How Liberalism violates all 10 Commandments

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Oh look, another person who doesn't understand what a theocracy is.
Oh look, another person who doesn't understand what a theocracy is.

We don't pass laws based on your superstitious cult rules. There may be an overlap between laws and your religious rules like neither approve of murder or stealing. But abortion is not murder and there is nothing wrong with two loving people of the same sex getting married.

Abortion and gay marriage would be illegal if we lived in a theocrazy.
That's what the nazis said about killing jews, and the democrats said about violating the human rights of blacks.

They were wrong too, grasshopper.
"It's not murder, they aren't even human!"

Er...except...they are.
Er...there were no Christians when the Ten Commandments were recorded.

Try again.

And it was given to the jews not you goyim

Actually, Jesus taught the Laws of Judaism and made them so the 'goyim' could understand them. We realized the futility of keeping all the laws perfectly the same as you should by the time you have your bar mitzvah. So we just keep trying to do the right thing as best we can. We do therefore believe that Jesus was the Word, was with God, and is God as promised by Isaiah and other prophets in Old Covennant times. The new covenant is of purity of faith and faithfulness, of loving neighbor as self, returning no man evil for evil, which means we are keeping Mosaic law, which is the essence of caring about how other people feel in matters of family, community, business, and recreation.

Even so, it is possible for both Christian and Jew to share laws in common that we believe to be in accordance with God's beloved essence.

Just saying, Mr. Guno. :eusa_whistle:
It was Conservatives who nailed Jesus to the cross
Conservatives don't gamble over somebody else's clothes, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie.


Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Didn't you learn anything in the big house, liewinger?

Most felons vote dem.
Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats |
It was Conservatives who nailed Jesus to the cross
Conservatives don't gamble over somebody else's clothes, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie.


Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Aren't you confusing religion with politics? Democrats rubberstamped keeping blacks "in their place" for a century following the Civil War, and where I grew up, proper white parents taught their children to read "black" and "white" on water fountains insisted on by good Democrats, who voted no on integration, no on Eisenhower's Civil Rights, no, no, and more no. And Democrats were so cruel to blacks I decided that was unfair at the age of about 17, so I determined I had to be an independent at first until I realized that it was the Republicans who had stood for equality all through the years. We still do, although are smeared as has always been the case by those on the left of the aisle, who have tried to take away Republican accomplishments and give themselves credit somehow for our resolution to make life equal for blacks. Equal is not worse and equal is not better. It is just that equality springs from a justice that is blind to skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. And it has been a Republican, conservative effort to ensure that America is about equal opportunities for those who reach out and go for it.

Religion as I understand it is about restoring man to God and mankind, each to each other.

Conservatives generally do not covet other people's clothes. Conservative women are often busy making their family's clothing as good if not better than boughten, or stretching a budget in a way to provide for household members. Stealing is not an option to the bulk of Conservatives, and to my knowledge Liberals as well.
Conservatives don't gamble over somebody else's clothes, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie.


Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Didn't you learn anything in the big house, liewinger?

Most felons vote dem.
Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats |

Felons don't sentence people to death......Conservatives do

Just like they did with Jesus
Conservatives don't gamble over somebody else's clothes, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie.


Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Aren't you confusing religion with politics? Democrats rubberstamped keeping blacks "in their place" for a century following the Civil War, and where I grew up, proper white parents taught their children to read "black" and "white" on water fountains insisted on by good Democrats, who voted no on integration, no on Eisenhower's Civil Rights, no, no, and more no. And Democrats were so cruel to blacks I decided that was unfair at the age of about 17, so I determined I had to be an independent at first until I realized that it was the Republicans who had stood for equality all through the years. We still do, although are smeared as has always been the case by those on the left of the aisle, who have tried to take away Republican accomplishments and give themselves credit somehow for our resolution to make life equal for blacks. Equal is not worse and equal is not better. It is just that equality springs from a justice that is blind to skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. And it has been a Republican, conservative effort to ensure that America is about equal opportunities for those who reach out and go for it.

Religion as I understand it is about restoring man to God and mankind, each to each other.

Conservatives generally do not covet other people's clothes. Conservative women are often busy making their family's clothing as good if not better than boughten, or stretching a budget in a way to provide for household members. Stealing is not an option to the bulk of Conservatives, and to my knowledge Liberals as well.

Please stay on topic. We are talking about Conservatives

You bringing in up the actions of Conservative Democrats does not help your case
Silly you, it was Jews who sentenced Christ to death..and as we all know, Jews are liberal.The conservative Pilate tried desperately to release Jesus.
Silly you, it was Jews who sentenced Christ to death..and as we all know, Jews are liberal.The conservative Pilate tried desperately to release Jesus.

