How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

Of course I am a liberal on somethings. Conservative on others.
Well there's the problem with the math, all I had before was the anti-American thing to go on, so white liberal was the only explanation, now that I know you have a conservative side to add to the equation I would then be able to assume that you also have some things that you like about that a safe assumption?
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:

Wait until Doofus moves the US Embassy to Jerusalem and start counting again...
I'm telling you, the guy is deranged. He sees the hand of evil Whitey in everything that is wrong with the world.
It's white liberals that are the bane of America...when challenged they break out the "BLACK SHIELD" and scream racism when they do not get what they want...keep the pressure on the white libs, don't be side tracked by getting bogged down in their misdirection race/gender arguments
Most white liberals are good people. Some of them are racists. Most white cons are racist with only a few not being racist.
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
CC, by posting such things, is suggesting them because yes, he hopes that terrorists will target the holdings of the US President.

This isn't a new strategy of socialist/totalitarian pigs.

"The attack came after Herschel Grynszpan, a 17 year old Jew living in Paris, shot and killed a member of the German Embassy staff there in retaliation for the poor treatment his father and his family suffered at the hands of the Nazis in Germany."
"For Adolf Hitler and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, the shooting in Paris provided an opportunity to incite Germans to "rise in bloody vengeance against the Jews."

Read orders to the Gestapo regarding Kristallnacht

"On November 9, mob violence broke out as the regular German police stood by and crowds of spectators watched. Nazi storm troopers along with members of the SS and Hitler Youth beat and murdered Jews, broke into and wrecked Jewish homes, and brutalized Jewish women and children.

"All over Germany, Austria and other Nazi controlled areas, Jewish shops and department stores had their windows smashed and contents destroyed. Synagogues were especially targeted for vandalism, including desecration of sacred Torah scrolls. Hundreds of synagogues were systematically burned while local fire departments stood by or simply prevented the fire from spreading to surrounding buildings."
The History Place - World War II in Europe Timeline: November 9/10 1938 - Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass

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