How Likely Is A New US Civil War?

There is no “ Far Right” in the American Political Landscape anymore.
The woke group psychosis makes just about anything else look right wing by comparison, doesn't it?. What was moderate 20 Years ago is now called far right by these brainwashed idiots.
The news story is not fake and has been reported on by other news outlets.


One of the photos police shared was a screenshot of a video from the "prophet oftruth88" YouTube channel, a platform on which James appears to express controversial views and go on lengthy, profanity-filled rants. As of 12:45 p.m. Wednesday, the channel had been taken down.

He talks about death in several videos and discusses a "race war" and the desire to "exterminate" certain groups of people in one clip. In another, posted April 6, he says there needs to be more mass shootings, claiming the problem wouldn't be the shooters but rather the environment they exist in.


You accuse me of believing a fake news story and you were so damn confident that you was right that you didn’t even try to see if the report was factual. You could have found the story was true in less than a minute but you are such a loyal sheeple that you continue to beleive all the crap the liberal media feeds you despite the fact that they have been lying to you for years.

Yes I know they cleverly cherry picked and told you only whats favorable to your cause. I quickly found that out.

God I hope they find a picture of him at a trump rally
The woke group psychosis makes just about anything else look right wing by comparison, doesn't it?. What was moderate 20 Years ago is now called far right by these brainwashed idiots.
Republicans have very successfully pulled our country more to the right despite it being a very liberal country. Look at the Supreme Court. Ho many cons on it now?

And cons control state houses. Much more important if you really want to pass change. And they gerrymandered like mofos
Republicans have very successfully pulled our country more to the right despite it being a very liberal country. Look at the Supreme Court. Ho many cons on it now?

And cons control state houses. Much more important if you really want to pass change. And they gerrymandered like mofos
Your lack of education amazes me at times.
Yes I know they cleverly cherry picked and told you only whats favorable to your cause. I quickly found that out.

God I hope they find a picture of him at a trump rally
It is actually amazing that the liberal media didn’t make up a story about Frank James being at a Trump rally. They could easily fake a photo.

Give it a day or two and you might get your wish.
A civil war just wouldn't be practical today. It's not really possible. You have neighbors and co-workers all over the place that are of the other ideology. It would be chaos in the streets all over the nation.

Anybody that thinks there might be another civil war doesn't really understand the logistics of the world that we live in now compared to back then.

Also commoners on both sides are way too comfortable to risk it all over a fight about abortion and trans people.
Normally, I would say yes but there are going to be food shortages.
I wanted "civil war" when trump was still selling his board game.

You try to tie everything to trump.
He's just the pied piper who unleashed all the mal-informed rage and paranoia that had building on the manipulated Right since the day Limbaugh went national.

I've said it a thousand times here, but I'm happy to say it again for you: This isn't really about Trump. It never has been.

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It is actually amazing that the liberal media didn’t make up a story about Frank James being at a Trump rally. They could easily fake a photo.

Give it a day or two and you might get your wish.
We saw this right wing source spun the story. Cherry picked what it told you. And told you things you can’t confirm.

Youre being lied to.
He's just the pied piper who unleashed all the mal-informed rage and paranoia that had building on the manipulated Right since the day Limbaugh went national.

I've said it a thousand times here, but I'm happy to say it again for you: This isn't really about Trump. It never has been.

What’s scary is so many Americans view him as the lesser of two evils.

I keep telling republicans just run someone else. It would be cool if biden stepped down. Kamala should Be the nominee and we should pick a really good vp like Jon Stewart.
We saw this right wing source spun the story. Cherry picked what it told you. And told you things you can’t confirm.

Youre being lied to.
Fox News told me early on that Trump didn’t collude with Putin to defeat Hillary and the Steele Dossier was paid for by Hillary and the DNC. That was the truth.

Time and time again the liberal media would try to feed me some bullshit and I would find Fox News and OAN telling me the stories were false. After a while I just stopped listening to CNN. It will be years before I believe anything the liberal media tells me without verifying it myself. I’m not the only one who stopped watching CNN either.


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