How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong


And you end up with Trump winning. I'm sure American butt hurt Democrats will be happy to know that the butt hurt is world wide among leftist Democrats

I'm not butt hurt at all. I don't have to live with him. You do. I'm just laughing and you political system. I mean for years - decades - you've been telling the world how 'free' you are. How you're the 'freeist nation in the world'..blah, blah, blah. I'm laughing. You're clearly not.

And you end up with Trump winning. I'm sure American butt hurt Democrats will be happy to know that the butt hurt is world wide among leftist Democrats

I'm not butt hurt at all. I don't have to live with him. You do. I'm just laughing and you political system. I mean for years - decades - you've been telling the world how 'free' you are. How you're the 'freeist nation in the world'..blah, blah, blah. I'm laughing. You're clearly not.

Yeah, Americans are saying New Zealand, let's get some of that! You're not even wanna be Americans. You wanna be the ones who wanna be us. Otherwise you wouldn't give a shit instead of running in like the whores that you are wanting to declare your unadulterated admiration for us

Yeah, Americans are saying New Zealand, let's get some of that! You're not even wanna be Americans. You wanna be the ones who wanna be us. Otherwise you wouldn't give a shit instead of running in like the whores that you are wanting to declare your unadulterated admiration for us

Yeah, that's because my wife got offered two jobs - one in Australia and one in the US. Gee which one did we take? It wasn't even close. Yeah, I'd really, really, really, really love to live in the US. No! I would! Honest!

If you offered me $1.5 million to $2 million a year, I'd think about it. But probably not...

Yeah, Americans are saying New Zealand, let's get some of that! You're not even wanna be Americans. You wanna be the ones who wanna be us. Otherwise you wouldn't give a shit instead of running in like the whores that you are wanting to declare your unadulterated admiration for us

Yeah, that's because my wife got offered two jobs - one in Australia and one in the US. Gee which one did we take? It wasn't even close. Yeah, I'd really, really, really, really love to live in the US. No! I would! Honest!

If you offered me $1.5 million to $2 million a year, I'd think about it. But probably not...

You're a Kiwi socialist dick, I'm sure you made that clear.

So we are 5% of the world's population and control 1/3 the world's economy. Most people in the world think you're a State in Australia. Americans should give a shit about your leftist, elitist snob views ... because ... why ???

You're a Kiwi socialist dick, I'm sure you made that clear.

So we are 5% of the world's population and control 1/3 the world's economy. Most people in the world think you're a State in Australia. Americans should give a shit about your leftist, elitist snob views ... because ... why ???

Ah, the Ugly American. So insecure they have to remind themselves and the world how important they are. All the time. You think I could give a shit if people know where we are? I'm the exact opposite. The less people know about us and where we are, the better. I wish we were a state of Australia. Makes total sense. There is still a open-ended invitation in the Australian constitution that allows us to be part of them. It's up to us. We have yet to take it up. And a lot of us couldn't give a shit about US views, but you insist on shoving it down our throats anyway.

And you're just a dick. Period.

You're a Kiwi socialist dick, I'm sure you made that clear.

So we are 5% of the world's population and control 1/3 the world's economy. Most people in the world think you're a State in Australia. Americans should give a shit about your leftist, elitist snob views ... because ... why ???

Ah, the Ugly American. So insecure they have to remind themselves and the world how important they are. All the time. You think I could give a shit if people know where we are? I'm the exact opposite. The less people know about us and where we are, the better. I wish we were a state of Australia. Makes total sense. There is still a open-ended invitation in the Australian constitution that allows us to be part of them. It's up to us. We have yet to take it up. And a lot of us couldn't give a shit about US views, but you insist on shoving it down our throats anyway.

And you're just a dick. Period.

You're the one who is coming here and being a dick. Get over yourself

You're a Kiwi socialist dick, I'm sure you made that clear.

So we are 5% of the world's population and control 1/3 the world's economy. Most people in the world think you're a State in Australia. Americans should give a shit about your leftist, elitist snob views ... because ... why ???

Ah, the Ugly American. So insecure they have to remind themselves and the world how important they are. All the time. You think I could give a shit if people know where we are? I'm the exact opposite. The less people know about us and where we are, the better. I wish we were a state of Australia. Makes total sense. There is still a open-ended invitation in the Australian constitution that allows us to be part of them. It's up to us. We have yet to take it up. And a lot of us couldn't give a shit about US views, but you insist on shoving it down our throats anyway.

