Zone1 How long before you think people will rise up against the government?

How long do you think it will take for people to actually rise up against corrupt government?

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He was my favorite comic! Real quick, before roaming mods delete this post, my top 5 comics of all time...
  1. Sam Kinison
  2. Andrew Dice Clay
  3. George Carlin
  4. Richard Pryor
  5. Robin Williams
Those 5 pushed the envelope of comedy.

Great list. Personally, I would put Lenny Bruce in place of Andrew Dice Clay. Bruce pushed the boundaries in defending the 1st amendment.
In looking at uprisings around the world, a common denominator is, young men 18-34 who are underemployed, underfed, undersexed, etc. You don't want old veterans getting their pensions fucked either -- there's a history of that in the former Soviet Union and even in this country back in the 1930s. In fact, Douglas MacArthur's initial claim to fame wasn't returning to the Phils; it was putting down the WWI pensioners' revolt.
Even and invasion of millions of turd world brown dwarfs won’t get us to grab our body armor and load mags .
If Republicans were unwilling to rise up against Donald Trump, then they are unwilling to rise up against any injustice!
Rise up against someone who will let parents raise their children, secure our borders and restore energy jobs, Tell Ukraine to fuck off.

Right, because people born in the US never do such things.

You have a wild imagination, tardicus.
Right because another 6 million illegals in last 30 months won’t have hundreds of thousands of Murderers & Cartel Henchmen & MS13/ eMe / Los Zetas ... and Islamists operatives & Chinese military Infiltrators ...
Clean debate? All I see is Trump bashing, random comments and no facts.

First of all, define what the uprising looks like. Its main drivers. Then and only then can you have a debate.

In the sense of resistance to government, I'd say we are already there. That's why the IRS needs 87,000 new agents to collect tax. Voters are trying to recall DAs that ignore the law. People have dropped out of the work force in favor of an underground economy or falsifying disabilities for Social Security checks or fake job searches for unemployment checks. The rate of Covid shots has dropped to almost nothing despite government warnings. Masks are worn by criminals once again, not the general public.

The only "crime" they have committed is in your imagination. They're not white and you don't want them here - that is their "crime".
Really? You are unfamiliar with federal law on immigration obviously.

Nice false conclusion there too. I have no problem with legal immigration. Try arguing with facts instead of hate and emotion.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes than people born here, tardicus.

Fail zero? Hah! Fail always!
that’s your opinion , I lived in North Long Beach , South Central ( Near Florence & Normandy) Downtown LA, Highland Park , East Hollywood , Hollywood , West Hollywood , West LA , Culver City , Beverly Hills , Granada Hills , Camarillo , Venice and saw who committed crimes more with my own eyes
Rise up against someone who will let parents raise their children, secure our borders and restore energy jobs, Tell Ukraine to fuck off.

He didn't tell Ukraine that until it was clear they wouldn't play ball with his corrupt government.
How long do you think it will take the people to literally rise up against the government to fight back the tyranny, corruption, and destruction of this country and its people?

Please vote in the poll!!!

I learned a long time ago not to answer a loaded question.

In case you aren't clear on that point, a loaded question is one that has an assumed premise.

so, in point of fact, you are asking the wrong question.

Why? Because you would wiser to clear the premise before asking the question.

So, this is the question you must, or I believe you should, ask:

Do you believe there will come a day when, due to government tyranny, people will rise up against the government?

I would answer no to that question, because in a democracy, that can't happen.

Oh, I suppose it could, (it happened elsewhere, but the circumstances were quite different) but Americans have been too spoiled on Democracy for too long to allow something like that to occur, or, at least one would hope.

And yes, some of my liberal brethren have been warning that, if Trump succeeded in overturning the election, there never would be another election after that. I'm not so sure about that. First off, had he been a lot smarter and clever about his scheme, he might have pulled it off, all he had to do was engineer a contested election, (which is what he tried to do) and Republicans knew they had a two state vote advantage in the state delegations. So, chaos in the Joint Session, no one has 270, so the vote goes to the house, and Repubs had a two state advantage and viola! Trump has a second term. But, he would have had to engineer in such a way that it would appear organic, because if the word got out it as preordained, schemed, that could violate some serious laws.

But, if he did pull it off, and I doubt he could have gotten away with it (by the way, he did attempt to do it, so he might still be guilty of crimes, I don't think they require a successful execution, just deeds in furtherance of one or more of the steps in the 'Eastman/Navarro' plan, would probably suffice). but if he did pull it pull it off, would there be another election?

I don't know. Who knows? Trump is crazy, and I suspect anything is possible.

But, moot point, it didn't happen, and so.....

If you believe that tyranny is happening now, then you have no idea what real tyranny is.

I recommend a study of the tyrannies of these countries:

  1. Soviet Union - led by Joseph Stalin
  2. Germany - led by Adolf Hitler
  3. Italy - led by Benito Mussolini
  4. Spain - led by Francisco Franco
  5. China - led by Mao Zedong
  6. Japan - led by Emperor Hirohito and militarists
  7. Argentina - led by Juan Peron
  8. Brazil - led by Getulio Vargas
  9. Chile - led by Augusto Pinochet
  10. Cuba - led by Fidel Castro
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When less than 50% of wage earners are paying nearly 100% of income taxes, and there are more hands demanding entitlements than contributing.

Per the Federal Reserve Wealth Distribution tables, (based on the last recorded quarter) the upper 50% own 97% of the nation's wealth.

I suspect that most of them are not wage earners, but they should pay 97% of the income tax burden, by that measure.

And, there would be no uprising, they all will do just fine despite the tax.
The Globalists are at open war with America: they used a bioweapon; we let them deprived us of Life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; and they openly cheated in the tens of millions column in the USA and also in Brazil and Ukraine. The democrat Party has tried to assassinate a US Congressmen and SCOTUS justices,
do you have any proof of this very serious allegation?

openly used the FBI to spy on a candidate and sitting President,
This is a rhetorical use of the term 'spying'. Historically speaking, spying is something that the CIA does to foreign governments.
Domestically , it would be espionage, someone doing a surveillance and reporting to a foreign government.
Now, if you claim the FBI does it, you are using the term 'spy' rhetorically. It's surveillance, and the data garnered is not going to a foreign government, so it's not espionage, but that is what 'spying' implies, so your usage is sloppy. Surveillance, if authorized by a FISA judge, is legal and therefore cannot be construed as 'spying'. Whether it's just, that's another argument, and that is the argument you should make. I sense you are not, or will not consider, and opposing view, but in case you are, I offer this:

treats parents speaking up at school Boards as domestic terrorists and the list goes on.
No, only those who commit acts of terrorism are labeled terrorists. Whether they have children has no consideration in the charge.

Now they want a digital currency,
A growing number, I suspect, see the flaw in bitcoin. I don't think you have to worry about that one.

social credit score
and use technology to map our thoughts.

I've said before, this is the biggest pile of kindling in human history and will light of its own accord.

Sounds a lot like right wing hysterics to me. Yes, I know we got some of that on the left, I'm just sayin'......
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