How Likely Is A New US Civil War?

Investigators say Des Moines resident Doug Jensen told them “he wanted to participate in ‘Storming the Capitol’ because ‘I was trying to fire up this nation,’ and ‘I’m all about a revolution.’”
As usual, it will depend on Trump and the MAGA media.
No, it will depend on if the Democratic Party stacks the Supreme Court and does away with the filibuster and then runs wild with new found power. Perhaps the dems will launch an effort to confiscate civilian owned firearms.

I have no desire to ever see a Civil War in this nation. If it ever happens we will no longer be the leading nation iin the world and will likely be taken over by the Chinese. I don’t want to live under the thumb of a Chinese dictator. If nothing else, what happens to Social Security, Medicare and other such programs?

Fortunately I believe the dems will not be able to do much in the remaining year before the Midterm elections and then they will lose the House and possibly the Senate. Things will return to a more normal time. Then in 2024 the dems will lose the Presidency. By that time people will be SICk and TIRED of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their sheer incompetence.
The violence will not be sporadic. Texas will officially secede and dare the FedGov to come do something about it.
Good luck with that.

The great thing about socialism is that it is compulsory. Everyone on earth must comply, or they keep trying to make them comply.
Lots of valid points. But the occasional right wing nut job keeps things interesting. Like that guy the other day making a cross country trip to attack the WH. Was caught I think in Iowa driving erratically. Was found with a semi auto rifle, grappling hooks, plans for attacking the WH, along with a note on how to handle his affairs after he dies. Just a complete wack job.
I'm telling bigrebnc1775 the black shooter in NYC sounds like a Trumpster to me. Went after the Democratic Mayor of NYC, came from another state. Why would he go to NY to shoot it up? Who riled him up about NYC being bad?

Trump did!
this is chilling

It's only chilling if you automatically believe everything MSNBC tells you without even considering reality. Or if they are telling you what you want to hear and you want to be scared.

Fear and hatred is what the msm runs on. Literally. MSM only exists to make money. They make their money from advertising. The more viewers the more they can charge for advertising. The more you scare people or anger them then the more they tune into your news shows and viewership goes up which means more money. And with the internet and social media taking a huge chunk out of traditional news the traditional news has to up their ante to stay in the game.
I'm telling bigrebnc1775 the black shooter in NYC sounds like a Trumpster to me. Went after the Democratic Mayor of NYC, came from another state. Why would he go to NY to shoot it up? Who riled him up about NYC being bad?

Trump did!
Trump derangement syndrome strikes again.

Frank James, Suspect in New York Subway Shooting, Taken Into Custody

Suspect described a 'mental health crisis' and railed against mayor in videos
By Zachary Stieber
April 13, 2022 Updated: April 14, 2022


Authorities confirmed that James was the owner of a YouTube account, where he posted dozens of videos that have been removed by the technology company.

In the videos, James, a black male, ranted about police shootings of black people and repeatedly used racial epithets against white and Hispanic people, according to an Epoch Times review.

In a linked Facebook account, James called former President Donald Trump and his supporters racist and repeatedly posted violent images and memes, including one that said, “You may not be able to beat em but you can sure as hell shoot em.”…emphasis added
Trump derangement syndrome strikes again.

Frank James, Suspect in New York Subway Shooting, Taken Into Custody

Suspect described a 'mental health crisis' and railed against mayor in videos
By Zachary Stieber
April 13, 2022 Updated: April 14, 2022


Authorities confirmed that James was the owner of a YouTube account, where he posted dozens of videos that have been removed by the technology company.

In the videos, James, a black male, ranted about police shootings of black people and repeatedly used racial epithets against white and Hispanic people, according to an Epoch Times review.

In a linked Facebook account, James called former President Donald Trump and his supporters racist and repeatedly posted violent images and memes, including one that said, “You may not be able to beat em but you can sure as hell shoot em.”…emphasis added
Where did you get that? Because the article I read said he also ranted against black people. Why did your article leave that out? And if he was ranting about hispanics and was angry about race relations, blame Trump for that.

Where did you get this information?

Also, if what you say is true, you are showing us that Trump really did a lot of damage to race relations during his time as president. Perhaps you shouldn't run him again.
Trump derangement syndrome strikes again.

Frank James, Suspect in New York Subway Shooting, Taken Into Custody

Suspect described a 'mental health crisis' and railed against mayor in videos
By Zachary Stieber
April 13, 2022 Updated: April 14, 2022


Authorities confirmed that James was the owner of a YouTube account, where he posted dozens of videos that have been removed by the technology company.

In the videos, James, a black male, ranted about police shootings of black people and repeatedly used racial epithets against white and Hispanic people, according to an Epoch Times review.

