How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

What a load of shit

The day the bin Laden operation was launched, they only had a 60% certainty that it was indeed bin Laden. Obama correctly held up the operation until he had better intel. Obama took a great risk in ordering the operation. If it failed, Republicans would hold him personally liable and you would have seen a witch hunt bigger than Benghazi.
As it was, the operation almost ended in disaster as one of the helicopters crashed on the compound wall. If the SEALS on that helicopter had died, Republicans would have crucified Obama

What would Trump have done? It is simple. He would have carpet bombed Pakistan. That is the scary part...
But if Trump had run as a Democrat in 2000 we never would have had a 911.

Really? Why is that? The people who flew the planes into the buildings were already here.
If you say so..
Well, my wife is black and I'm part Cherokee, so we must both be foreigners........:slap:
You gobble up all the conservative propaganda you can on a daily basis and then sing about it incessantly and redundantly. I don't judge you by your heritage or by whom you are married to but the words that mark you as a RW zealot and a practitioner of White hegemonic discourse. You have abandoned the traditional values espoused by conservatives to jump on the Trump Train. Get ready for a bumpy ride and the inevitable crash.
And you are nothing but a brainwashed asshole who believes all of the fake news the left throws at you.

Obama is a fake. He has to read everything he says from a teleprompter to keep from exposing his real thoughts and boring the shit out of everyone. The media spent his entire presidency bailing him out of trouble. Without his fawning press he would have been gone long ago.
Well, in all fairness, the Right wing establishment Republicans have given me some of the ammunition am firing at you here. I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides. Isn't it delicious...heh heh heh!
If you're trying to say you pull shit out of your ass on a regular basis....then yes.

I just proved you are a liar but you continue to hang onto vestiges of your illusions.
The only thing you proved is you are a time waster.
I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides.

.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.
You gobble up all the conservative propaganda you can on a daily basis and then sing about it incessantly and redundantly. I don't judge you by your heritage or by whom you are married to but the words that mark you as a RW zealot and a practitioner of White hegemonic discourse. You have abandoned the traditional values espoused by conservatives to jump on the Trump Train. Get ready for a bumpy ride and the inevitable crash.
And you are nothing but a brainwashed asshole who believes all of the fake news the left throws at you.

Obama is a fake. He has to read everything he says from a teleprompter to keep from exposing his real thoughts and boring the shit out of everyone. The media spent his entire presidency bailing him out of trouble. Without his fawning press he would have been gone long ago.
Well, in all fairness, the Right wing establishment Republicans have given me some of the ammunition am firing at you here. I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides. Isn't it delicious...heh heh heh!
If you're trying to say you pull shit out of your ass on a regular basis....then yes.

I just proved you are a liar but you continue to hang onto vestiges of your illusions.
The only thing you proved is you are a time waster.
And the only thing you have proved is you are a lying POS!
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

What a load of shit

The day the bin Laden operation was launched, they only had a 60% certainty that it was indeed bin Laden. Obama correctly held up the operation until he had better intel. Obama took a great risk in ordering the operation. If it failed, Republicans would hold him personally liable and you would have seen a witch hunt bigger than Benghazi.
As it was, the operation almost ended in disaster as one of the helicopters crashed on the compound wall. If the SEALS on that helicopter had died, Republicans would have crucified Obama

What would Trump have done? It is simple. He would have carpet bombed Pakistan. That is the scary part...
But if Trump had run as a Democrat in 2000 we never would have had a 911.
The GOP would have stolen the election from Trump too if he had been a Democrat. Don't you realize that, silly rabbit?

The problem is your candidate sucked ass.

Nobody stole anything.

Really? Think about that...A former Senator of one of the largest and richest states in the US and a former SOS sucked? She lost because low information voters, with the help of Putin's Fake News and stolen emails, decided to vote for a sociopathic narcissist and reality TV star....with NO experience in Governing. "This is not going to turn out well."

The scariest part of the Trump era is his retreat to Twitter whenever someone or something irritates or demeans him. Wars have started with much less provocations than his mindless tweets.

Maybe that is the GOP plan? He starts a war and the 1%ers, such as Halliburton, get rich again. I am sure their profits have taken a hit since W was in office.
Does this mean we need to provide protection for Trumps private holdings?

Yes. More taxpayer dollars for Trump is always the correct answer. Force the taxpayers to foot the bill for security at every single Trump property, like they've already been forced to do in NYC. Let the graft flow at unlimited levels.

Trump-fans, do I have the chant correct?

Of course, being this is Trump, he'll find a way somehow to bill the government for his own security, at hideously inflated rates. And the GOP will refuse to provide any oversight at all, so the overall graft will eventually extend into the billions. And all his corrupt lackeys here will defend every bit of the graft, because that's what authoritarian lackeys do.
I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides.

.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
What a load of shit

The day the bin Laden operation was launched, they only had a 60% certainty that it was indeed bin Laden. Obama correctly held up the operation until he had better intel. Obama took a great risk in ordering the operation. If it failed, Republicans would hold him personally liable and you would have seen a witch hunt bigger than Benghazi.
As it was, the operation almost ended in disaster as one of the helicopters crashed on the compound wall. If the SEALS on that helicopter had died, Republicans would have crucified Obama

What would Trump have done? It is simple. He would have carpet bombed Pakistan. That is the scary part...
But if Trump had run as a Democrat in 2000 we never would have had a 911.
The GOP would have stolen the election from Trump too if he had been a Democrat. Don't you realize that, silly rabbit?

