How Long Before someone sees Trump Buildings as fair game?

"Kristallnacht served a couple purposes, according to Black.

"It allowed the Nazis to use crime and public anger as an excuse get the Jewish population out of the German economy and seize their assets.

"It also accelerated the expulsion of the Jewish minority.

"Frankly, they wanted to test ... the tolerance of the general public for this kind of violence against an unpopular minority," he said."

Sooo..substitute a few words.

"Riots/terrorism served a couple of purposes...It allowed DEMOCRATS to use crime and public anger as an excuse to get the REPUBLICAN population out of the American economy and SEIZE THEIR ASSETS."

Dems are agitating for violent protest/terrorism/riot/overthrow of our government (electoral college/constitution) because they think that it will trigger civil war and they can seat themselves in the halls of power.

They want control of the rural lands, control of the cities, control of all the resources, control of leadership..and they are ready and willing to overthrow our lawful government to do it.

Are you praying for something like that to happen!?!

do you know how to read?

it's a fair question when the idiot ties his business interests in with our national interest.

this is why presidents are supposed to divest or put their holdings into blind trusts.

but why would the sociopath actually do that?

Are you praying for something like that to happen!?!

do you know how to read?

it's a fair question when the idiot ties his business interests in with our national interest.

this is why presidents are supposed to divest or put their holdings into blind trusts.

but why would the sociopath actually do that?

So your answer is "yes, he is praying for something like that to happen, as I am."

Thank you, swillian.
Of course I am a liberal on somethings. Conservative on others.
Well there's the problem with the math, all I had before was the anti-American thing to go on, so white liberal was the only explanation, now that I know you have a conservative side to add to the equation I would then be able to assume that you also have some things that you like about that a safe assumption?
Absolutely. There are more things that I like than dislike.
There you go calling me white again.

White liberals do claim to be color blind, just wanted to make sure you weren'
There you go calling me white again.

White liberals do like to pretend they are color blind so you may not know for sure, that's all, could you ask someone?
IMO only idiots pretend they cant see I am Black when they look at me. I think most liberals mean they dont judge me negatively because I am Black.
I'm telling you, the guy is deranged. He sees the hand of evil Whitey in everything that is wrong with the world.
It's white liberals that are the bane of America...when challenged they break out the "BLACK SHIELD" and scream racism when they do not get what they want...keep the pressure on the white libs, don't be side tracked by getting bogged down in their misdirection race/gender arguments
Most white liberals are good people. Some of them are racists. Most white cons are racist with only a few not being racist.
My wife is black....and she always used to say that whites hate her because she's black....I always said; "They hate you only because they're assholes".
Makes sense. Most whites are assholes. Look at their track record.
Most whites don't hate blacks. Problem is, that can change....especially since blacks are becoming bigger assholes every day. Killing cops and taking it out on whites isn't going to win them over.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
I disagree. I am of the opinion that its instinctive for whites, especially male whites, to fear and hate Black people.

I am not concerned with it changing as long as they stay out of my way. If they dont they will regret it.
I do not fear or hate Negroes.

However if I see one I will quickly analyze whether he/she belongs in the neighborhood.

If she/he is dressed appropriately then no problem.

Otherwise I treat them as a terrorist and keep them under surveillance.
The OP is already jerking himself off to the thought of Trump buildings being hit.

Would you admit they might be a target?
Yes, and so would everything else such as churches, Christmas markets, buildings with the American flag on them, trains and planes, Public places and gatherings like Time Square, large sporting events, all non Muslims, etc. What is your fucking point, should we submit to Islam?
My fuckin point is that when the President of the United States who is killing you is named TRUMP and TRUMP is on dozens of buildings, then those buildings become a tempting target
Yeah so? There are plenty of similar targets. Right now they're targeting Christians and Christmas, just to show how much they love and respect the "people of the book' and their "prophet" Jesus.
Why doesn't Trump just paint a big bullseye on his buildings?
Aww how cute and spiteful. Wishing that foreign terrorists blow up buildings that belong to our president.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder
it wasnt readily obvious to you. You deflected about 8 posts before you finally answered the question. Arent you a rightwing whiner?
Yes, the point was obvious. You leftist whiners are angry at the election, and now it's "Trumps damn buildings" that are a problem. What will it be tomorrow? I can't wait.
Who said Drumpfs buildings were a problem? The OP just asked if they would become a target now specifically because they have his name on it. Stop being a snowflake and read slowly. That way you wont assign make believe points to other peoples statements.
Shut up, I'm superior to you, I have black in me.
So does Kim Kardashian, his name is Kanye!
The Black guy Roudy has in him goes by the name of Bubba.
Look we get it, you're 100% black and therefore automatically superior than all those of us who are not. There. I hope you feel better now.
Yes, the point was obvious. You leftist whiners are angry at the election, and now it's "Trumps damn buildings" that are a problem. What will it be tomorrow? I can't wait.
Who said Drumpfs buildings were a problem? The OP just asked if they would become a target now specifically because they have his name on it. Stop being a snowflake and read slowly. That way you wont assign make believe points to other peoples statements.
Shut up, I'm superior to you, I have black in me.
So does Kim Kardashian, his name is Kanye!
Didn't you hear? My ancestors are black, so that makes me superior. Ask "Ass the pass gas"!

Youre only superior to whites still suffering from the neanderthal DNA. Youre still not on my level.

I know, judging by the things you say, you are on such a higher superior level, it makes me jealous and want to be black even more.
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:

Wait until Doofus moves the US Embassy to Jerusalem and start counting again...
So what are they gonna do, Achmed. Promise death to the infidels and jihad for the millionth time? LOL
Two different polls. Besides, the Gallup Poll is still the best out there. Other sources like foreign news media and news papers support Obama's nearly universal favorability ratings around the world..

Well, let'sj just see how fearful they will be of Trump! I predict he will be the poster boy for an intensified recruiting campaign.

Acts of terrorism have ballooned under Obama. Not only domestically, but world wide. The Muslims understand and respect only power. Obama is weak and the Muslims held him in contempt.

Yes, Merkle and Hollande loved their like minded counter-part, as their own nations burned at the hands of those they coddled. :dunno:
I think we can all agree that terrorism ballooned on 9-11 under Bush

Can't get weaker than allowing 3000 Americans to be killed
Bzzzz 9-11 occured under Clintooon first when he failed to get Bin Laden and the blind sheikh first tried to blow up the WTC with a truck filled with explosives.

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