How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong

Touche on that from Cali. We're pushing on 40% latino here thanks to being colonized by Mexico. Add in some other minorities and we're democrat forever with 55 electorals. And the minorities do love the democrats who have the giveaway programs. Not sure if the founders had this foresight in having the electoral college, but I do see the necessity of it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.
And most of them will go back home after Trump gets his policies together on illegal immigration.
... it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.

So it's better if the minority rules

Puzzle me this. How does Alaska's 3 Electors lord over New York's 29 Electors?

I really have to wonder if you actually have any knowledge of the how's and why's of American Government.

Direct Democracy can, and does, work better in a country of 4.6 million people like New Zealand. It won't work in a country of 330 million and huge population centers.

Without the Electoral College, 12 states would lord over the other 38, thereby disenfranchising the voters in those states. How on earth can you say THAT'S fair?
... it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.

So it's better if the minority rules

Puzzle me this. How does Alaska's 3 Electors lord over New York's 29 Electors?

I really have to wonder if you actually have any knowledge of the how's and why's of American Government.

Direct Democracy can, and does, work better in a country of 4.6 million people like New Zealand. It won't work in a country of 330 million and huge population centers.

Without the Electoral College, 12 states would lord over the other 38, thereby disenfranchising the voters in those states. How on earth can you say THAT'S fair?
Regionalism and federalism. Protection of states rights. How can Alaska 's 3 electoral vote "lord over" New Yorks 29...when New York has 29..and Alaska only 3? Not very good at math are you? (Dr. Grump)
Touche on that from Cali. We're pushing on 40% latino here thanks to being colonized by Mexico. Add in some other minorities and we're democrat forever with 55 electorals. And the minorities do love the democrats who have the giveaway programs. Not sure if the founders had this foresight in having the electoral college, but I do see the necessity of it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.
And most of them will go back home after Trump gets his policies together on illegal immigration.
some good music for you! :D

... it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.

So it's better if the minority rules

mob rule. People that broke our immigration laws sneaking in here in the first place, then wait for the eventual path to citizenship and the vote. Many vote before becoming citizens. Even obama encouraged this on national t.v. I know that Australia and other countries don't allow this type of behavior for invaders. This is mob rule pushed on us, and if it doesn't end, we will become a third world country. There aren't enough jobs to go around the way it is, and the safety nets like social security, medicare, and other programs are running out of money. Thank God we had a Trump in the running and enough people with common sense to get him to the white house to change things for the better.
Why does everything have to be done by the federal government? Why does NY have to impose it's "values" on people from Minnesota, or Alabama?

The States are there for a reason, to customize the rules and laws based upon local preferences. Progressives using the Feds to make the US "one size fits all" is one of the main points of contention for people on the right.

Progressives have weaponized the federal government, and are now whining that someone they detest has their finger on the trigger?

Cry me a river.

Sure, at a state level. That is why you have state elections and legislators. At a federal level? I note you didn't address my point that it is okay for 600,000 Alaskans to ride rough shod over 20 million NYers.

They don't "ride roughshod" over them. If our government followed the tenets of federalism found in the constitution those NY'ers wouldn't have to worry about the Alaskans. The problem is Progressives love central government, and using the federal government beyond it's constitutional limits to spread their "joy" of government control to people who don't want it.

It's through things like Obergfell and Roe that in fact those NY'ers (or part of them) impose their will on the Alaskans, not the other way around.

If those yokels in Mississippi got their way and got Roe overturned, what would happen to a woman's ability to get an abortion in NY? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's already protected by State law.
'How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong'

The question is moot - just leave off the word 'How' and 'nuff said. "p
Nothing is more disgusting than Hillary Fucking Clinton.

So you're okay with a pussy grabbing, gold star family mocking, ripping-off sub contractor, security-ignoring, disabled-person denigrating, cock-sucking fuckwit.

Well, at least we know!
Compare and contrast Bill Clinton's behaviour as a fucking sexual predator and deviant who flew on the 'Lolita Express' 26 times to Trumps behaviour.
Question to everyone here: Ten years ago who would you rather babysit your twelve year old daughter? Bill Clinton or Donald Trump?
GOLD STAR!!!!!!!!
Touche on that from Cali. We're pushing on 40% latino here thanks to being colonized by Mexico. Add in some other minorities and we're democrat forever with 55 electorals. And the minorities do love the democrats who have the giveaway programs. Not sure if the founders had this foresight in having the electoral college, but I do see the necessity of it if we don't want rule by mobocracy.
And most of them will go back home after Trump gets his policies together on illegal immigration.
some good music for you! :D
So if illegals cant find jobs due to the government actually punishing employers who hire black market labor, and they stand a real chance of being prosecuted as a FELONY violation if it is the second time here illegally, not to mention automation simply displacing the vast majority of unskilled work by 2024, what do you think they will do?

Sit around their PC's playing Minesweeper? lol, no, they will go back to their extended families in Estonia, Mexico, China, India, etc.

You cant seriously think that they will just stay here and starve?
Puzzle me this. How does Alaska's 3 Electors lord over New York's 29 Electors?

I really have to wonder if you actually have any knowledge of the how's and why's of American Government.

Direct Democracy can, and does, work better in a country of 4.6 million people like New Zealand. It won't work in a country of 330 million and huge population centers.

Without the Electoral College, 12 states would lord over the other 38, thereby disenfranchising the voters in those states. How on earth can you say THAT'S fair?
Regionalism and federalism. Protection of states rights. How can Alaska 's 3 electoral vote "lord over" New Yorks 29...when New York has 29..and Alaska only 3? Not very good at math are you? (Dr. Grump)
Mathematics, in the liberal perspective, is wrong if it violates leftwing ideology.
Puzzle me this. How does Alaska's 3 Electors lord over New York's 29 Electors?

