How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.
BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

Stop now while you can. First you said the DOD acted on it's own and got Bin Laden. Now you admit Obama gave the order.Which is it? At least have the decency to construct your lies so that one lie compliments the other.
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
And that is why you think the way you do. Far as I'm concerned, I don't want be around anyone with your rotten attitude.

People don't like what they don't understand, and obviously you don't understand whites, but I've learned that if you wear your race on your sleeve, people tend to resent it. You cannot make anyone give a shit about you if you act like you hate them.
I think racism goes both ways. Having a lousy attitude is never going magically make everyone want to kiss your ass....or even go out of their way to be decent to you. Basically, you make your own bed and you must sleep in it.

Tell someone to get out of your way and someone will tell you to make them. Ask them to get out of the way and it's usually no problem.
Its a good thing you dont want to be around someone like me. I tend to be a very uncomfortable person to be around when I dont like you.

I understand whites well enough. I've dated a lot of white girls. I have white friends, family members, and still have a white mentor. My oldest daughters mother is white. People are free to resent me for being Black. Its none of my business what they think of me. I dont walk around like I hate anyone. I am very friendly and genuinely interested in people until you cross me.

Thats probably the stupidest comment I have ever seen on this forum and that is pretty bad considering the likes of some of the posters I have encountered. Racism doesnt go both ways. It only goes one way. It goes the way of the group that owns all the resources because they have the power to make it so.

One doesnt have to tell people to get out of your way. They see you coming and move, instinctively understanding you cant be stopped. Racist tend to attack from your blind side and the back. Rarely do they stand in your path and go toe to toe with you.
You're a lying asshole....because a black man has been running this country for nearly 8 years. You can't use that cheap assed excuse that you don't have any power....anymore. You had your chance. You got control and all your asshole president did was turn the tables on whites. He showed you what not to do. He showed you that if you elect a racist all you get is more racism. Race-relations in this country have been set back 50 years, no thanks to your Social Justice president. Hatred only breeds more hatred.

Do me a favor. Say your words out loud, record them, then play them back. You will then take one of your girlfriend's false eyelashes and paste it over your philtrum.
Stand in front of a full length mirror and raise you right hand in a Nazi salute while your own words define who you are in the background!
Yeah. so because the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths, the US and it's citizens deserve every single bit of terror and misery that is brought upon them by Islamists and others.

Leftist logic at it's finest.

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?
The Democrats of 1945 in Washington weren't anti-American assholes then.

Yes they were. They were anti-Black American, They were anti- Asian American and they were just getting over being Irish, Italian and Jewish American.
See how distorted and "White" your worldview is? Now that the Democratic Party has become virtually the party of color and the champion of equality they are your enemy. You only think of White people as Americans. And when people of color, the global majority, complain about the effects of your systemic bigotry you say they are anti-American. Protestors who want equality and justice are not anti-American... they are anti-conservative demagoguery which is endemic in American society and it emanates from White leadership in BOTH parties. Trump has taken demagoguery to a higher level and a lot of conservative White Democrats, ( like those of Ferguson,Mo.) helped him to become President Elect. In your world, Whiteness trumps partisanship every time!
Well, my wife is black and I'm part Cherokee, so we must both be foreigners........:slap:
You gobble up all the conservative propaganda you can on a daily basis and then sing about it incessantly and redundantly. I don't judge you by your heritage or by whom you are married to but the words that mark you as a RW zealot and a practitioner of White hegemonic discourse. You have abandoned the traditional values espoused by conservatives to jump on the Trump Train. Get ready for a bumpy ride and the inevitable crash.
And you are nothing but a brainwashed asshole who believes all of the fake news the left throws at you.

Obama is a fake. He has to read everything he says from a teleprompter to keep from exposing his real thoughts and boring the shit out of everyone. The media spent his entire presidency bailing him out of trouble. Without his fawning press he would have been gone long ago.
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Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.
BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

Stop now while you can. First you said the DOD acted on it's own and got Bin Laden. Now you admit Obama gave the order.Which is it? At least have the decency to construct your lies so that one lie compliments the other.

I never said that......

