How Liberals Use Science


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It's been noted before that all one need do to herd Liberals in any direction is the phrase "studies show...."
Seems that this is the overcompensation by the less intelligent, yearning to be able to claim that science backs up their beliefs.

Let's take the Progressive/socialist love for eugenics.

2. In the novel "Ceremony of Innocence," BBC far east expert Humphrey Hawksley provides a reminder of the Progressive/socialist policies that led to the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Hawksley give a sense of the motives, and the aims, of the eugenics movement. Here, a few passages from the book:

"...Harry H. Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Records Office, USA.

'He was the right-hand man for Albert Johnson, head of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization,...who created a politically acceptable environment to stop defective immigrants coming into your country, mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe, the Balkans and Russia...

The bill was passed after Laughlin cited IQ and prison statistics....these immigrants were the dregs of humanity, mentally deficient and unable to assimilate....It was a perfect combination of science and politics.

...defining what a human being is....that a human being can be genetically altered animal which possesses the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on."

The character speaking goes on to place the blame for eugenics just where it belongs:

"....the ideas all came from [America]. You were the pioneers in this science until Germany damaged it irrevocably with the Holocaust....We've devised a universal IQ test which we use on children of all if we use [the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on] we are blurring the line between human and animal life.

I know, I know. We are in a battle between religion and science."
p. 232-234.

Everything Hawksley has his character say is true.

3. And Hawkley spoke the truth when he had the character say " We are in a battle between religion and science."
Here, Oliver Wendell Holmes for Progressive science, and Pierce Butler for religion:

a. The most revered of liberal icons, Oliver Wendell Holmes, concurred with eugenics, to the extent that he attempted to write it into the Constitution. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision (Buck v. Bell) written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” It turned out that she was not retarded, as the state had contended. Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

b. Everyone is aware of the Liberal/Progressive distain for religion. The only vote against the state, in an 8-1 decision was the archconservative and only Catholic on the court, Pierce Butler. “Butler was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, but was also, most importantly, a political conservative.” Pierce Butler
Hitler outlawed all parties, to include the socialist party...
On Feb. 27, the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament, was set on fire. Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe was found inside, and the Nazis claimed that he was part of a communist plot to overthrow the government.

The following day, Hitler issued a decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree. It stripped citizens of their constitutional liberties and allowed the Nazi government to arrest communist leaders. Many historians believe that the Reichstag fire was started by the Nazis to justify the decree.

Hitler’s coalition government would gain a small majority in the March general elections and, with communist officials in prison,pass the Enabling Act on March 23. It stripped the Reichstag of its legislative powers and created the legal basis for Hitler’s dictatorship.

Only the Social Democratic Party voted against the act. Chairman Otto Wels, speaking before the legislature and a crowd of Nazi brownshirts there to intimidate delegates, gave an emotional speech decrying the Enabling Act. “Freedom and life can be taken from us, but not our honor,” he declared.
On This Day Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Notice who was president in 1927 and the previous administrations that allowed eugenics, why it was the GOP..No surprise, but it was left out of this finger pointing OP.
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

It would be responsible if you would comment on the OP to which you have ostensibly subscribed....but, I understand your wont to add graffiti wherever possible.

But I would be remiss not to use this as a teachable moment.

Nazism is one more iteration of the political philosophy of Karl Marx.
1. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...."
NYTimes, November 27, 1925.

a. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

2. In Britain, George Bernard Shaw supported Hitler in the mass media, showing an article entitled "Shaw Heaps Praise on the Dictators....Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin." The Left supported Hitler because they knew he would kill. (20:19)

Therefore, communism, Nazism,socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, etc., are all fruit of the same poison tree.
Notice who was president in 1927 and the previous administrations that allowed eugenics, why it was the GOP..No surprise, but it was left out of this finger pointing OP.
  1. The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Progressive Era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia
  2. And, yes, there were Republicans who succumbed to "Liberal science."
Quoting novels and what politicians did 90 years ago to try and prove that today's liberals are what? Genocidal? Eugenicists? Heartless, ammoral, science-bots?

If you actually had any credibility, this would still be one of the worst OPs I've ever read.
Quoting novels and what politicians did 90 years ago to try and prove that today's liberals are what? Genocidal? Eugenicists? Heartless, ammoral, science-bots?

If you actually had any credibility, this would still be one of the worst OPs I've ever read.

Before I conclude this thread I will tie same to contemporary Liberals/Progressives.

You betcha'!!!

"If you actually had any credibility, this would still be one of the worst OPs I've ever read."
You're afraid I'll prove it, aren't you?
I will.

Let's remember you wrote this: "Genocidal? Eugenicists? Heartless, ammoral (sic), science-bots?"
Quoting novels and what politicians did 90 years ago to try and prove that today's liberals are what? Genocidal? Eugenicists? Heartless, ammoral, science-bots?

If you actually had any credibility, this would still be one of the worst OPs I've ever read.
Yes, but she likes to put skeletons and the living in one bed and call it a fundamental family...
Quoting novels and what politicians did 90 years ago to try and prove that today's liberals are what? Genocidal? Eugenicists? Heartless, ammoral, science-bots?

If you actually had any credibility, this would still be one of the worst OPs I've ever read.
Yes, but she likes to put skeletons and the living in one bed and call it a fundamental family...

Before I conclude this thread I will tie same to contemporary Liberals/Progressives.

You betcha'!!!
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.

You are not a liberal if you oppose liberalism. Goddam you people say the darnedest things.
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.
Hitler used barter as a means of economic that liberal? Socialist or conservative?
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.

You are not a liberal if you oppose liberalism. Goddam you people say the darnedest things.

Apparently you are a liberal if you make things up out of sail cloth.

Actually if you do as Hitler did, you are a liberal.
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.
Hitler used barter as a means of economic that liberal? Socialist or conservative?

So did FDR.
And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...

Depends on your defintion and perhaps the country.

In a very broad definition and sense, Conservative means preserving the current state of the country and Liberalism is moving away?

Now if that is anywhere close to the definition, did or did not Hitler support the ruling parties? Parties that were mostly Socialists, Christian Socialists? No, Hitler did not he he opposed the ruling parties thus he was a Liberal.

Since Hitler's view was for strict government regulation over business, nationalization of the banks, gun control and health care, thus Hitler was a liberal.

What you might consider conservative is Hitler's use of Patriotism and pride of the Aryan nation. But if you do then you have to explain liberals telling us that they are just as patriotic and proud, except Michelle of course.
Hitler used barter as a means of economic that liberal? Socialist or conservative?

So did FDR.
It's an old form of economic activity..

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