In a linked Facebook account, James called former President Donald Trump and his supporters racist and repeatedly posted violent images and memes, including one that said, “You may not be able to beat em but you can sure as hell shoot em.”…emphasis added
The Epoch Times is a far-right.....I thought so

James has a lengthy criminal record, including nine arrests in New York and three in New Jersey. But he was never convicted of a felony, which enabled him to legally obtain a gun

Maybe a guy arrested 12 times should have raised some red flags

See, here is how you are lied to and brainwashed with lies.

Authorities confirmed that James was the owner of a YouTube account, where he posted dozens of videos that have been removed by the technology company.

In the videos, James, a black male, ranted about police shootings of black people and repeatedly used racial epithets against white and Hispanic people, according to an Epoch Times review.

So the video's have been removed so we can't see them, but "according to" the Epoch times" I'm supposed to take a far right leaning rags word for it? Why are you? Look at you swallowing fake news you haven't verified. How cute.

Can you show me these Facebook posts?

But even your rag admits he's a Trumpster. James also launched a rant in a video, “[expletive] BLM,” where he criticized the movement
Epoch times also left out he ranted against black people too. Sounds like the blacks at Trump rallies to me.
Epoch times also left out he ranted against black people too. Sounds like the blacks at Trump rallies to me.
And the original msnbc propaganda piece left out the fact that it is the one that has been trying to foment a civil war through by creating false impressions involving race.
And the original msnbc propaganda piece left out the fact that it is the one that has been trying to foment a civil war through by creating false impressions involving race.
Your opinion.

For the record, the guy in my community who the cop shot, should not have been fighting with the cop. The cop started to get tired and you can't resist arrest. I think we need to be crystal clear a cop does have the right to shoot someone who's resisting arrest. If not they should. I know sometimes they shouldn't but in this case, he had the right.

The message should be it's not worth even trying to win a fight with a cop, or resisting. If you even start to win, you'll get shot.
The Epoch Times is a far-right.....I thought so

James has a lengthy criminal record, including nine arrests in New York and three in New Jersey. But he was never convicted of a felony, which enabled him to legally obtain a gun

Maybe a guy arrested 12 times should have raised some red flags

See, here is how you are lied to and brainwashed with lies.

Authorities confirmed that James was the owner of a YouTube account, where he posted dozens of videos that have been removed by the technology company.

In the videos, James, a black male, ranted about police shootings of black people and repeatedly used racial epithets against white and Hispanic people, according to an Epoch Times review.

So the video's have been removed so we can't see them, but "according to" the Epoch times" I'm supposed to take a far right leaning rags word for it? Why are you? Look at you swallowing fake news you haven't verified. How cute.

Can you show me these Facebook posts?

But even your rag admits he's a Trumpster. James also launched a rant in a video, “[expletive] BLM,” where he criticized the movement
The news story is not fake and has been reported on by other news outlets.


One of the photos police shared was a screenshot of a video from the "prophet oftruth88" YouTube channel, a platform on which James appears to express controversial views and go on lengthy, profanity-filled rants. As of 12:45 p.m. Wednesday, the channel had been taken down.

He talks about death in several videos and discusses a "race war" and the desire to "exterminate" certain groups of people in one clip. In another, posted April 6, he says there needs to be more mass shootings, claiming the problem wouldn't be the shooters but rather the environment they exist in.


You accuse me of believing a fake news story and you were so damn confident that you was right that you didn’t even try to see if the report was factual. You could have found the story was true in less than a minute but you are such a loyal sheeple that you continue to beleive all the crap the liberal media feeds you despite the fact that they have been lying to you for years.

Where did you get that? Because the article I read said he also ranted against black people. Why did your article leave that out? And if he was ranting about hispanics and was angry about race relations, blame Trump for that.

Where did you get this information?

Also, if what you say is true, you are showing us that Trump really did a lot of damage to race relations during his time as president. Perhaps you shouldn't run him again.
Try using Google yourself and you will find numerous versions of the YouTube tape story involving the New York subway shooter.

It’s the Democrats who have been pushing racism in this nation. If you disagree with any Democrat you are automatically labeled a racist.

Race relations in this nation started to seriously go downhill during the Obama administration. Obama was the great divider not the uniter.

Zero percent. Although the right wing nut jobs like to think the police and military are on their side, we have seen what happens in reality. Most of them are a bunch of dumb pussies. Nothing to be concerned about. But I welcome more of them getting thrown in jail where they belong, removed from a civilized society. Because you know there are thousands of these right wing nut job terrorists out there just itching to try something. Several on this message board in fact.
LOL. It is the left wing nut jobs that participate in and condone mass looting that should be thrown in jail.

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