How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It's called "desperation".

They never should have promoted it as democracy’s savior.

A strange thing happened in the weeks between the presidential election and Monday’s meetings of the electors who have now anointed Donald Trump as our 45th president: A bunch of liberals fell back in love with the Electoral College. Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig led the charge with his attempt to convince electors that Donald Trump should not become president. Lessig argued that the Electoral College was “meant to be a circuit breaker—just in case the people go crazy,” and that Trump’s many flaws, combined with his large popular vote loss, should compel electors to vote for Hillary Clinton instead of the man who won the most votes in the Electoral College. Progressives also rallied around these so-called Hamilton electors, citing Alexander Hamilton’s “Federalist No. 68,” to argue that the Electoral College was designed to thwart the exact type of demagogue we will now have as president. Key to this reasoning was Hamilton’s proclamation that the college could reject candidates under the influence of “foreign powers.” Sound familiar?

Dear Liberals: Please Stop Pretending the Electoral College Ever Served Any Real Purpose
It's called "desperation".

They never should have promoted it as democracy’s savior.

A strange thing happened in the weeks between the presidential election and Monday’s meetings of the electors who have now anointed Donald Trump as our 45th president: A bunch of liberals fell back in love with the Electoral College. Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig led the charge with his attempt to convince electors that Donald Trump should not become president. Lessig argued that the Electoral College was “meant to be a circuit breaker—just in case the people go crazy,” and that Trump’s many flaws, combined with his large popular vote loss, should compel electors to vote for Hillary Clinton instead of the man who won the most votes in the Electoral College. Progressives also rallied around these so-called Hamilton electors, citing Alexander Hamilton’s “Federalist No. 68,” to argue that the Electoral College was designed to thwart the exact type of demagogue we will now have as president. Key to this reasoning was Hamilton’s proclamation that the college could reject candidates under the influence of “foreign powers.” Sound familiar?

Dear Liberals: Please Stop Pretending the Electoral College Ever Served Any Real Purpose

I liked your post but disagree with the thought the EC serves no purpose. It protects the rights of less populated states.
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.
The Democrats are harboring terrorists who threatened the lives of the Electors.

They should all be prosecuted under RICO laws and put away for at least 20 years if they know of it and did not report it or had anything to do with these threats being made.
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
This is just the beginning, but I think it foretells what the elite Left intends to do. They will stop at nothing to divide and inflame Americans. I think we are in for a very rough ride going forward...all thanks to the radical left.

Spend a little time reviewing leftist's news is amazing the shit they are writing and saying.
It's called "desperation".

They never should have promoted it as democracy’s savior.

A strange thing happened in the weeks between the presidential election and Monday’s meetings of the electors who have now anointed Donald Trump as our 45th president: A bunch of liberals fell back in love with the Electoral College. Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig led the charge with his attempt to convince electors that Donald Trump should not become president. Lessig argued that the Electoral College was “meant to be a circuit breaker—just in case the people go crazy,” and that Trump’s many flaws, combined with his large popular vote loss, should compel electors to vote for Hillary Clinton instead of the man who won the most votes in the Electoral College. Progressives also rallied around these so-called Hamilton electors, citing Alexander Hamilton’s “Federalist No. 68,” to argue that the Electoral College was designed to thwart the exact type of demagogue we will now have as president. Key to this reasoning was Hamilton’s proclamation that the college could reject candidates under the influence of “foreign powers.” Sound familiar?

Dear Liberals: Please Stop Pretending the Electoral College Ever Served Any Real Purpose
Its winter...liberals room temp IQs suffer.......:lol:
The best part.....more hilary electors defected than Trump electors.....her humiliation continues....the wages of evil eventually bite you in the ass.....
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
This is just the beginning, but I think it foretells what the elite Left intends to do. They will stop at nothing to divide and inflame Americans. I think we are in for a very rough ride going forward...all thanks to the radical left.

Spend a little time reviewing leftist's news is amazing the shit they are writing and saying.

Yep, I do. I listen to libber talking head radio daily during my commute and watch Maddow a couple of times a week. They've gone totally batshit. Some of the radio shit heads won't even say his name, much less accept the results, which almost none of them are doing.
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
This is just the beginning, but I think it foretells what the elite Left intends to do. They will stop at nothing to divide and inflame Americans. I think we are in for a very rough ride going forward...all thanks to the radical left.

Spend a little time reviewing leftist's news is amazing the shit they are writing and saying.

Unlike a pussy grabbing, gold star insulting, disabled mocking fuckwit that is about to become your pres. Please, the biggest hate is coming from the right.

