HOW LOW WILL HE GO? The Comrade plays Limbo

Here's How Low Trump's Approval Rating Could Drop

Fun watching the Comrade play Limbo, and his mouth is to blame.

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Here's How Low Trump's Approval Rating Could Drop

Fun watching the Comrade play Limbo, and his mouth is to blame.
What he says and what he does and doesn't do is to blame.
Imagine still having hundreds of vacancies in our government still not filled!
Imagine not being able to personally call out neonazis and state he doesn't want their support.
Imagine trying to derail and eliminate the EPA, the one agency that stands up for the American people against the greedy corporate polluters.
View attachment 147206
Here's How Low Trump's Approval Rating Could Drop

Fun watching the Comrade play Limbo, and his mouth is to blame.

Trump takes polls very seriously. Funny you don't.
Ever wonder why he's the lowest rated prez in history?
Here's one reason.
You actually think the poll numbers are low be a use of liberal losers posting memes on message boards!?
View attachment 147210
Try speaking English next time!
DT: I love my uneducated base.
Even the Trumpbots own media says Trump is ruining the country.
Does Fox only poll liberals?
Trump is an immature coward, so he will claim a medical condition and advice from a doctor has suggested he leave the office for health reasons. Of course, the medical reasons will remain secret after his resignation. This will cause people to pray for him and cause God to send him straight to hell for enticing those folks to use God's name in vain.
View attachment 147206
Here's How Low Trump's Approval Rating Could Drop

Fun watching the Comrade play Limbo, and his mouth is to blame.

Trump takes polls very seriously. Funny you don't.
Ever wonder why he's the lowest rated prez in history?
Here's one reason.
You actually think the poll numbers are low be a use of liberal losers posting memes on message boards!?
View attachment 147210
Try speaking English next time!
DT: I love my uneducated base.
Auto incorrect strikes again! I suppose it was too much to hope You'd figure it out...
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Trump is an immature coward, so he will claim a medical condition and advice from a doctor has suggested he leave the office for health reasons. Of course, the medical reasons will remain secret after his resignation. This will cause people to pray for him and cause God to send him straight to hell for enticing those folks to use God's name in vain.
Tony Schwartz, the real author of the ART OF THE DEAL, basically lived with Trump the entire time he was writing the book, just said Trump will resign right before Mueller's final report because he knows what's coming down..
He knows how guilty he is and wants to spare himself the embarrassment of being indicted and impeached.
Liberals stay fixated on polls because it keeps their artificial bubble full of happy gas.

It's part of the silent coup. The leftist media doesn't even care anymore if what they report is true or not, the left polls mostly its own to get the results they want, and they stage a witch hunt looking for things that aren't there. It's all part of the plan to accomplish two things:

1. Prevent Trump from making America Great, because they know he will.

2. Keep their butthurt and still crying base from slipping into a coma.

Lie on national TV, lie with staistics, lie with fake polls, it never matters to the left because their agenda justifies whatever they have to do or say.
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.
Trump is an immature coward, so he will claim a medical condition and advice from a doctor has suggested he leave the office for health reasons. Of course, the medical reasons will remain secret after his resignation. This will cause people to pray for him and cause God to send him straight to hell for enticing those folks to use God's name in vain.
Tony Schwartz, the real author of the ART OF THE DEAL, basically lived with Trump the entire time he was writing the book, just said Trump will resign right before Mueller's final report because he knows what's coming down..
He knows how guilty he is and wants to spare himself the embarrassment of being indicted and impeached.

Do the country a favor and hide in the basement until that happens. Should be any minute now.
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

Lol, what about the polls that said your pajama boy was going to win in Atlanta? He lost to a terrible GOP candidate.

You go on and live and die by your polls, it'll be fun to watch you crash and burn AGAIN.

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