How liberals think

I'm sure it comforts you to believe that way, but no.

I feel sorry for you... I mean I feel sorry for people whose mental abilities are stuck at "No"
If you keep spouting bullshit, I'll keep telling you no.

Your call.
Na the reason you keep saying no is because you lack the intelligence to actually respond

And do you know why?
It's because the left's massive entitlement spending is simply unsustainable.
Is that why Europe has less debt/lower deficits then America?
THe only reason Europe is in bad shape is because Europe is doing what the GOP wants to do, implement massive austerity
It is odd that every-time you post everything you say is contradicted by reality/history.
:lol: That's utterly ludicrous.

Europe is in the economic toilet because of liberal policies. The austerity measure are an attempt to salvage what's left.

You put the cart before the horse...two time zones away.
Europe has lower deficits/debt the America, the only reason they are implementing austerity measures is because they were stupid and listens to conservatives.
Furthermore Europe has higher living standards then AMerica so if Europe is a toleit then America must be the piece of shit in it
Everybody thinks, but Pub dupes thinking is based on Pubcrappe. "Liberal Fascism " is a total joke. The rest just follows....they're certainly not scholarly, respected tomes LOL.

Way to state your -- ahem -- "thesis."

A whole lot lacking, though, on any kind of "support" for your position.

You loser.
Everybody thinks, but Pub dupes thinking is based on Pubcrappe. "Liberal Fascism " is a total joke. The rest just follows....they're certainly not scholarly, respected tomes LOL.

Way to state your -- ahem -- "thesis."

A whole lot lacking, though, on any kind of "support" for your position.

You loser.
Read my sig, jackazz Pubtroll- facts Pubs don't tell you, and BS they do...
Everybody thinks, but Pub dupes thinking is based on Pubcrappe. "Liberal Fascism " is a total joke. The rest just follows....they're certainly not scholarly, respected tomes LOL.

Way to state your -- ahem -- "thesis."

A whole lot lacking, though, on any kind of "support" for your position.

You loser.
Read my sig, jackazz Pubtroll- facts Pubs don't tell you, and BS they do...

No, shitface. Your sigline is not part of your idiotic post.

Your idiotic post DID state a claim. But YOU, being the tool you are, entirely forgot to support it in any way.

You brainless mindless ineffectual liberal propagandist. The good news is: you suck at that job, too.
Way to state your -- ahem -- "thesis."

A whole lot lacking, though, on any kind of "support" for your position.

You loser.
Read my sig, jackazz Pubtroll- facts Pubs don't tell you, and BS they do...

No, shitface. Your sigline is not part of your idiotic post.

Your idiotic post DID state a claim. But YOU, being the tool you are, entirely forgot to support it in any way.

You brainless mindless ineffectual liberal propagandist. The good news is: you suck at that job, too.
how many mulatto's did you eat Easter dinner with??
Read my sig, jackazz Pubtroll- facts Pubs don't tell you, and BS they do...

No, shitface. Your sigline is not part of your idiotic post.

Your idiotic post DID state a claim. But YOU, being the tool you are, entirely forgot to support it in any way.

You brainless mindless ineffectual liberal propagandist. The good news is: you suck at that job, too.
how many mulatto's did you eat Easter dinner with??

Randi still imagines that this is like 1933 or something like that in the deep south. If he suggests I might have "colored" relatives, I must just have to crumble.

What a fucking dead useless little dick he is.
Horse patoot. The "Liberal Fascist" is pure drivel, and everyone BUT Pub dupes know it LOLGoogle it. Duh!

In other words, your ignorant ass disagrees with all the things Goldberg wrote which you are incapable of answering intelligently or refuting at all.

Face it. You are one of life's losers.

Learn to cope.
Horse patoot. The "Liberal Fascist" is pure drivel, and everyone BUT Pub dupes know it LOLGoogle it. Duh!

In other words, your ignorant ass disagrees with all the things Goldberg wrote which you are incapable of answering intelligently or refuting at all.

Face it. You are one of life's losers.

Learn to cope.

I think he is. Posting here is his coping mechanic. We are his medication. His intelligence is his straight jacket.
No, shitface. Your sigline is not part of your idiotic post.

Your idiotic post DID state a claim. But YOU, being the tool you are, entirely forgot to support it in any way.

You brainless mindless ineffectual liberal propagandist. The good news is: you suck at that job, too.
how many mulatto's did you eat Easter dinner with??

Randi still imagines that this is like 1933 or something like that in the deep south. If he suggests I might have "colored" relatives, I must just have to crumble.

What a fucking dead useless little dick he is.
Horse patoot. The "Liberal Fascist" is pure drivel, and everyone BUT Pub dupes know it LOLGoogle it. Duh!

In other words, your ignorant ass disagrees with all the things Goldberg wrote which you are incapable of answering intelligently or refuting at all.

Face it. You are one of life's losers.

Learn to cope.

I think he is. Posting here is his coping mechanic. We are his medication. His intelligence is his straight jacket.

Psyobabble from the Pubtroll ignorami...LOL Nazis were socialists, Democrats in fact LOL!
Granny says dey surely do...

... some o' their logic smells like a 3 day old dead skunk.

No, wait a minute...

... is how Liberals think

... oh well, same difference...

... nevermind.
Everybody thinks, but Pub dupes thinking is based on Pubcrappe. "Liberal Fascism " is a total joke. The rest just follows....they're certainly not scholarly, respected tomes LOL.

'Liberal Fascism' ...well documented and researched.

But, it would be painful for one of your weltanschauung to read.....

When you grow up you might try to read more enlightening material than Obama election hand-outs.....
How about Afghanistan? Prior to Obama we had daily protests and nightly coverage of how the democrats wanted to set us free from this war. Since Obama came to office their are no protests, no nightly coverage of the war. No televised coffins comming off of planes, no nothing.

That my friend is the height of group think. Like a school of fish that suddenly change direction. You can't explain it only excuse it away.

What gets protested and what does not, gets decided in the at latest weekly sessions between the White House Office of Communications and mediamatters. From there the WhiteHouses talking points and other political emphasis gets disseminated out to the rest of the media then on to the great unwashed. These close linkages, reminiscent of the Hitler/Goebbels relationship of so long ago, have been covered in some detail recently by the dailycaller.
The NSA/CIA intelligence community was beside itself in the early 90's at the lack of a public opposition reaction to Gulf War I in contrast to the VietNam war. It was decided internally that events had moved so rapidly that the Left had not had the time to set up their networks in opposition. Barry's media networks have been functional for some time, in contrast.

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