Save it Jew hater

Jesus was a liberal Jew
Conservatives don't gamble over somebody else's clothes, Mr. Leftwinger-trolling-as-a-rightie.


Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Aren't you confusing religion with politics? Democrats rubberstamped keeping blacks "in their place" for a century following the Civil War, and where I grew up, proper white parents taught their children to read "black" and "white" on water fountains insisted on by good Democrats, who voted no on integration, no on Eisenhower's Civil Rights, no, no, and more no. And Democrats were so cruel to blacks I decided that was unfair at the age of about 17, so I determined I had to be an independent at first until I realized that it was the Republicans who had stood for equality all through the years. We still do, although are smeared as has always been the case by those on the left of the aisle, who have tried to take away Republican accomplishments and give themselves credit somehow for our resolution to make life equal for blacks. Equal is not worse and equal is not better. It is just that equality springs from a justice that is blind to skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. And it has been a Republican, conservative effort to ensure that America is about equal opportunities for those who reach out and go for it.

Religion as I understand it is about restoring man to God and mankind, each to each other.

Conservatives generally do not covet other people's clothes. Conservative women are often busy making their family's clothing as good if not better than boughten, or stretching a budget in a way to provide for household members. Stealing is not an option to the bulk of Conservatives, and to my knowledge Liberals as well.

Those were policies advocated for by conservatives, where liberals fought to end segregation, and conservatives fought to keep it in place.

And conservatives today continue to seek to deny citizens their civil liberties, such as women their right to privacy, and gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law.
Conservatives wouldn't steal the clothes off a poor persons back?

I wouldn't be so sure

Aren't you confusing religion with politics? Democrats rubberstamped keeping blacks "in their place" for a century following the Civil War, and where I grew up, proper white parents taught their children to read "black" and "white" on water fountains insisted on by good Democrats, who voted no on integration, no on Eisenhower's Civil Rights, no, no, and more no. And Democrats were so cruel to blacks I decided that was unfair at the age of about 17, so I determined I had to be an independent at first until I realized that it was the Republicans who had stood for equality all through the years. We still do, although are smeared as has always been the case by those on the left of the aisle, who have tried to take away Republican accomplishments and give themselves credit somehow for our resolution to make life equal for blacks. Equal is not worse and equal is not better. It is just that equality springs from a justice that is blind to skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. And it has been a Republican, conservative effort to ensure that America is about equal opportunities for those who reach out and go for it.

Religion as I understand it is about restoring man to God and mankind, each to each other.

Conservatives generally do not covet other people's clothes. Conservative women are often busy making their family's clothing as good if not better than boughten, or stretching a budget in a way to provide for household members. Stealing is not an option to the bulk of Conservatives, and to my knowledge Liberals as well.

Please stay on topic. We are talking about Conservatives

You bringing in up the actions of Conservative Democrats does not help your case
I did no such thing, but let the record show YOU brought Conservative Democrats into the discussion.
Aren't you confusing religion with politics? Democrats rubberstamped keeping blacks "in their place" for a century following the Civil War, and where I grew up, proper white parents taught their children to read "black" and "white" on water fountains insisted on by good Democrats, who voted no on integration, no on Eisenhower's Civil Rights, no, no, and more no. And Democrats were so cruel to blacks I decided that was unfair at the age of about 17, so I determined I had to be an independent at first until I realized that it was the Republicans who had stood for equality all through the years. We still do, although are smeared as has always been the case by those on the left of the aisle, who have tried to take away Republican accomplishments and give themselves credit somehow for our resolution to make life equal for blacks. Equal is not worse and equal is not better. It is just that equality springs from a justice that is blind to skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. And it has been a Republican, conservative effort to ensure that America is about equal opportunities for those who reach out and go for it.

Religion as I understand it is about restoring man to God and mankind, each to each other.

Conservatives generally do not covet other people's clothes. Conservative women are often busy making their family's clothing as good if not better than boughten, or stretching a budget in a way to provide for household members. Stealing is not an option to the bulk of Conservatives, and to my knowledge Liberals as well.

Please stay on topic. We are talking about Conservatives

You bringing in up the actions of Conservative Democrats does not help your case
I did no such thing, but let the record show YOU brought Conservative Democrats into the discussion.

Read what you posted and ask yourself if they were Liberal or Conservative?
Then ask yourself if the freedom riders were liberal or conservative
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