How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?

"How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?"

Who doesn't know you would think you're asking a question... in reality, you're calling for it and, if it ever happens, you would cheer and find it justifiable.
It's white liberals that are the bane of America...when challenged they break out the "BLACK SHIELD" and scream racism when they do not get what they want...keep the pressure on the white libs, don't be side tracked by getting bogged down in their misdirection race/gender arguments
Most white liberals are good people. Some of them are racists. Most white cons are racist with only a few not being racist.
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
It's people with your "bad-ass" mindset are crowding our jails, more often than not.
Liberals are color blind unless you're white, then you're automatically guilty of being evil and racist.
Not all liberals, just white liberals
They've been indoctrinated with this PC "white guilt" and blacks and Hispanics know this, therefore using it to manipulate the system in order to get things they are not qualified or deserve to get.
They've been indoctrinated with this PC "white guilt" and blacks and Hispanics know this, therefore using it to manipulate the system in order to get things they are not qualified or deserve to get.
This is what white liberals want from the right, they are after the money and the reins of power, to do that they set us against minorities, come to the rescue of the minorities and seize power at the ballot box...put all the pressure on the whities on the left, isolate them by making this all about them, if minorities want to keep doing their dirty work and the heavy lifting for them by going into the streets for them while they sit behind an anchor or news desk or pound away at their keyboards stirring the spit storm of racial divide let them, don't give them any grief, eventually they'll see what we the mean time just focus on whitey, if nothing else they'll see just how vulnerable they are without there black shield.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
They don't want to provoke a response, dickhead.
Terrorists simply like killing innocent people.

That's all they want.

View attachment 102987

Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
Yeah. so because the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths, the US and it's citizens deserve every single bit of terror and misery that is brought upon them by Islamists and others.

Leftist logic at it's finest.

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
They don't want to provoke a response, dickhead.
Terrorists simply like killing innocent people.

That's all they want.

View attachment 102987

Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
If one were to study history and recent events in Berlin and Turkey....Hate is obviously not exclusive to America. Japan's murderous attack of Manchuria and Germany's attack of Poland shows this as well.....along with the Soviet's attack of Afghanistan in the 80's.

And it's spelled Pearl Harbor......Not Pear Harbor. I was stationed there once. The oil seeping up from the U.S.S. Arizona is a testimony to Japan's special brand of hatred.

Nothing you have said detracts from my observance that one man's hero is another man's terrorist. But the terrorist aspect of war, in the context of this conversation, is applicable only when civilians are targeted.
HATE: Military personnel are often indoctrinated to hate the enemy, but civilian non-combantants are not supposed to be the objects of hate.
You point to the well documented examples of atrocities committed by Germany and Japan upon civilian populaces during WW2. I don't deny that. It just boggles my mind that a Christin nation could be ok with playing God by unleashing it's self made angels of death upon civilians.

Pearl Harbor was a military target. That made it fair game. But when we knowingly went after large metropolitan areas that were brimming with civilians we stooped to their level.

Was it necessary. I don't know. The history books and biographers tell it from the victor's perspective and we are told it was. In either case, I am not going to lose any sleep over it... I am just glad we helped win the war and that we didn't get an A bomb dropped on US cities.
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
They don't want to provoke a response, dickhead.
Terrorists simply like killing innocent people.

That's all they want.

View attachment 102987

Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
If one were to study history and recent events in Berlin and Turkey....Hate is obviously not exclusive to America. Japan's murderous attack of Manchuria and Germany's attack of Poland shows this as well.....along with the Soviet's attack of Afghanistan in the 80's.

And it's spelled Pearl Harbor......Not Pear Harbor. I was stationed there once. The oil seeping up from the U.S.S. Arizona is a testimony to Japan's special brand of hatred.
One more thing. You don't want to start a punctuation or grammar war with me. I can get real technical and point out freakish things like your ignorance on the use of an ellipsis. You got close with 4 dots but then you went bonkers with 5 and then 6 dots. Three is the standard... heh heh heh!
It's white liberals that are the bane of America...when challenged they break out the "BLACK SHIELD" and scream racism when they do not get what they want...keep the pressure on the white libs, don't be side tracked by getting bogged down in their misdirection race/gender arguments
Most white liberals are good people. Some of them are racists. Most white cons are racist with only a few not being racist.
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
And that is why you think the way you do. Far as I'm concerned, I don't want be around anyone with your rotten attitude.