I really have to wonder if you actually have any knowledge of the how's and why's of American Government.

Direct Democracy can, and does, work better in a country of 4.6 million people like New Zealand. It won't work in a country of 330 million and huge population centers.

Without the Electoral College, 12 states would lord over the other 38, thereby disenfranchising the voters in those states. How on earth can you say THAT'S fair?
Regionalism and federalism. Protection of states rights. How can Alaska 's 3 electoral vote "lord over" New Yorks 29...when New York has 29..and Alaska only 3? Not very good at math are you? (Dr. Grump)
Mathematics, in the liberal perspective, is wrong if it violates leftwing ideology.
They cook the books and twist the stats to mask the reality of their failed policies.
Puzzle me this. How does Alaska's 3 Electors lord over New York's 29 Electors?

I really have to wonder if you actually have any knowledge of the how's and why's of American Government.

Direct Democracy can, and does, work better in a country of 4.6 million people like New Zealand. It won't work in a country of 330 million and huge population centers.

Without the Electoral College, 12 states would lord over the other 38, thereby disenfranchising the voters in those states. How on earth can you say THAT'S fair?

1) We don't use FFP (direct democracy) any more. We use MMP. And it works.
2) As I have explained before for every 220,000 Alaskans there is 1 EC. For every 682,000 New Yorkers there is 1 EC. Therefore in order for each to have equal representation Alaska needs to have approx 0.8 of an EC or NY needs to have 90.
3) It may be unfair to the other 38 states, but at least it is fair to everybody. And those 12 states don't necessarily laud it over the others. If it is a close race everybody would have a say. Also, your way seems to think that the minority of the population can laud it over the majority. How is that fair?
4) I have been on this board for 5 election cycles (including mid terms). The EC is easy to understand. But IMO it's a crap system. As was FPP in NZ up until 1996. So we changed it. With the US, everything the FF's did seems to be sacrosanct. Even they realised things change. That is why they put an amendment process in the constitution.
Regionalism and federalism. Protection of states rights. How can Alaska 's 3 electoral vote "lord over" New Yorks 29...when New York has 29..and Alaska only 3? Not very good at math are you? (Dr. Grump)

See my last. Easily explained. I actually do research instead of shooting from the hip.
mob rule. People that broke our immigration laws sneaking in here in the first place, then wait for the eventual path to citizenship and the vote. Many vote before becoming citizens. Even obama encouraged this on national t.v. I know that Australia and other countries don't allow this type of behavior for invaders. This is mob rule pushed on us, and if it doesn't end, we will become a third world country. There aren't enough jobs to go around the way it is, and the safety nets like social security, medicare, and other programs are running out of money. Thank God we had a Trump in the running and enough people with common sense to get him to the white house to change things for the better.

There is no evidence that illegals voted. It's a nice out, but just fake news. As for Trump, be prepared to be disappointed.
It's called "desperation".

They never should have promoted it as democracy’s savior.

A strange thing happened in the weeks between the presidential election and Monday’s meetings of the electors who have now anointed Donald Trump as our 45th president: A bunch of liberals fell back in love with the Electoral College. Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig led the charge with his attempt to convince electors that Donald Trump should not become president. Lessig argued that the Electoral College was “meant to be a circuit breaker—just in case the people go crazy,” and that Trump’s many flaws, combined with his large popular vote loss, should compel electors to vote for Hillary Clinton instead of the man who won the most votes in the Electoral College. Progressives also rallied around these so-called Hamilton electors, citing Alexander Hamilton’s “Federalist No. 68,” to argue that the Electoral College was designed to thwart the exact type of demagogue we will now have as president. Key to this reasoning was Hamilton’s proclamation that the college could reject candidates under the influence of “foreign powers.” Sound familiar?

Dear Liberals: Please Stop Pretending the Electoral College Ever Served Any Real Purpose
The Electoral College has helped the GOP and screwed the DEM's five times.

That is actually a major accomplishment.

And if you think about all the damage that Billy Boy's and BHO's SCOTUS nominations have caused, it seems like a miracle from God that Hillary was not elected this time.

There were no hanging chads or boxes of ballots dumped into the Atlantic Ocean this time. Only just a pure miracle from God -- in all the swing states.
But grabbing pussies isn't disgusting. But abusing disabled people isn't disgusting. But calling the election rigged unless I win isn't disgusting. But abusing a moderator who 'bleeds from anywhere' isn't disgusting.

I tell you what is disgusting Gipper, championing a throw back like Trump. That is disgusting. Did you champion the guy that is set to make the US the laughing stock of the world? Well done!
Almost everyone grabs puzzies in high school at some point.

I am surprised this behavior went on into his 50's though.

Maybe he just has more testosterone than anyone else at that age.
Unlike a pussy grabbing, gold star insulting, disabled mocking fuckwit that is about to become your pres. Please, the biggest hate is coming from the right.

What about the outrage that more people voted for Hillary. So somebody from Shitstain, Nowheresville, Montana's vote means more than somebody from NY? That's okay by you? Fuck off dickhead....
He is about to become ALL of our President.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Hillary would have destroyed the US Supreme Court and that would have destroyed the Bill Of Rights.
Trump won the electrol college for one reason...His trade policies and stance on getting jobs to come back to America.

He ran on a pro-ssi platform
He ran on a moderate social platform
He ran on spending money on our country. Infrastructure for one.

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