How Little of a Bounce will Hillary get- the American People already know her & don't like her

I doubt much. Outside the convention last night...
As Obama speaks, chaos and arrests outside DNC

Hillary's people will just tell us they were all excited about

Rasmussen has Clinton back in the lead already, just today. Comrade Trump, after all, may now have to produce a credible birth certificate. People like me are likely noting how little major change has been noted in the general population. "Running Dog Capitalist,Imperialist Lackey, Clinton," versus "Comrade Trump:" so far seems to characterize the back and forth, between the two parties.

Clinton wallows in money. Comrade Trump doesn't like USA very much!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now creating new strain of sea-worthy termites: To prevent any more from arriving!)
Rasmussen has Clinton back in the lead already, just today. Comrade Trump, after all, may now have to produce a credible birth certificate. People like me are likely noting how little major change has been noted in the general population. "Running Dog Capitalist,Imperialist Lackey, Clinton," versus "Comrade Trump:" so far seems to characterize the back and forth, between the two parties.

Clinton wallows in money. Comrade Trump doesn't like USA very much!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now creating new strain of sea-worthy termites: To prevent any more from arriving!)

A single point -Trump was ahead by a single point last week
I would say the movement is statistically insignificant.

Perhaps, the Ras poll long accused of being pro-Trump
has picked up on the beginning of a convention bounce for the Qeeen

only time will tell :)
The More Americans know of her
the more they know she will

i would pay to see Monica Lewinsky bounce naked on a trampoline,,,but Joe Biden wants to watch for free
I'm thinking that Hilly Baby will have to go on around
8:00 PM in order for the Morning Joe show on MSNBC to air
at 6:00 AM.....

That's assuming she holds back and tells us only some of her
I'm thinking that Hilly Baby will have to go on around
8:00 PM in order for the Morning Joe show on MSNBC to air
at 6:00 AM.....

That's assuming she holds back and tells us only some of her
i think the MSM will just make a bounce, even though hillary will drop down 3 points.
Trump is scared of Hillary. The DNC convention for the past 3 nights has had a higher viewership each night than what the RNC had during their convention.

And................just today, he sent out an email to his followers, asking for them to boycott watching Hillary's speech tonight.

If she hits it out of the park tonight, she's gonna get a HUUUUGE bounce.
Speaking as an Independent, the convention has made it more palatable to vote for her. I would not, in any normal election, consider voting for her. There are a lot of people like me. There will be a bounce.

you are a nice kid----easy to convince ---just a bit of candy
Who you voting for, Rosie?

anyone but Hillary-----are you in the race?

PT I have never before voted REPUB in a presidential race-----I IS OLD----lots of elections----when Kerry ran I ABSTAINED
rather than vote REPUB------I don't know how I will MANAGE
As we all know
Trump got a very big bounce and it has the Democrats very concerned

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 48 45 Trump +3
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 44 43 Trump +1
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2112 LV -- 47 40 Trump +7
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 1057 RV 4.5 42 47 Clinton +5
NBC News/SM 7/18 - 7/24 12931 RV 1.2 45 46 Clinton +1
Gravis 7/21 - 7/22 3462 RV 1.7 51 49 Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports 7/18 - 7/19 1000 LV 3.0 43 42 Trump +1

As for Hillary, the American people already know her
What is this going to be her "new" introduction

The Democrats want to believe that people don’t dislike Hillary; they just don’t know her.
Good luck with that....

or as
-- Jonah Goldberg says
Oh, and let's return to the fact that Bill needed to humanize Hillary Clinton. The woman has been in public life for three decades and the highest best use of her former president husband is to spend an entire convention speech trying to convince voters that she's human.​

and in the words of Papa Obama
"You can put lipstick on a pig; it is still a pig"

The American voter knows

*delete wingnuts idiotic meme*

her approval ratings was astronomical before the rabid right in the House used their investigative power to drive down her numbers.

and however they feel about her, they dislike dumb donald more.

As we all know- Trump got a very big bounce and it has the Democrats very concerned

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 48 45 Trump +3
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 44 43 Trump +1
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2112 LV -- 47 40 Trump +7
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 1057 RV 4.5 42 47 Clinton +5
NBC News/SM 7/18 - 7/24 12931 RV 1.2 45 46 Clinton +1
Gravis 7/21 - 7/22 3462 RV 1.7 51 49 Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports 7/18 - 7/19 1000 LV 3.0 43 42 Trump +1

As for Hillary, the American people already know her
What is this going to be her "new" introduction

The Democrats want to believe that people don’t dislike Hillary; they just don’t know her.
Good luck with that....

or as
-- Jonah Goldberg says
Oh, and let's return to the fact that Bill needed to humanize Hillary Clinton. The woman has been in public life for three decades and the highest best use of her former president husband is to spend an entire convention speech trying to convince voters that she's human.​

and in the words of Papa Obama
"You can put lipstick on a pig; it is still a pig"

The American voter knows
*replace the left's censorship of the truth they fear*


her approval ratings was astronomical before the rabid right in the House used their investigative power to drive down her numbers.

and however they feel about her, they dislike dumb donald more.


whatever helps you

Most people view her as
a money hungry, power hungry
political animal that only cares about winning
who comes off as fake

- you know it is true and if you were honest with yourself- you know it as well

most Americans do not like people who do not play by the rules
this fact hurts her more than anything

Last edited:
If people don't like those who refuse to play by the rules, then why is Trump so popular?

He's broken damn near every political rule in the books, which is why many of his own party don't like him.
As we all know
Trump got a very big bounce and it has the Democrats very concerned

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 48 45 Trump +3
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 44 43 Trump +1
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2112 LV -- 47 40 Trump +7
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 1057 RV 4.5 42 47 Clinton +5
NBC News/SM 7/18 - 7/24 12931 RV 1.2 45 46 Clinton +1
Gravis 7/21 - 7/22 3462 RV 1.7 51 49 Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports 7/18 - 7/19 1000 LV 3.0 43 42 Trump +1

As for Hillary, the American people already know her
What is this going to be her "new" introduction

The Democrats want to believe that people don’t dislike Hillary; they just don’t know her.
Good luck with that....

or as
-- Jonah Goldberg says
Oh, and let's return to the fact that Bill needed to humanize Hillary Clinton. The woman has been in public life for three decades and the highest best use of her former president husband is to spend an entire convention speech trying to convince voters that she's human.​

and in the words of Papa Obama
"You can put lipstick on a pig; it is still a pig"

The American voter knows
*replace the left's censorship of the truth they fear*


her approval ratings was astronomical before the rabid right in the House used their investigative power to drive down her numbers.

and however they feel about her, they dislike dumb donald more.


whatever helps you

Most people view her as
a money hungry, power hungry
political animal that only cares about winning
who comes off as fake

- you know it is true and if you were honest with yourself- you know it as well

most Americans do not like people who do not play by the rules
this fact hurts her more than anything


The thing is....they don't care.....she tells them she will give them free stuff......and they line up like lemmings.....
If people don't like those who refuse to play by the rules, then why is Trump so popular?

He's broken damn near every political rule in the books, which is why many of his own party don't like him.

hers are criminal in nature

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