People don't like what they don't understand, and obviously you don't understand whites, but I've learned that if you wear your race on your sleeve, people tend to resent it. You cannot make anyone give a shit about you if you act like you hate them.
I think racism goes both ways. Having a lousy attitude is never going magically make everyone want to kiss your ass....or even go out of their way to be decent to you. Basically, you make your own bed and you must sleep in it.

Tell someone to get out of your way and someone will tell you to make them. Ask them to get out of the way and it's usually no problem.
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They don't want to provoke a response, dickhead.
Terrorists simply like killing innocent people.

That's all they want.

View attachment 102987

Guess how many lives were saved because we didn’t have to invade mainland Japan?

In the battle of Okinawa....

Casualties and losses

United States American

20,195 dead[5][6][7]

12,520 killed in action[8]

55,162 wounded[5][9][10]
26,000 psychiatric casualties[11]
12 destroyers sunk
15 amphibious ships sunk
9 other ships sunk
386 ships damaged
763[12]-768[13] aircraft
225 tanks

Empire of Japan Japanese

From 77,166 killed[14] to 110,000 killed (U.S. Estimate)[15]
More than 7,000 captured[15]
1 battleship sunk
1 light cruiser sunk
5 destroyers sunk
9 other warships sunk
1,430 aircraft lost[16]
27 tanks destroyed
743 artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, and anti-aircraft guns

Battle of Okinawa - Wikipedia

"If the study shows that the behavior of nations in all historical cases comparable to Japan's has in fact been invariably consistent with the behavior of the troops in battle, then it means that the Japanese dead and ineffectives at the time of the defeat will exceed the corresponding number for the Germans. In other words, we shall probably have to kill at least 5 to 10 million Japanese. This might cost us between 1.7 and 4 million casualties including [between] 400,000 and 800,000 killed.""
Casualties in the Invasion of Japan, July/August 1945

Swell, our leaders back then didn't have to do too much to justify the dropping two atomic bombs on civilians. Hate is an American tradition. But the memories of Pear Harbor
being devastated at the hands of ,"shudder," non Whites gave license for the hawks to kill them all if they could. Although Tokyo didn't receive an atomic gift, the city was firebombed with extreme malice. We at least showed some civility there, didn't we? Being burned ALIVE is MORE human than the long term effects of radiation poisoning i guess! As I said.... One man's hero is another man's terrorist!
Yeah. so because the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths, the US and it's citizens deserve every single bit of terror and misery that is brought upon them by Islamists and others.

Leftist logic at it's finest.

Do you even know who said that "the US dropped the A bomb in order to both win the war and avoid tens of millions of more deaths?" I doubt if you do. But it sounds good doesn't it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.You don't know that it is a true statement but you want it to be and you accept it as such. It makes the horror of what we did more justifiable and honorable. But again, is it true? why would you believe the Democrats of 1945 when you don't believe them now?
The Democrats of 1945 in Washington weren't anti-American assholes then.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
The problem isn't minorities at all, it's white liberals

You love to use the word "liberal" in a dismissive and insulting manner. Many of us that you place that title on are not liberal at all. Pragmatism is not Liberalism, as you will realize one day.

The Political Pendulum swings both ways. For Obama, it swung to the left, and too often, too far to the left for eight years. Now, it will swing to the right, perhaps to the far right, for a period. But as it always happens, the far right will overreach and the pendulum will swing back once again. It may take four years, it may take eight. But it will happen.

So, enjoy your time in the sunshine. Perhaps one day, Pragmatist will see their day and the extremes that this country sees every four or eight years will end. Until it though, enjoy yourself and soak up all the warmth while you can. Because I assure you, the pendulum will swing back to the left again.

