How Little of a Bounce will Hillary get- the American People already know her & don't like her

Will she use her new Robot Voice....?

I hope there are a few moments where Hillary goes into scream mode....
Where her voice gets
louder and
louder and
Louder and
All day today the coverage of the Democrat convention
has been about Donald J Trump and the Russians.....

I guess if your candidate is Hillary and her extremely high
unfavorable rating what else do you do....
Betcha' the Hill-Beast will re-invoke her old steadfast line "That It Takes a Village" to-nite! My Magic-8 Ball predicts it!! She's a copy of a copy of an old copy............
Will she use her new Robot Voice....?

I hope there are a few moments where Hillary goes into scream mode....
Where her voice gets
louder and
louder and
Louder and

hopefully she won't go into a coughing fit again

or God forbid all those lights and noise give her
another seizure

when Hillary speaks tonight, u know that every dog will be watching very closley, and even barking back at her
Will she use her new Robot Voice....?

I hope there are a few moments where Hillary goes into scream mode....
Where her voice gets
louder and
louder and
Louder and

hopefully she won't go into a coughing fit again

or God forbid all those lights and noise give her
another seizure

Actually, it would be great if she choked on her mucus right in the middle of some lie.
Hillary will drop to 37 in the internals,,and NBC will lie and say that she is now at 55% while Trump is at 35
I think they should bring a pool out to the stage,,,,dump Hillary in it,,,,and see if she bounces/floats or sinks to the bottom
since Pelosi will come on
before Hillary
they should play this as their theme song

they should put hillary in the next monty python movie. i would pay just to see the scene when they toss her in a pond
Trump's convention bounce was 1.2, according to the aggregate. That is, Clintion went from +2.5 to +1.3.

That's one of the smallest bounces ever, hence the weeping of the Trump fans. The magnitude of what losers they are is starting to sink in.

Clinton will probably get around a 4 point bounce. Yes, I said 10 before, but I was trolling.
with Hillary so out of shape, soon she will just collapse into the toilet, then call 911 and explain how she is stuck in the toilet.
If people don't like those who refuse to play by the rules, then why is Trump so popular?

He's broken damn near every political rule in the books, which is why many of his own party don't like him.

Because he is shoving pc out the window and using Dems tactics right back on them. This causes Dems to become quite befuddle. The media tries smearing him and it doesn't stick because he punches back even harder. It's refreshing to finally see someone with a spine.

All of that is a far cry from using a non-secured private server while SoS, knowing damn well the sensitive material being emailed. She is either stupid or a liar.

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