How Liberals Got the Electoral College Wrong

Nothing is more disgusting than Hillary Fucking Clinton.

So you're okay with a pussy grabbing, gold star family mocking, ripping-off sub contractor, security-ignoring, disabled-person denigrating, cock-sucking fuckwit.

Well, at least we know!
None of which became an issue until he ran for considering all of the lies and half-truths Hillary made up about him. I won't give it a second thought, because we all know the source of this information isn't credible, meaning Hillary and the mainstream media. Nothing but a pack of dishonest co-conspirators...who tried to steal the WH.

So because it came to light during the election it doesn't count? What half truths? You're in denial. All the things I put up there (except for the cock sucking) he said and did himself on air. What, you thought it was a double talking to Billy Bush? That interview he did on 60 minutes about not needing to talk to the generals wasn't him? You're an idiot.
Yeah...and fuck you cocksucker.

The United States is just that. A union of states.

Trump won 30 of them. Hillary won only 20 plus the swamp of DC.

THAT is the MAJORITY, not the herd like rush of functionally illiterate freeloaders in blue states.

It's not a majority of the people though. And that is why it doesn't work and is broken. FYI I was saying this BEFORE the election. I also said it when Obama was getting elected. This isn't a party issue, it's about disenfranchising people. Taking your logic to the nth degree you can have 10 states with 200 people each in them, and they will have more say in who is elected if you have a state with 40 million people in it. You think that is okay. I don't. I think it is anti-democratic (and please spare me the shit about being a republic, I'm talking democratic in the generic sense - ie, it gives more power to a certain section of the community that others in this case rural areas)...

The United States is just that. A union of states.

Trump won 30 of them. Hillary won only 20 plus the swamp of DC.

THAT is the MAJORITY, not the herd like rush of functionally illiterate freeloaders in blue states.

It's not a majority of the people though. And that is why it doesn't work and is broken. FYI I was saying this BEFORE the election. I also said it when Obama was getting elected. This isn't a party issue, it's about disenfranchising people. Taking your logic to the nth degree you can have 10 states with 200 people each in them, and they will have more say in who is elected if you have a state with 40 million people in it. You think that is okay. I don't. I think it is anti-democratic (and please spare me the shit about being a republic, I'm talking democratic in the generic sense - ie, it gives more power to a certain section of the community that others in this case rural areas)...
You really don't have much for commonsense do you? More people in more states voted for Trump, we can't have crazy Cali determining who's president…:lmao:
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Turns out that mocking the disabled was less damaging than Hillary mocking mainstream Americans, huh?

3 million more people didn't think so...
You mean 3+ million crazy Californians, take California out of the Equation and trump won the popular vote for the rest of the nation.
We don't want crazy Cali to determining who's president... dip shit

But you can't. Because they are in the equation. Period. Let's take out all the inbreds from Arkansas and W Virginia. Or maybe all the virgins. Or maybe all the white males aged over 60. How about black people? Whoops you tried that. Once. But you don't mind Cletus and his wife from Fuckstain, Missouri having more of a say than city dwellers.
It's not one state with another one state.
It's the collective of the whole country.

Glad you agree. And the collective - by 3 million votes - wanted Hillary as President.
Considering the fact that it's's hardly legit. The land of fruits and nuts....and only one political party. Only state that I know of that makes it legal for one party (Democraps) to fill both slots in a general election.
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You really don't have much for commonsense studio? More people in more states voted for Trump, we can't have crazy Cali determining who's president…:lmao:

And you 'common sense' is to allow certain people from certain states to have more rights than others. Land of the free? LOL...yeah, right....
Turns out that mocking the disabled was less damaging than Hillary mocking mainstream Americans, huh?

3 million more people didn't think so...
You mean 3+ million crazy Californians, take California out of the Equation and trump won the popular vote for the rest of the nation.
We don't want crazy Cali to determining who's president... dip shit

But you can't. Because they are in the equation. Period. Let's take out all the inbreds from Arkansas and W Virginia. Or maybe all the virgins. Or maybe all the white males aged over 60. How about black people? Whoops you tried that. Once. But you don't mind Cletus and his wife from Fuckstain, Missouri having more of a say than city dwellers.
That is the purpose of the EC, The person that was supposed to win... won.
Live with a bedwetter
It's only fair, we're laughing at you

Yeah, but I don't care. You're incoming CIC goes on twitter at 3am because he widdle feewings are getting hurt by big, bad Alec Baldwin....
Well, at least he doesnt throw a temper-tantrum and abuse his authority the way Obama did attacking conservatives using the EPA, VA, and the IRS.
The E. C. was created so that Boston and New York would not have popular votes to override the rest of the States for representation.
Now Dems want unequality and have California and New York of popular votes override the rest of the country.

So 10 people in Montana should make decisions for 100,000 people living in NY. Yeah. That seems fair...

A lot more fair than the illegal aliens in LA or the welfare queens in Queens.
Exactly...they have lost their minds.

This inflammatory rhetoric is likely to have harmful consequences. The lib MSM is fanning the flames.

It is all very disgusting.

But grabbing pussies isn't disgusting. But abusing disabled people isn't disgusting. But calling the election rigged unless I win isn't disgusting. But abusing a moderator who 'bleeds from anywhere' isn't disgusting.

I tell you what is disgusting Gipper, championing a throw back like Trump. That is disgusting. Did you champion the guy that is set to make the US the laughing stock of the world? Well done!
Yep, no anger there
Why does everything have to be done by the federal government? Why does NY have to impose it's "values" on people from Minnesota, or Alabama?

The States are there for a reason, to customize the rules and laws based upon local preferences. Progressives using the Feds to make the US "one size fits all" is one of the main points of contention for people on the right.

Progressives have weaponized the federal government, and are now whining that someone they detest has their finger on the trigger?

Cry me a river.

Sure, at a state level. That is why you have state elections and legislators. At a federal level? I note you didn't address my point that it is okay for 600,000 Alaskans to ride rough shod over 20 million NYers.

That's because you were full of shit when you said it
Turns out that mocking the disabled was less damaging than Hillary mocking mainstream Americans, huh?

3 million more people didn't think so...
You mean 3+ million crazy Californians, take California out of the Equation and trump won the popular vote for the rest of the nation.
We don't want crazy Cali to determining who's president... dip shit

Doesn't it bother you that a dependency whore leftist Maori looks down on you? Really? Not at all?

Hmm ... me either ...
Turns out that mocking the disabled was less damaging than Hillary mocking mainstream Americans, huh?

3 million more people didn't think so...
You mean 3+ million crazy Californians, take California out of the Equation and trump won the popular vote for the rest of the nation.
We don't want crazy Cali to determining who's president... dip shit

But you can't. Because they are in the equation. Period. Let's take out all the inbreds from Arkansas and W Virginia. Or maybe all the virgins. Or maybe all the white males aged over 60. How about black people? Whoops you tried that. Once. But you don't mind Cletus and his wife from Fuckstain, Missouri having more of a say than city dwellers.

And you end up with Trump winning. I'm sure American butt hurt Democrats will be happy to know that the butt hurt is world wide among leftist Democrats
The E. C. was created so that Boston and New York would not have popular votes to override the rest of the States for representation.
Now Dems want unequality and have California and New York of popular votes override the rest of the country.

So 10 people in Montana should make decisions for 100,000 people living in NY. Yeah. That seems fair...

A lot more fair than the illegal aliens in LA or the welfare queens in Queens.

There is no evidence that illegals voted. None. Just fake news. As for those on welfare, so you want to put caveats on who can and can't vote?

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