I said Obama was a reluctant whiney little Snowflake.
Yes, and so would everything else such as churches, Christmas markets, buildings with the American flag on them, trains and planes, Public places and gatherings like Time Square, large sporting events, all non Muslims, etc. What is your fucking point, should we submit to Islam?
My fuckin point is that when the President of the United States who is killing you is named TRUMP and TRUMP is on dozens of buildings, then those buildings become a tempting target
Yeah so? There are plenty of similar targets. Right now they're targeting Christians and Christmas, just to show how much they love and respect the "people of the book' and their "prophet" Jesus.
Why doesn't Trump just paint a big bullseye on his buildings?
Aww how cute and spiteful. Wishing that foreign terrorists blow up buildings that belong to our president.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder

Nobody is wishing anything

Just pointing out that the close relationship to Trump business with the Trump presidency could make those properties a target

So you're stupid enough to think that if the Trump name is removed from the buildings or he totally divests, they still will not be targetted? Aside from the fact that he simply can't and shouldn't do what whiney leftists are asking him to do. Hey, that's why America voted for someone who wasn't a corrupt career politician, like Hillary.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
to provoke a response they would only need to post a negative review for a hotel or restaurant, or golf course. that should be enough. protection for the trump brand needs to be paid by trump, not by the US population.

Yes, since he is determined to keep his name of properties around the world, US Tax Payers should not be responsible for protecting his assets. When terrorist take out his hotels, it is on him, not us.
EXACTLY! That is precisely why he should follow the rules and divest himself all such assets if he wants to be president! Unless,...unless...he knows something we don't know!
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
It's people with your "bad-ass" mindset are crowding our jails, more often than not.
I disagree. People with my mindset tend to be successful in all aspects of life and avoid going to prison because they have a clear understanding of the traps laid out for Black men. Going to prison tends to be the product of a do or die situation or you were not emotionally mature enough to avoid the traps.
And you, a person who espouses Black supremacist views and hatred towards people of other races, consider yourself "emotionally mature"?! :cuckoo:
Crazy lib has saved all you lefties......Yeah he shot and killed President Trump.......Only problem it was a UPS driver
It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters
And you ca bet your ass he will try to use government forces to retaliate. That will be his downfall!
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
And that is why you think the way you do. Far as I'm concerned, I don't want be around anyone with your rotten attitude.

People don't like what they don't understand, and obviously you don't understand whites, but I've learned that if you wear your race on your sleeve, people tend to resent it. You cannot make anyone give a shit about you if you act like you hate them.
I think racism goes both ways. Having a lousy attitude is never going magically make everyone want to kiss your ass....or even go out of their way to be decent to you. Basically, you make your own bed and you must sleep in it.

Tell someone to get out of your way and someone will tell you to make them. Ask them to get out of the way and it's usually no problem.
Its a good thing you dont want to be around someone like me. I tend to be a very uncomfortable person to be around when I dont like you.

I understand whites well enough. I've dated a lot of white girls. I have white friends, family members, and still have a white mentor. My oldest daughters mother is white. People are free to resent me for being Black. Its none of my business what they think of me. I dont walk around like I hate anyone. I am very friendly and genuinely interested in people until you cross me.

Thats probably the stupidest comment I have ever seen on this forum and that is pretty bad considering the likes of some of the posters I have encountered. Racism doesnt go both ways. It only goes one way. It goes the way of the group that owns all the resources because they have the power to make it so.

One doesnt have to tell people to get out of your way. They see you coming and move, instinctively understanding you cant be stopped. Racist tend to attack from your blind side and the back. Rarely do they stand in your path and go toe to toe with you.
Dude, if you're looking for racists go take a look in the mirror. You're about as racist as they come. There is literally no difference between someone like you and a KKK or Neo Nazi member.
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.
BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

What a load of shit

The day the bin Laden operation was launched, they only had a 60% certainty that it was indeed bin Laden. Obama correctly held up the operation until he had better intel. Obama took a great risk in ordering the operation. If it failed, Republicans would hold him personally liable and you would have seen a witch hunt bigger than Benghazi.
As it was, the operation almost ended in disaster as one of the helicopters crashed on the compound wall. If the SEALS on that helicopter had died, Republicans would have crucified Obama
Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
Yeah. so because the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths, the US and it's citizens deserve every single bit of terror and misery that is brought upon them by Islamists and others.

Leftist logic at it's finest.

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?
The Democrats of 1945 in Washington weren't anti-American assholes then.

