How Liberalism violates all 10 Commandments

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Nope, most pagans were liberals that enjoyed blood sport.

Not the Romans. They did not care for anyone who wanted to change things. Very conservative they were.

As a true Liberal, Jesus did forgive the Conservatives who crucified him

"What this brings to light is the fact that people who seek to box and package Jesus betray their own lack of faith. And this group of people can also be divided into two sub-groups: political operators and social activists of various stripes who seek to use Jesus for propaganda purposes..."

Was Jesus a liberal?
Not the Romans. They did not care for anyone who wanted to change things. Very conservative they were.

As a true Liberal, Jesus did forgive the Conservatives who crucified him

"What this brings to light is the fact that people who seek to box and package Jesus betray their own lack of faith. And this group of people can also be divided into two sub-groups: political operators and social activists of various stripes who seek to use Jesus for propaganda purposes..."

Was Jesus a liberal?

Why did Conservatives kill Jesus? Why?
Conservative execution method 2000 years ago


Conservative execution method today


Conservatives love their cross
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Problem with it is there are countless Christians saying that we no longer need to follow the 10 commandments and that encouraging people to do so somehow invalidates the Atonement.

In fact, we've had discussions about it on this very board. Particularly when it came to Keeping the Sabbath Holy.

If Christians aren't going to follow the 10 commandments or teach them to others, why should we expect anyone else to?
"Volumes could be penned on the myriad ways in which the central tenets of liberalism violate each of the Ten Commandments. The following is a much truncated analysis:

"The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17):
1. Thou Shalt Have No Gods Before Me.
"2. Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images.
"3. Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain.
"4. Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath.
"5. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
"6. Thou Shalt Not Murder.
"7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
"8. Thou Shalt Not Steal.
"9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.
"10. Thou Shalt Not Covet.

"Yet, in reality, liberalism, in both philosophical and practical terms, simply signifies man’s predisposition to “call evil good and good evil.” It’s sin, all dolled up and doled out."

Read more at How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments |

10. You guys try to pretend that class warfare doesn't exist or that your side is not the ones waging it and winning it. Are you rich or just stupid?

1-4 are unnecessary. Clearly not laws a god would write but instead powerful men who are trying to start a cult. When these laws got outdated and the stories too far fetched they wrote the new lie/testament. Now that one is getting old too.

5. What if my parents were abusive? Clearly the authority figures wrote the old testament to keep children in line. God said honor us no matter how bad we are. It's what slave owners told their slaves too.

6. As a liberal I agree only in self defense. I would never kill an Iraqi for oil, which is what Bush the christian did. I will however murder a seed in a womb if I don't want to raise a human. Deal with it.

7. Don't fuck my wife is what the author was trying to say.

8. Stealing is bad. Liberals agree. It was the rich that stole from us. The 2007 Great Recession was done on purpose by the rich. They were able to push their radical agenda, spending cuts on ss and medicare, tax cuts for the rich, ship jobs overseas. They practiced what is called Disaster Capitalism and you suckers fell for it hook line and sinker.

How do they control poor and middle class voters? This person is proof they do it with god gays, guns and racism. This guy votes against his own class because of religion. A bullshit wedge issue the rich use to divide the middle class. Either that or you are rich which I doubt you are at all.
Moderation Reminder:

Religion is a Zone2 forum.. Same requirement on
having relevant content in posts as politics.
(Especially when religion gets political or politics gets religious) :D

"Volumes could be penned on the myriad ways in which the central tenets of liberalism violate each of the Ten Commandments. The following is a much truncated analysis:

"The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17):
1. Thou Shalt Have No Gods Before Me.
"2. Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images.
"3. Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain.
"4. Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath.
"5. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
"6. Thou Shalt Not Murder.
"7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
"8. Thou Shalt Not Steal.
"9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.
"10. Thou Shalt Not Covet.

"Yet, in reality, liberalism, in both philosophical and practical terms, simply signifies man’s predisposition to “call evil good and good evil.” It’s sin, all dolled up and doled out."

Read more at How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments |

10. You guys try to pretend that class warfare doesn't exist or that your side is not the ones waging it and winning it. Are you rich or just stupid?

