kids as farm hands. It's why they had them. There was economic value in having a lot of kids. Basically it wasn't out of love. They were slaves. So of course MAN wrote "Honor your parents" into the 10 commandments. Why doesn't it say treat your kids well? Nothing about being good to your children? That's not a commandment? Of course it isn't.

If you aren't interested in the ten commandments, then I propose you start your own thread about whatever it is you're blathering about.

THIS thread is about how liberalism violates the ten commandments.

Well its a silly premise. Republicans violate them too.

1. True. Many of us believe in other gods and some of don't believe in any at all. And of course the people who started your cult said don't believe in any other gods. Duh.

2. Whatever

3. Fuck god and god damn

4. How many fucking republican bosses have made me work on Sundays?

5. We don't honor our parents? Fuck you. What we don't do is honor them if they are not good to us. Do you?

6. You mean seeds in the womb? Even the old testament doesn't consider that life. And what about your wars for oil and money? Also, lots of conservatives get abortions too. Don't deny it.

7. I have fucked married republican women.

8. It is the rich that stole our government and stole all our money. Who benefitted from the crash of 2007 you stupid little twit? You are too dumb to know class warfare always goes on and you are the one losing the war bitch.

9. False witness? Like when Powell went to the UN and lied about Saddam and WMD'S?

10. See number 8 idiot.

Who wrote this? This Matt Barber who founded is a former boxer. Seems he's been hit in the head one or two too many times.

Look deeper and you find all kinds of right wing connections. Liberty Counsel is a non-profit public interest law firm and ministry that provides free legal assistance in defense of "Christian religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and the traditional family.

Liberty Counsel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have an agenda. Clearly not fair and balanced.
If you aren't interested in the ten commandments, then I propose you start your own thread about whatever it is you're blathering about.

THIS thread is about how liberalism violates the ten commandments.

I'll certainly not try to argue that liberalism, even the piss-poor definition of it so blithely tossed about these days, doesn't fracture, and fracture often, the "Holy List of 10" that, as the story in The Torah goes, The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, gave to Moses over 6,000 years ago. That's a given.

"Who cares?"

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but when I signed up, it was The United States Constitution that I swore to uphold, not the popular ancient stories about the God of some ancient Arab.

To having a reasonable document where it doesn't matter if you're:

or a Sociopath pretending to care,​

We, The Peeps can meet in the middle!​

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So what we have are liberals proudly proclaiming that yeah liberalism violates the ten commandments, and they don't give a shit.

Good on ya!
As Jesus once said, it easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a conservative to enter the kingdom of heaven

There is a special place set aside for conservatives
It's a tad alarmist, koshergrl...

If you had wanted to point out that more and more Americans seem to be enjoying the freedom that The U.S. Constitution guarantees them, the ancient stories about Abraham's God be damned, all you had to do was point to 'Vegas.

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So what we have are liberals proudly proclaiming that yeah liberalism violates the ten commandments, and they don't give a shit.

Good on ya!

Christians and Atheists and Liberals don't give a fuck about the 10 commandments. Only jews do.
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