Yes they were. They were anti-Black American, They were anti- Asian American and they were just getting over being Irish, Italian and Jewish American.
See how distorted and "White" your worldview is? Now that the Democratic Party has become virtually the party of color and the champion of equality they are your enemy. You only think of White people as Americans. And when people of color, the global majority, complain about the effects of your systemic bigotry you say they are anti-American. Protestors who want equality and justice are not anti-American... they are anti-conservative demagoguery which is endemic in American society and it emanates from White leadership in BOTH parties. Trump has taken demagoguery to a higher level and a lot of conservative White Democrats, ( like those of Ferguson,Mo.) helped him to become President Elect. In your world, Whiteness trumps partisanship every time!
The Democratic Party became the party of disunity, division and race baiting, all as a strategy to create more voters. And Americans called them on it last November 8.
It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters
And you can bet your ass he will try to use government forces to retaliate. That will be his downfall!

If terrorists attack a Trump property, Trump will have two options:

1. Use government forces to retaliate
2. Send a nasty Twitter calling ISIS names
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.
BS! Obama gave the order to imitate the operation that got Bin Laden. Ands 911 didn't happen on Clinton's watch, It happened on your hero, Bush's watch. So whagt did he do? He invaded Iraq and lost all interest in finding and killing the real culprit. Obama finally brought closure to the American People by listening to Intelligence briefings that located Bin Laden and subsequently ordering his assassination. None of those dynamics came together under the Bush administration.
Yep.......and Obama pulled the trigger.

Dude, :anj_stfu:

The only reason Obama let the SEALs go in was because Robert Gates said he would resign if he kept dragging his feet. They knew where OBL was for 8 months before Obama finally decided to let them do it. Obama tried to disappear like he did during Benghazi, but somebody, probably Gates or Podesta pulled him into the command center from the golf course. You can tell this because he was wearing a golf shirt and kaki pants.

What a load of shit

The day the bin Laden operation was launched, they only had a 60% certainty that it was indeed bin Laden. Obama correctly held up the operation until he had better intel. Obama took a great risk in ordering the operation. If it failed, Republicans would hold him personally liable and you would have seen a witch hunt bigger than Benghazi.
As it was, the operation almost ended in disaster as one of the helicopters crashed on the compound wall. If the SEALS on that helicopter had died, Republicans would have crucified Obama
9-11 happened in the first six months of the Bush presidency. Before that it was eight years of the Clinton presidency, a prior attempt to bomb the WTC, an opportunity to take Ben Laden out, and ignoring and allowing Afghanistan to devolve into a terrorist wasteland from which 9-11 was launched.
It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters
And you can bet your ass he will try to use government forces to retaliate. That will be his downfall!

If terrorists attack a Trump property, Trump will have two options:

1. Use government forces to retaliate
2. Send a nasty Twitter calling ISIS names
And we all know this charade is all because you're suddenly very "concerned" for the Trump properties. LOL.
Liberals are color blind unless you're white, then you're automatically guilty of being evil and racist.

White leftists TRULY believe that black people are inferior. Because blacks are inferior, white leftists MUST lower standards to accommodate for the lower abilities of blacks. Because leftists see blacks as completely inferior, they see themselves as caretakers who need to provide all those things that the inferior ones cannot. Black people to the leftists are like dogs or cats, pets who must be cared for and protected by their superiors.

American leftists are the most truly racist people on earth.
It creates an interesting dilemma for Trump

A terrorist angry at Obama does not have any targets to specifically get back at Obama. Trump has targets all over the world with his name on it in BIG letters
And you can bet your ass he will try to use government forces to retaliate. That will be his downfall!

If terrorists attack a Trump property, Trump will have two options:

1. Use government forces to retaliate
2. Send a nasty Twitter calling ISIS names
And we all know this charade is all because you're suddenly very "concerned" for the Trump properties. LOL.

They will feel the Wrath of Trump

He will call them Radical Islamic Terrorists

They will surrender shortly afterwards

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?

The Communist faction took control of the democrats in 1968. There is no similarity to the democrats of 1945 and the Khmer Rouge democrats today.
Liberals are color blind unless you're white, then you're automatically guilty of being evil and racist.

White leftists TRULY believe that black people are inferior. Because blacks are inferior, white leftists MUST lower standards to accommodate for the lower abilities of blacks. Because leftists see blacks as completely inferior, they see themselves as caretakers who need to provide all those things that the inferior ones cannot. Black people to the leftists are like dogs or cats, pets who must be cared for and protected by their superiors.

American leftists are the most truly racist people on earth.

Which is why the NAZIS loved them, and implemented all their insanity into their utopia.

The leaders of the Nazi party were well educated, young PROGRESSIVES.

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