How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides.

.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
As opposed to Obama's push to make the government black.

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce

I hate to break it to you, but America is getting more brown. Yup, demographics are not in the white race's favor. But you enjoy Trump's time in office when white supremacist have their day in the sun.

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
Yeah. so because the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths, the US and it's citizens deserve every single bit of terror and misery that is brought upon them by Islamists and others.

Leftist logic at it's finest.

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?
The Democrats of 1945 in Washington weren't anti-American assholes then.

Yes they were. They were anti-Black American, They were anti- Asian American and they were just getting over being Irish, Italian and Jewish American.
See how distorted and "White" your worldview is? Now that the Democratic Party has become virtually the party of color and the champion of equality they are your enemy. You only think of White people as Americans. And when people of color, the global majority, complain about the effects of your systemic bigotry you say they are anti-American. Protestors who want equality and justice are not anti-American... they are anti-conservative demagoguery which is endemic in American society and it emanates from White leadership in BOTH parties. Trump has taken demagoguery to a higher level and a lot of conservative White Democrats, ( like those of Ferguson,Mo.) helped him to become President Elect. In your world, Whiteness trumps partisanship every time!
The Democratic Party became the party of disunity, division and race baiting, all as a strategy to create more voters. And Americans called them on it last November 8.
Actually, all the election results show is that the republicans were better at smearing the democrats. Obstructionism divided us more than anything and the GOP were the best. When Black Democrats addressed systemic attacks against their liberties, their Rw enemies called it " race-baiting. Finally, those "Americans" you refer to were a minority of American voters who engaged in criminal activity to suppress the non white vote.
.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
As opposed to Obama's push to make the government black.

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce

I hate to break it to you, but America is getting more brown. Yup, demographics are not in the white race's favor. But you enjoy Trump's time in office when white supremacist have their day in the sun.

The loss of White supremacy is what Bannon is fighting and he is using Trump as his clown.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
As opposed to Obama's push to make the government black.

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce

I hate to break it to you, but America is getting more brown. Yup, demographics are not in the white race's favor. But you enjoy Trump's time in office when white supremacist have their day in the sun.

The loss of White supremacy is what Bannon is fighting and he is using Trump as his clown.

I think Trump sympathizes with Bannon and shares his worldview. Bannon is Trump's Goebbels .

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