And you're just a dick. Period.

You're the one who is coming here and being a dick. Get over yourself

I'm actually the one debating and talking points. You're being Mr Ad Hom.

You're a Kiwi socialist dick, I'm sure you made that clear.

So we are 5% of the world's population and control 1/3 the world's economy. Most people in the world think you're a State in Australia. Americans should give a shit about your leftist, elitist snob views ... because ... why ???

Ah, the Ugly American. So insecure they have to remind themselves and the world how important they are. All the time. You think I could give a shit if people know where we are? I'm the exact opposite. The less people know about us and where we are, the better. I wish we were a state of Australia. Makes total sense. There is still a open-ended invitation in the Australian constitution that allows us to be part of them. It's up to us. We have yet to take it up. And a lot of us couldn't give a shit about US views, but you insist on shoving it down our throats anyway.

And you're just a dick. Period.

You're the one who is coming here and being a dick. Get over yourself

I'm actually the one debating and talking points. You're being Mr Ad Hom.

You are? OK, here's what you do. Go to your buds tomorrow, which for you is today and ask them, "so I post on an American website. Of course I informed them as any reasonable person would of what a bunch of arrogant, selfish pricks they are. And the mother fuckers insulted me! Was that ridiculous or what?
You are? OK, here's what you do. Go to your buds tomorrow, which for you is today and ask them, "so I post on an American website. Of course I informed them as any reasonable person would of what a bunch of arrogant, selfish pricks they are. And the mother fuckers insulted me! Was that ridiculous or what?

I was engaging with Rustic and you stuck your nose in. If you want to, that is your right. After all this is a messageboard. But don't get all shitty with me when you stop discussing the subject and start getting personal. That is on you. As for 'arrogant, selfish pricks', that is only a very small part of your society. And this messageboard seems to attract them. What can I do? Just so you know, I give as good as I get. I rarely start the insults, but I certainly join in. Don't want insults, stop insulting. Quite easy to do really.
That is the purpose of the EC, The person that was supposed to win... won.
Live with a bedwetter

The purpose of the EC is to make whiney country folk more important than city folk
The EC is not going anywhere, people much smarter than you put it there to stay… LOL

to protect us from stupid people like you.

but the EC didn't do its job.
Donald Trump won the popular vote if you don't include crazy Cali... by the way Trump won Time to move on bedwetter
That is the purpose of the EC, The person that was supposed to win... won.
Live with a bedwetter

The purpose of the EC is to make whiney country folk more important than city folk
The EC is not going anywhere, people much smarter than you put it there to stay… LOL

to protect us from stupid people like you.

but the EC didn't do its job.
Donald Trump won the popular vote if you don't include crazy Cali... by the way Trump won Time to move on bedwetter

And Hillary won if you take out white trash Texas...and on we go..
That is the purpose of the EC, The person that was supposed to win... won.
Live with a bedwetter

The purpose of the EC is to make whiney country folk more important than city folk
The EC is not going anywhere, people much smarter than you put it there to stay… LOL

to protect us from stupid people like you.

but the EC didn't do its job.
Donald Trump won the popular vote if you don't include crazy Cali... by the way Trump won Time to move on bedwetter

And Hillary won if you take out white trash Texas...and on we go..
You do realize that the EC determines who wins the presidency?

The United States is just that. A union of states.

Trump won 30 of them. Hillary won only 20 plus the swamp of DC.

THAT is the MAJORITY, not the herd like rush of functionally illiterate freeloaders in blue states.

It's not a majority of the people though. And that is why it doesn't work and is broken. FYI I was saying this BEFORE the election. I also said it when Obama was getting elected. This isn't a party issue, it's about disenfranchising people. Taking your logic to the nth degree you can have 10 states with 200 people each in them, and they will have more say in who is elected if you have a state with 40 million people in it. You think that is okay. I don't. I think it is anti-democratic (and please spare me the shit about being a republic, I'm talking democratic in the generic sense - ie, it gives more power to a certain section of the community that others in this case rural areas)...
You really don't have much for commonsense do you? More people in more states voted for Trump, we can't have crazy Cali determining who's president…:lmao:

Touche on that from Cali. We're pushing on 40% latino here thanks to being colonized by Mexico. Add in some other minorities and we're democrat forever with 55 electorals. And the minorities do love the democrats who have the giveaway programs. Not sure if the founders had this foresight in having the electoral college, but I do see the necessity of it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.

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