1-4 are unnecessary. Clearly not laws a god would write but instead powerful men who are trying to start a cult. When these laws got outdated and the stories too far fetched they wrote the new lie/testament. Now that one is getting old too.

5. What if my parents were abusive? Clearly the authority figures wrote the old testament to keep children in line. God said honor us no matter how bad we are. It's what slave owners told their slaves too.

6. As a liberal I agree only in self defense. I would never kill an Iraqi for oil, which is what Bush the christian did. I will however murder a seed in a womb if I don't want to raise a human. Deal with it.

7. Don't fuck my wife is what the author was trying to say.

8. Stealing is bad. Liberals agree. It was the rich that stole from us. The 2007 Great Recession was done on purpose by the rich. They were able to push their radical agenda, spending cuts on ss and medicare, tax cuts for the rich, ship jobs overseas. They practiced what is called Disaster Capitalism and you suckers fell for it hook line and sinker.

How do they control poor and middle class voters? This person is proof they do it with god gays, guns and racism. This guy votes against his own class because of religion. A bullshit wedge issue the rich use to divide the middle class. Either that or you are rich which I doubt you are at all.

How do you control the poor and middle class voters, boob?

You make the poor dependent upon the state for food, then you steal from the middle class.

Control accomplished.
Aside from that, your post is per usual, complete drivel.
"Volumes could be penned on the myriad ways in which the central tenets of liberalism violate each of the Ten Commandments. The following is a much truncated analysis:

"The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17):
1. Thou Shalt Have No Gods Before Me.
"2. Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images.
"3. Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord’s Name in Vain.
"4. Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath.
"5. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
"6. Thou Shalt Not Murder.
"7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
"8. Thou Shalt Not Steal.
"9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.
"10. Thou Shalt Not Covet.

"Yet, in reality, liberalism, in both philosophical and practical terms, simply signifies man’s predisposition to “call evil good and good evil.” It’s sin, all dolled up and doled out."

Read more at How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments |

10. You guys try to pretend that class warfare doesn't exist or that your side is not the ones waging it and winning it. Are you rich or just stupid?

1-4 are unnecessary. Clearly not laws a god would write but instead powerful men who are trying to start a cult. When these laws got outdated and the stories too far fetched they wrote the new lie/testament. Now that one is getting old too.

5. What if my parents were abusive? Clearly the authority figures wrote the old testament to keep children in line. God said honor us no matter how bad we are. It's what slave owners told their slaves too.

6. As a liberal I agree only in self defense. I would never kill an Iraqi for oil, which is what Bush the christian did. I will however murder a seed in a womb if I don't want to raise a human. Deal with it.

7. Don't fuck my wife is what the author was trying to say.

8. Stealing is bad. Liberals agree. It was the rich that stole from us. The 2007 Great Recession was done on purpose by the rich. They were able to push their radical agenda, spending cuts on ss and medicare, tax cuts for the rich, ship jobs overseas. They practiced what is called Disaster Capitalism and you suckers fell for it hook line and sinker.

How do they control poor and middle class voters? This person is proof they do it with god gays, guns and racism. This guy votes against his own class because of religion. A bullshit wedge issue the rich use to divide the middle class. Either that or you are rich which I doubt you are at all.

How do you control the poor and middle class voters, boob?

You make the poor dependent upon the state for food, then you steal from the middle class.

Control accomplished.

How would you make it so the poor are not dependent on either the state or corporations for food? Are you talking about going back to a time where we grew and sold all our food locally? I would be all for that. One catastrophy and how would they feed the people of Detroit? I agree. If there was a crisis the masses would be fucked. We have become so dependent on society. Without electricity, gas, running water, hot water heaters etc we would be fucked.
Shut up, boob. Make another thread.

Notice only 2 of the 10 are laws? Unless we are talking about bearing false witness in court, it isn't a crime to lie.

So only don't kill and don't steal are actual laws. And the GOP kill for $ all the time when they go to war for $. They also stole Iraq's oil. So your leaders may tell you they believe in god but they are hypocrites just like the rest of you.
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