Zone1 How long before you think people will rise up against the government?

How long do you think it will take for people to actually rise up against corrupt government?

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ACCIDENTAL FIRE Nothing says bend me over than 100 men, women, and children of a church group being machine gunned and burnt to death by a bunch of crazed BATF and Delta Force government thugs. There is no government that can mass murder innocent like the good old USA with democRats in charge. Somebody pick a day.
"When will people rise up against the government" isn't the real question. Rather, "when will individual Americans be willing to rise up, on behalf of their fellow Americans, to preserve THEIR rights, and defend them"? Until Americans are willing to make sacrifices on behalf of others; rather than hoping others will rise up to defend them... There is no chance of any meaningful uprising.
"When will people rise up against the government" isn't the real question. Rather, "when will individual Americans be willing to rise up, on behalf of their fellow Americans, to preserve THEIR rights, and defend them"? Until Americans are willing to make sacrifices on behalf of others; rather than hoping others will rise up to defend them... There is no chance of any meaningful uprising.
very true, and I think we are very close to that point. We shall see, it the 2024 election is corrupt it may be the trigger for a rebellion or secession.
How long do you think it will take the people to literally rise up against the government to fight back the tyranny, corruption, and destruction of this country and its people?

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Maybe never.

If you want to trap wild pigs you can't just put out a trap. You put some food out, then more food and one side of the trap, then more food and another side of the trap and keep going till one day it goes in and the door closes behind it. You get them used to the trap.

American people as a whole are dumb, weak willed, lazy, and easily distracted. They won't go on the offense until its too late.

When I get thanked for protecting our freedoms from being in the army I rarely say this because most don't understand it but, I didn't protect our freedom because any freedoms we have ever lost or will lose will be because our own government took them from us. They won't take them suddenly, it will be a gradual process.
When I get thanked for protecting our freedoms from being in the army I rarely say this because most don't understand it but, I didn't protect our freedom because any freedoms we have ever lost or will lose will be because our own government took them from us. They won't take them suddenly, it will be a gradual process.
They already have taken our freedoms. And they continue to take away more and more. I never say "it's a free country" anymore. Remember when people said that all the time?

Those were the days.
They already have taken our freedoms. And they continue to take away more and more. I never say "it's a free country" anymore. Remember when people said that all the time?

Those were the days.
Woodstock was held during the middle of a pandemic. It was called the Hong Kong Flu back then and a million people died worldwide with 100,000 in the U.S..

It was not seized upon by the powers that be in order to usher in the great reset.
Initial cases had a mortality in the 3% range (I used to track it). That would have been ten million dead Americans.
Fortunately with more experience and the vaccines that initial strain was blunted.

Also vaccinations started 66 days after the Hong Kong strain was identified, and it had already gone through the population by 1969.
Woodstock was held during the middle of a pandemic. It was called the Hong Kong Flu back then and a million people died worldwide with 100,000 in the U.S..

It was not seized upon by the powers that be in order to usher in the great reset.
I had Hong Kong flu; God, that was awful. But yeah ----------- the whole panic we got in with Covid was a terrible mistake.
I had Hong Kong flu; God, that was awful. But yeah ----------- the whole panic we got in with Covid was a terrible mistake.
My FIL died from it. My MIL almost died and has long term symptoms never being the same. My eye doc who is younger and healthier than me lost 20 lbs and said it was the worst thing he ever went through.
There is no reason for people to revolt against our current government. That doesn't necessarily mean that some people won't do it anyway.

I think it most likely that a minority of people will be riled into (what they call) a revolt because someone has convinced them that tyranny is under way, when it really isn't. That, I think, will look like terrorist attacks, with a single or a few concentrated attacks reflected in Shocking News Headlines, but then three days later there's another balloon or something and everyone's gaze wanders. That event, though, won't be the big change; that will come behind the scenes when lawmakers change or pass some law that gives their people enough power that their agenda can't be stopped. That's when Rome becomes and Empire.

