How Little of a Bounce will Hillary get- the American People already know her & don't like her

If people don't like those who refuse to play by the rules, then why is Trump so popular?

He's broken damn near every political rule in the books, which is why many of his own party don't like him.

Because he is shoving pc out the window and using Dems tactics right back on them. This causes Dems to become quite befuddle. The media tries smearing him and it doesn't stick because he punches back even harder. It's refreshing to finally see someone with a spine.

All of that is a far cry from using a non-secured private server while SoS, knowing damn well the sensitive material being emailed. She is either stupid or a liar.

great points
"She is either stupid or a liar"

she could be both
just saying
Does it bother you Trump/Putin fans that your whiny lies and kook conspiracy theories are backfiring on you badly?

Let me rephrase that. It's clear it does bother you, immensely. On a scale of 9 to 10, how much does it bother you?

If you need to check with DearLeaderVlad to get a new talking point now, I'll understand. Take what time you need.
with Hillary so out of shape, soon she will just collapse into the toilet, then call 911 and explain how she is stuck in the toilet.

What would be funnier is that the secret service and 1st responders fail to respond.
If people don't like those who refuse to play by the rules, then why is Trump so popular?

He's broken damn near every political rule in the books, which is why many of his own party don't like him.

Because he is shoving pc out the window and using Dems tactics right back on them. This causes Dems to become quite befuddle. The media tries smearing him and it doesn't stick because he punches back even harder. It's refreshing to finally see someone with a spine.

All of that is a far cry from using a non-secured private server while SoS, knowing damn well the sensitive material being emailed. She is either stupid or a liar.

great points
"She is either stupid or a liar"

she could be both
just saying

There is no 'could' about it, she is.
Does it bother you Trump/Putin fans that your whiny lies and kook conspiracy theories are backfiring on you badly?

Let me rephrase that. It's clear it does bother you, immensely. On a scale of 9 to 10, how much does it bother you?

If you need to check with DearLeaderVlad to get a new talking point now, I'll understand. Take what time you need.

Your Nat'l Intelligence Director begs to differ........but that's just fact.........something alien to you.
Hillary stuck in a toilet, that would be as embarrassing as George Costanza running out if a bathroom, then tripping with his pants down
As we all know
Trump got a very big bounce and it has the Democrats very concerned

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 882 RV 3.5 48 45 Trump +3
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 1118 RV 4.0 44 43 Trump +1
LA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2112 LV -- 47 40 Trump +7
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 1057 RV 4.5 42 47 Clinton +5
NBC News/SM 7/18 - 7/24 12931 RV 1.2 45 46 Clinton +1
Gravis 7/21 - 7/22 3462 RV 1.7 51 49 Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports 7/18 - 7/19 1000 LV 3.0 43 42 Trump +1

As for Hillary, the American people already know her
What is this going to be her "new" introduction

The Democrats want to believe that people don’t dislike Hillary; they just don’t know her.
Good luck with that....

or as
-- Jonah Goldberg says
Oh, and let's return to the fact that Bill needed to humanize Hillary Clinton. The woman has been in public life for three decades and the highest best use of her former president husband is to spend an entire convention speech trying to convince voters that she's human.​

and in the words of Papa Obama
"You can put lipstick on a pig; it is still a pig"

The American voter knows


I'm not particularly fond of her either but looking at the pitiful choices we have she is far superior to a lying megalomanic bully!
we can agree to disagree
Okay, let's do it. Start disagreeing. I'm dumbfounded that any American could possibly even entertain the idea of supporting a self centered con dude as trump to lead our proud nation. INCONCIeVABLE!!!
Betcha' the Hill-Beast will re-invoke her old steadfast line "That It Takes a Village" to-nite! My Magic-8 Ball predicts it!! She's a copy of a copy of an old copy............

Sure enuff, my Magic 8-Ball was right again! she mentioned her old 'It Takes a Village.....' theme last nite.
(I got a copy of her speech before she gave' don't ask, cuz I don't tell!).
Hilary will get a significant bounce as she pivoted to the center for the election. She mapped,out what the strategy will be. How bad Donald Trump is. Donald's mountain is high because he has to do so much on his own. He will have to answer her charges straight on, get it over with, and do some serious boning up for the debates. Hint to Donald, talk about the country and not yourself. I already told you once.

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