This country is faced with, perhaps, its greatest challenge ever in a Commander in Chief who is unprepared and doesn't show any interest in listening to anyone who could teach him better. This job is NOT conducive to OTJT.
Would you admit they might be a target?
Yes, and so would everything else such as churches, Christmas markets, buildings with the American flag on them, trains and planes, Public places and gatherings like Time Square, large sporting events, all non Muslims, etc. What is your fucking point, should we submit to Islam?
My fuckin point is that when the President of the United States who is killing you is named TRUMP and TRUMP is on dozens of buildings, then those buildings become a tempting target
Yeah so? There are plenty of similar targets. Right now they're targeting Christians and Christmas, just to show how much they love and respect the "people of the book' and their "prophet" Jesus.
Why doesn't Trump just paint a big bullseye on his buildings?
Aww how cute and spiteful. Wishing that foreign terrorists blow up buildings that belong to our president.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder

Nobody is wishing anything

Just pointing out that the close relationship to Trump business with the Trump presidency could make those properties a target
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
The problem isn't minorities at all, it's white liberals

You love to use the word "liberal" in a dismissive and insulting manner. Many of us that you place that title on are not liberal at all. Pragmatism is not Liberalism, as you will realize one day.

The Political Pendulum swings both ways. For Obama, it swung to the left, and too often, too far to the left for eight years. Now, it will swing to the right, perhaps to the far right, for a period. But as it always happens, the far right will overreach and the pendulum will swing back once again. It may take four years, it may take eight. But it will happen.

So, enjoy your time in the sunshine. Perhaps one day, Pragmatist will see their day and the extremes that this country sees every four or eight years will end. Until it though, enjoy yourself and soak up all the warmth while you can. Because I assure you, the pendulum will swing back to the left again.

This country is faced with, perhaps, its greatest challenge ever in a Commander in Chief who is unprepared and doesn't show any interest in listening to anyone who could teach him better. This job is NOT conducive to OTJT.
A commander in chief who is unprepared and doesn't show any interest in listening to anyone....sounds exactly like Obama.
And Trump doesn't need lessons on screwing up the presidency from Democrats. Obama did that excellently.
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.

Are you praying for something like that to happen!?!

do you know how to read?

it's a fair question when the idiot ties his business interests in with our national interest.

this is why presidents are supposed to divest or put their holdings into blind trusts.

but why would the sociopath actually do that?

Yes I do know how to read and have read Progressive Liberals like you and the OP'er for many years, and I am willing to bet you are praying for the day that Trump properties do get hit so you can applaud and then laugh at the deaths of innocent people that were killed there because let be factual and you and the OP'er are sick in the damn head partisan parasites that are no different than those like partisan parasites on the right!

So please remember it was the OP'er asking a question that is slanted for his agenda to mock and laugh if and when it happen because those like you and the op'er revel in the misery and death of innocent people around the world as long as it help your political party!

Now don't you have a Million Women March to attend to or did they ban you because they discovered you were too daft in the head to even belong to that group!?!
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
to provoke a response they would only need to post a negative review for a hotel or restaurant, or golf course. that should be enough. protection for the trump brand needs to be paid by trump, not by the US population.
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

Clinton attempted to kill Bin Laden

Republicans mocked him for "wagging the dog" to draw attention away from their blow job investigation
Bill Clinton was afraid to kill Bin Laden, and so was Obama.
But the Department of Defense did it anyway, despite our Terrorist In Chief's constant obstruction and second-guessing.
Obama had as much to do with the killing of Bin Laden as he had with Denver winning the Superbowl.

Right....and was Stump sitting watching the Bin Laden take down as it was happening? NO! It was Obama and his SOS Hillary Clinton. They found him and they took him out. That is a fact that you cannot deal with. Now we will have a Commander in Chief that does his foreign diplomacy on Twitter. What possibly could go wrong?

When the Trump war begins, please don't start whining when the body bags come home. Of course, it will be a war against anyone except Russia, cause Putin is expecting Donnie's Love Child any day now...
If terrorists want to go after the US why wouldnt they go after Trump buildings to provoke a response?
to provoke a response they would only need to post a negative review for a hotel or restaurant, or golf course. that should be enough. protection for the trump brand needs to be paid by trump, not by the US population.

Yes, since he is determined to keep his name of properties around the world, US Tax Payers should not be responsible for protecting his assets. When terrorist take out his hotels, it is on him, not us.
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Most white liberals are good people. Some of them are racists. Most white cons are racist with only a few not being racist.
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
It's people with your "bad-ass" mindset are crowding our jails, more often than not.
I disagree. People with my mindset tend to be successful in all aspects of life and avoid going to prison because they have a clear understanding of the traps laid out for Black men. Going to prison tends to be the product of a do or die situation or you were not emotionally mature enough to avoid the traps.

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