How long before cuomo is nominated as the democommiecrat candidate?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
When will the metoo commie organization, disguising as people who care about women, insist biden step down?

Will their marxist negro who did nothing during our last pandemic, but is treated as a left wing hero, even though did nothing, demand biden step down?

That cuomo marxist will be propped as the hero of NY and the country is my prediction and the democommiecrat party will nominate him. They will act like it wasn't planned.

That's my prediction. Also, we won't be seeing the globalists ease our social distancing demands via their pets in the worldwide media and entertainers until at least November 3rd.

Michael moore, the fat dangerous upper 1 percenter, and typical pathetic communist hypocrite in hollywood, suggesting the elimination of humans.

Instead of renewable energy sources — which Gibbs, suggests are just as expensive as fossil fuels — the film calls for environmentalists and viewers to throw their full attention towards issues like population control and economic de-growth in order to effectively combat climate change.


This is something I have been saying repeatedly since posting here and now we see the real intention here.

This is the culling of the herd that you may have and should have seen me talk about.

They are now out front admitting this is what they want. China and the USSR along with other regimes under communist regimes did that through starvation.

They are attacking the world's food supply.

Get it? The tribulations are here folks.
Even if Bite Me steps down in disgrace for Sexual Perversion, I can't see the Democrats nominating Fredo.

His record in New York state during the coronavirus panic is disgraceful, even his liberal friends would have a hard time defending it.
Even if Bite Me steps down in disgrace for Sexual Perversion, I can't see the Democrats nominating Fredo.

His record in New York state during the coronavirus panic is disgraceful, even his liberal friends would have a hard time defending it.
Fredo is the guy lying about getting the China disease to garner sympathy and other nefarious reasons. The brother of fredo is the governor of NY and acting like the hero of hospitals not being overwhelmed by the China disease that got to NY, via the EU.

He was the one that pushed the affirmative action loans that caused the bubble that the democommiecrats blamed conservative capitalism for when the bubble predictably burst in 2008.

Won’t happen

It would be nice if Biden offered him the VP but right now, Cuomo is saying he is not interested.

Why should the Democrats switch candidates while Biden is beating Trump in all swing states?
Won’t happen

It would be nice if Biden offered him the VP but right now, Cuomo is saying he is not interested.

Why should the Democrats switch candidates while Biden is beating Trump in all swing states?

Even if you assume that the Fake Polls are correct now, the election isn't for 6 months. This is only the first rape victim of Biden. Do you think that he will be be able to maintain his lead as more victims come forward?
Won’t happen

It would be nice if Biden offered him the VP but right now, Cuomo is saying he is not interested.

Why should the Democrats switch candidates while Biden is beating Trump in all swing states?

Even if you assume that the Fake Polls are correct now, the election isn't for 6 months. This is only the first rape victim of Biden. Do you think that he will be be able to maintain his lead as more victims come forward?

Hard to say. Do you think they can come up with 24 more to match all the accusations against Trump?

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