How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong


Individual rights just aren't part of your world, are then?

I don't mind individual rights and believe in some. But you 'libertarians' want EVERYTHING to be about the individual. To which I say - go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis. Humans live in collectives. The ones that don't are a infinitesimal number of people. Ones like you are just egotistical and narcissistic. It's all about 'me, me, me." "my rights, my lifestyle, my way of doing things.' If everybody thought like that we'd still be rubbing sticks together and dragging our women folk around by the hair. And going by some of the attitudes on here that believe that shit, they'd be happy doing it.
He is about to become ALL of our President.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Hillary would have destroyed the US Supreme Court and that would have destroyed the Bill Of Rights.

You president. Not mine.

I am going to enjoy it. As the US becomes laughing stock of the world. And as Trump starts to squirm as he doesn't deliver. The down side is that the US is going to become weaker. And that is not good for anybody.
Compare and contrast Bill Clinton's behaviour as a fucking sexual predator and deviant who flew on the 'Lolita Express' 26 times to Trumps behaviour.
Question to everyone here: Ten years ago who would you rather babysit your twelve year old daughter? Bill Clinton or Donald Trump?
GOLD STAR!!!!!!!!

Who's giving Clinton a pass? Not I. Neither by the sounds of it. 10 years ago was when Billy Bush recorded Trump. Looks like you don't even get a bronze...

Individual rights just aren't part of your world, are then?

I don't mind individual rights and believe in some. But you 'libertarians' want EVERYTHING to be about the individual. To which I say - go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis. Humans live in collectives. The ones that don't are a infinitesimal number of people. Ones like you are just egotistical and narcissistic. It's all about 'me, me, me." "my rights, my lifestyle, my way of doing things.' If everybody thought like that we'd still be rubbing sticks together and dragging our women folk around by the hair. And going by some of the attitudes on here that believe that shit, they'd be happy doing it.

Gawd, International leftists are as stupid as the leftists here. I'm not an anarchist you fucking stick up your ass retard. Try again

What is a small government libertarian?

Individual rights just aren't part of your world, are then?

I don't mind individual rights and believe in some. But you 'libertarians' want EVERYTHING to be about the individual. To which I say - go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis. Humans live in collectives. The ones that don't are a infinitesimal number of people. Ones like you are just egotistical and narcissistic. It's all about 'me, me, me." "my rights, my lifestyle, my way of doing things.' If everybody thought like that we'd still be rubbing sticks together and dragging our women folk around by the hair. And going by some of the attitudes on here that believe that shit, they'd be happy doing it.

Gawd, International leftists are as stupid as the leftists here. I'm not an anarchist you fucking stick up your ass retard. Try again

What is a small government libertarian?

Even in your own piece you admit some of your ideas are not part of the libertarian mandate. Who said anything about anarchy? Not I. And don't take my distrust of corporations as being pro govt. It's funny, down here people accuse me of being a conservative. I'm not even close to being a leftist. In fact, I resent being given any label. Just because you come from a country that only knows two parties at a political level, you think because your ideals are outside the mainstream that you are somehow special. Let me give you a heads up princess, there are seven parties in our parliament with a population of 4.4 million. Having a diverse number of political ideals represented at a national level is nothing new to us. It is to you. IOW, down here you'd be nothing special. While you guys are running around with a duopoly telling you how to run your country, we're actually living the ideal. We're making sure people compromise. That true checks and balances are put on those that are in power.
Even if illegals voted (which I doubt) Trump even beat them -- more miracles.
According to Pew, there are 24 million invalid registrations that should be purged fromt he voter rolls and you dont think any of them are illegals?

Could you share that crystal ball with the rest of us?


I've wondered this aloud

This presidential election was total vote was slightly higher (2 million votes between the two major candidates) than 2012.

We have had only one state recount. That state showed slightly higher numbers for trump

A second state started a recount and it was ended before completion. This state, would it have completed the recount would have had to toss out many heavy "blue" precincts as they had more votes than actual voters.

What would have been the final tally had the recount concluded in Michigan? It appears a much larger win for Trump.

Same in California?

Individual rights just aren't part of your world, are then?

I don't mind individual rights and believe in some. But you 'libertarians' want EVERYTHING to be about the individual. To which I say - go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis. Humans live in collectives. The ones that don't are a infinitesimal number of people. Ones like you are just egotistical and narcissistic. It's all about 'me, me, me." "my rights, my lifestyle, my way of doing things.' If everybody thought like that we'd still be rubbing sticks together and dragging our women folk around by the hair. And going by some of the attitudes on here that believe that shit, they'd be happy doing it.

Gawd, International leftists are as stupid as the leftists here. I'm not an anarchist you fucking stick up your ass retard. Try again

What is a small government libertarian?

Even in your own piece you admit some of your ideas are not part of the libertarian mandate. Who said anything about anarchy? Not I. And don't take my distrust of corporations as being pro govt. It's funny, down here people accuse me of being a conservative. I'm not even close to being a leftist. In fact, I resent being given any label. Just because you come from a country that only knows two parties at a political level, you think because your ideals are outside the mainstream that you are somehow special. Let me give you a heads up princess, there are seven parties in our parliament with a population of 4.4 million. Having a diverse number of political ideals represented at a national level is nothing new to us. It is to you. IOW, down here you'd be nothing special. While you guys are running around with a duopoly telling you how to run your country, we're actually living the ideal. We're making sure people compromise. That true checks and balances are put on those that are in power.