The problem is your candidate sucked ass.

Nobody stole anything.

Really? Think about that...A former Senator of one of the largest and richest states in the US and a former SOS sucked? She lost because low information voters, with the help of Putin's Fake News and stolen emails, decided to vote for a sociopathic narcissist and reality TV star....with NO experience in Governing. "This is not going to turn out well."

The scariest part of the Trump era is his retreat to Twitter whenever someone or something irritates or demeans him. Wars have started with much less provocations than his mindless tweets.

Maybe that is the GOP plan? He starts a war and the 1%ers, such as Halliburton, get rich again. I am sure their profits have taken a hit since W was in office.
Putin's Fake News?????

Jesus......You fuckers are so gullible.....even threw Halliburton into the mix!!! LMAO!!!

Halliburton was only an issue because Cheney worked for them. Halliburton is still a US contractor and has been since Vietnam.
I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides.

.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
As opposed to Obama's push to make the government black.

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce
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It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters
And you can bet your ass he will try to use government forces to retaliate. That will be his downfall!

If terrorists attack a Trump property, Trump will have two options:

1. Use government forces to retaliate
2. Send a nasty Twitter calling ISIS names
And we all know this charade is all because you're suddenly very "concerned" for the Trump properties. LOL.

They will feel the Wrath of Trump

He will call them Radical Islamic Terrorists

They will surrender shortly afterwards
Whatever he does or doesn't do, we need a change from the idiot president Hussien Obama who has only made things much worse. The blood of 400,000 Syrian civilians are on his hands.
It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters

I expect ISIS is pretty excited that they have so many targets. Who will Trump go after when one of his "Jewels" is blown up?
Grab a napkin and wipe yourself. You guys are salivating over the thought of it.
Personally I'd hope they'd go after the golf courses.
Conformation of what this thread is all about...would you like to do it yourself? or just sit back while someone else does all the dirty work for you and reaps the consequences?

There's a complete waste of human endeavor

you must be shaving or combing your hair, maybe brushing your teeth...if those are not too bourgeoisie activities for you
I tend to flavor my political stew with a mixture of ingredients from both sides.

.....or you can tell the truth, instead.

There seems to be a playbook that the knee-jerk reactive leftists here all play. Their politics and what they claim about their politics are worlds apart. If your statement were actually true, you would not be indulging in all your hackneyed racialist bullshit.
When I heard that Trump had added Bannon (sp) and Sessions to key positions in his cabinet he was sending a message to minorities; Blacks in particular. I doubt if either was given a racial bias test to determine if they are qualified to serve ALL of the people.

Didn't you know? Make America Great Again actually means "Make America White Again."

Bannon will see to that.
As opposed to Obama's push to make the government black.

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce

I hate to break it to you, but America is getting more brown. Yup, demographics are not in the white race's favor. But you enjoy Trump's time in office when white supremacist have their day in the sun.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

"How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?"

Who doesn't know you would think you're asking a question... in reality, you're calling for it and, if it ever happens, you would cheer and find it justifiable.

There is a savagery on the Left, isn't there.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

"How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?"

Who doesn't know you would think you're asking a question... in reality, you're calling for it and, if it ever happens, you would cheer and find it justifiable.

There is a savagery on the Left, isn't there.
Savagery, hate, venom, and avarice in all its disgusting forms...DNA traits of white leftists around the world and throughout history...they find a host country, latch on like a tick and then claim that makes them just as much a part of the host as any other part of the host.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

"How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?"

Who doesn't know you would think you're asking a question... in reality, you're calling for it and, if it ever happens, you would cheer and find it justifiable.

There is a savagery on the Left, isn't there.
Savagery, hate, venom, and avarice in all its disgusting forms...DNA traits of white leftists around the world and throughout history...they find a host country, latch on like a tick and then claim that makes them just as much a part of the host as any other part of the host.

Shouldn't it be Fronkensteen, Eyegore?

Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
It's people with your "bad-ass" mindset are crowding our jails, more often than not.
I disagree. People with my mindset tend to be successful in all aspects of life and avoid going to prison because they have a clear understanding of the traps laid out for Black men. Going to prison tends to be the product of a do or die situation or you were not emotionally mature enough to avoid the traps.
And you, a person who espouses Black supremacist views and hatred towards people of other races, consider yourself "emotionally mature"?! :cuckoo:
I would never consider myself emotionally mature until I could control every emotion I have. What kind of retarded question is that? :cuckoo:
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.
BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

Stop now while you can. First you said the DOD acted on it's own and got Bin Laden. Now you admit Obama gave the order.Which is it? At least have the decency to construct your lies so that one lie compliments the other.

I never said that......

I said Obama was a reluctant whiney little Snowflake.

Here is exactly what you said, :

View attachment 103147

View attachment 103148
Typical retarded talk from Mudwhistle. He doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground and gets himself confused very easily.

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