What about the outrage that more people voted for Hillary. So somebody from Shitstain, Nowheresville, Montana's vote means more than somebody from NY? That's okay by you? Fuck off dickhead....
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
This is just the beginning, but I think it foretells what the elite Left intends to do. They will stop at nothing to divide and inflame Americans. I think we are in for a very rough ride going forward...all thanks to the radical left.

Spend a little time reviewing leftist's news is amazing the shit they are writing and saying.

Yep, I do. I listen to libber talking head radio daily during my commute and watch Maddow a couple of times a week. They've gone totally batshit. Some of the radio shit heads won't even say his name, much less accept the results, which almost none of them are doing.
Exactly...they have lost their minds.

This inflammatory rhetoric is likely to have harmful consequences. The lib MSM is fanning the flames.

It is all very disgusting.
Exactly...they have lost their minds.

This inflammatory rhetoric is likely to have harmful consequences. The lib MSM is fanning the flames.

It is all very disgusting.

But grabbing pussies isn't disgusting. But abusing disabled people isn't disgusting. But calling the election rigged unless I win isn't disgusting. But abusing a moderator who 'bleeds from anywhere' isn't disgusting.

I tell you what is disgusting Gipper, championing a throw back like Trump. That is disgusting. Did you champion the guy that is set to make the US the laughing stock of the world? Well done!
Why is the MSM not talking about the tyranny of the Left. The Left wants to change the rules so they win. Where is the outrage? Where is the investigation?

Imagine if Trump has lost and tried to criminally influence the EC? The left and their media would go fucking crazy.

No doubt. They did indeed lose their shit en masse when trump said

"I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense"

They are officially a joke.
This is just the beginning, but I think it foretells what the elite Left intends to do. They will stop at nothing to divide and inflame Americans. I think we are in for a very rough ride going forward...all thanks to the radical left.

Spend a little time reviewing leftist's news is amazing the shit they are writing and saying.

Unlike a pussy grabbing, gold star insulting, disabled mocking fuckwit that is about to become your pres. Please, the biggest hate is coming from the right.

What about the outrage that more people voted for Hillary. So somebody from Shitstain, Nowheresville, Montana's vote means more than somebody from NY? That's okay by you? Fuck off dickhead....
I hope you live somewhere warm...:lol:
Liberals have no moral or intellectual fecundation on anything.

If the Electoral College serves their filthy Left agenda then they are for it. If it doesn't then they are against it.

If Crooked Hillary had won the Electoral College then they would have been touting it as the best thing since slice bread. They sure as hell were bragging about that asshole Obama's landslide win in 2008.
Liberals have no moral or intellectual fecundation on anything.

If the Electoral College serves their filthy Left agenda then they are for it. If it doesn't then they are against it.

If Crooked Hillary had won the Electoral College then they would have been touting it as the best thing since slice bread. They sure as hell were bragging about that asshole Obama's landslide win in 2008.

No, it would have reflected the will of the people. The EC AND the popular vote...gee, how bad would that be! The majority of the people would have gotten their wish! How terrible! Using your analogy, that is all wrong. Maybe Jill Stein should be pres. She did;t get the popular vote either, but maybe her morals are better than the repubs and dems!
Liberals have no moral or intellectual fecundation on anything.

If the Electoral College serves their filthy Left agenda then they are for it. If it doesn't then they are against it.

If Crooked Hillary had won the Electoral College then they would have been touting it as the best thing since slice bread. They sure as hell were bragging about that asshole Obama's landslide win in 2008.

No, it would have reflected the will of the people. The EC AND the popular vote...gee, how bad would that be! The majority of the people would have gotten their wish! How terrible! Using your analogy, that is all wrong. Maybe Jill Stein should be pres. She did;t get the popular vote either, but maybe her morals are better than the repubs and dems!
Awwww....confused snowflake....

No, it would have reflected the will of the people. The EC AND the popular vote...gee, how bad would that be! The majority of the people would have gotten their wish! How terrible! Using your analogy, that is all wrong. Maybe Jill Stein should be pres. She did;t get the popular vote either, but maybe her morals are better than the repubs and dems!

You mean the will of the illegals and welfare queens living in California and New York.

Democrats are the scum of this country and the good thing about the Electoral College is that it helps to minimize their influence, which is a good thing.

You mean the will of the illegals and welfare queens living in California and New York.

Democrats are the scum of this country and the good thing about the Electoral College is that it helps to minimize their influence, which is a good thing.

Speaking of Queens, you are the Fake News Queen. What illegals? What welfare? The EC is biased towards unpopulated state. Brilliant! Why have people in cities vote at all? Just let the Cletus's in the country decide!

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