"Libertarian mandate," another stupid Democrat quote.

Every example you gave was that I an anarchist. I'm not, troll. I don't believe any one of them. "go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis." You're just stupid, and you say that after reading my small government libertarian OP. OBVIOUSLY I don't believe any of that crap you made up.

And if you're not a leftist, why is everything you post leftist?
"Libertarian mandate," another stupid Democrat quote.

Every example you gave was that I an anarchist. I'm not, troll. I don't believe any one of them. "go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis." You're just stupid, and you say that after reading my small government libertarian OP. OBVIOUSLY I don't believe any of that crap you made up.

And if you're not a leftist, why is everything you post leftist?

No, I didn't say that after I read your piece. I said it before hand. If it is not an ideal/mandate, what is it? And yes, I have met libertarians who don't want govt in ANYTHING. You changed the parameters from libertarian, to small govt libertarian. I didn't know you gave yourself a qualification of your stance BEFORE i wrote what I did. I'm not a mind reader. And I certainly hadn't read your thread before you linked to it. So don't get all smarmy with me you arrogant prick. I am many things - a mind reader isn't one of them..

Individual rights just aren't part of your world, are then?

I don't mind individual rights and believe in some. But you 'libertarians' want EVERYTHING to be about the individual. To which I say - go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis. Humans live in collectives. The ones that don't are a infinitesimal number of people. Ones like you are just egotistical and narcissistic. It's all about 'me, me, me." "my rights, my lifestyle, my way of doing things.' If everybody thought like that we'd still be rubbing sticks together and dragging our women folk around by the hair. And going by some of the attitudes on here that believe that shit, they'd be happy doing it.

Gawd, International leftists are as stupid as the leftists here. I'm not an anarchist you fucking stick up your ass retard. Try again

What is a small government libertarian?

Even in your own piece you admit some of your ideas are not part of the libertarian mandate. Who said anything about anarchy? Not I. And don't take my distrust of corporations as being pro govt. It's funny, down here people accuse me of being a conservative. I'm not even close to being a leftist. In fact, I resent being given any label. Just because you come from a country that only knows two parties at a political level, you think because your ideals are outside the mainstream that you are somehow special. Let me give you a heads up princess, there are seven parties in our parliament with a population of 4.4 million. Having a diverse number of political ideals represented at a national level is nothing new to us. It is to you. IOW, down here you'd be nothing special. While you guys are running around with a duopoly telling you how to run your country, we're actually living the ideal. We're making sure people compromise. That true checks and balances are put on those that are in power.

You: "Who said anything about anarchy? Not I"

Yes, you did, that is what I was referring to, clearly you repeatedly called me an anarchist. If you're retracting that fine, but say that, don't blow me over with bull shit, be direct

Yes, you did, that is what I was referring to, clearly you repeatedly called me an anarchist. If you're retracting that fine, but say that, don't blow me over with bull shit, be direct

Please direct me to the quote where I called you an anarchist. Take your time...

"go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis."
"go build your own roads. Hospitals. Cars. Grow your own food. Operate on yourself if you get appendicitis."

Which one of those words is 'anarchist'...take your time...

So if you describe me with anarchist positions, that isn't calling me an anarchist, you have to use the word "anarchist."

So just to be clear, if I say you killed six people in cold blood, I did not call you a murderer because I didn't use the word "murderer." Seriously, that's what you're saying is your standard?

If I say you design buildings for a living, that isn't calling you an architect, I have to use the word "architect?" Again, that's what you are saying is your standard?


One more question. How stupid are you?
So if you describe me with anarchist positions, that isn't calling me an anarchist, you have to use the word "anarchist."

So just to be clear, if I say you killed six people in cold blood, I did not call you a murderer because I didn't use the word "murderer." Seriously, that's what you're saying is your standard?

If I say you design buildings for a living, that isn't calling you an architect, I have to use the word "architect?" Again, that's what you are saying is your standard?


One more question. How stupid are you?

Hint: It was a rhetorical question. They are not anarchist positions.
How stupid are you?
So if you describe me with anarchist positions, that isn't calling me an anarchist, you have to use the word "anarchist."

So just to be clear, if I say you killed six people in cold blood, I did not call you a murderer because I didn't use the word "murderer." Seriously, that's what you're saying is your standard?

If I say you design buildings for a living, that isn't calling you an architect, I have to use the word "architect?" Again, that's what you are saying is your standard?


One more question. How stupid are you?

Hint: It was a rhetorical question. They are not anarchist positions.
How stupid are you?

Not having roads or hospitals isn't anarchist?


How stupid are you?
Not having roads or hospitals isn't anarchist?


How stupid are you?

Who says you can't have hospitals in a society with anarchy? Here is a definition for you.

the definition of anarchy

Here is an expansion on what anarchy is. Nothing in there about not having roads or hospitals.
Anarchy - Wikipedia
"Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions."

Now say 'thank you" for me educating your ignorant arse.
You're welcome.

You get dumber with every post you make..
Not having roads or hospitals isn't anarchist?


How stupid are you?

Who says you can't have hospitals in a society with anarchy? Here is a definition for you.

the definition of anarchy

Here is an expansion on what anarchy is. Nothing in there about not having roads or hospitals.
Anarchy - Wikipedia
"Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions."

Now say 'thank you" for me educating your ignorant arse.
You're welcome.

You get dumber with every post you make..


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