If our federal government does get compromised by agents of actual tyranny, I don't think it would take long for people to revolt, but I also don't think most people would stick with that revolt for long. I would expect massive street demonstrations in multiple cities, which would be met by violence, which would be met by counter-violence at the hands of a (shall we say) enthusiastic minority, many of whom don't care about politics at all but who just like free looting at Best Buy and setting cop cars on fire. Those counter-violent elements, and the needs of most people to have to get up for work on Monday, will cause the flash of initial energy to fizzle. Because the government does not fizzle, and because the media loses interest when things stop exploding, it will settle into a protracted time of tension until something happens to flare it up again. It will be that second burst that will determine if anything really changes.

Happy Valentine's Day, people. Real cheery subject, this.
Mellon and Coolidge were the best Treasury Secretaty and President of the 20th Century

1921: Presidents Harding and Coolidge trust the free markets and stands aside to let assets, liabilities and wages reprice, Severe recession ends in 18 months and unemployment flat-lines at 3% for 7 years, electric grid starts to build out and mass production ignite the Roaring 20's
lol Mellon almost went to prison for corruption. But then that's what 'free markets' mean to REpublicans. Mellon got rich off the banking and tax laws, and he monopolized the aluminum industry by the tariff on imports he bought himself as well as helping his banking cronies monopolize the power industry in New York state.

the 'Roaring 20's', it was just a series of frauds and stock market pyramid schemes. Mellon was a big player in those frauds as well. After crashing the markets and stealing billions, the Republicans then passed a giant bailout bill for Wall Street and the banks, the 'Reconstruction Finance Corporation', a huge bailout of the criminals who caused the crash, same as Bush and Obama did in 2007-2008. We're still paying for that one, and the next one is just around the corner; they didn't actually do any 'reforming' after that one.
There is no reason for people to revolt against our current government. That doesn't necessarily mean that some people won't do it anyway.

I think it most likely that a minority of people will be riled into (what they call) a revolt because someone has convinced them that tyranny is under way, when it really isn't. That, I think, will look like terrorist attacks, with a single or a few concentrated attacks reflected in Shocking News Headlines, but then three days later there's another balloon or something and everyone's gaze wanders. That event, though, won't be the big change; that will come behind the scenes when lawmakers change or pass some law that gives their people enough power that their agenda can't be stopped. That's when Rome becomes and Empire.

If our federal government does get compromised by agents of actual tyranny, I don't think it would take long for people to revolt, but I also don't think most people would stick with that revolt for long. I would expect massive street demonstrations in multiple cities, which would be met by violence, which would be met by counter-violence at the hands of a (shall we say) enthusiastic minority, many of whom don't care about politics at all but who just like free looting at Best Buy and setting cop cars on fire. Those counter-violent elements, and the needs of most people to have to get up for work on Monday, will cause the flash of initial energy to fizzle. Because the government does not fizzle, and because the media loses interest when things stop exploding, it will settle into a protracted time of tension until something happens to flare it up again. It will be that second burst that will determine if anything really changes.

Happy Valentine's Day, people. Real cheery subject, this.

If our federal government does get compromised by agents of actual tyranny,
If rounding up and jailing Peaceful Protesters from J6 in two years of solitary confinement, denied trial, denied bail....railroaded thru a hand-picked DC mob jury with corrupt judges allowing evidence to be withheld...........just like Nazi did to Jews..........uh what is "actual Tyranny"?
My FIL died from it. My MIL almost died and has long term symptoms never being the same. My eye doc who is younger and healthier than me lost 20 lbs and said it was the worst thing he ever went through.
I assume you are speaking of Covid rather than that HongKong flu. Yes, I was also very ill ----- 3 months AFTER I was vaccinated!! Long convalescence because of lung damage, four months of coughing, but I did finally get over it. Physically, anyway ---- the upset from all the authoritarianism and craziness and lies still lingers.
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