HOW LOW WILL HE GO? The Comrade plays Limbo

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Lol, what about the polls that said your pajama boy was going to win in Atlanta? He lost to a terrible GOP candidate.

You go on and live and die by your polls, it'll be fun to watch you crash and burn AGAIN.
You nor Trump can't stand that President Obama is still beloved in this country by a large % of people.
Obama would have easily won in Nov if he could run.
No president, even Millhouse, ever had such low presidential approval ratings this early in his presidency.
How many presidents have faced millions talking about impeachment only 7 months in?
Keep backing your lame duck incompetent and you'll go down with the ship with him.

Memes, polls, and lies are all that is keeping you from losing your grip on sanity. It's going to really suck for you these next six years or so. Can't honestly say I feel sorry for you though.
Funny you still have no idea what's going on.
Take your nose out of Breitbart and Fox to see what's really happening.
Your meme that all polls are always wrong reeks of someone afraid of the truth.
Everyone sees this guy is not fit in any way for the job. Has no desire to learn either.
The harder Kelly tries to rein him in, the more he rebels with more stupid shit.
It's no secret anymore that this guy is toast

What meme was that again? I don't recall posting a meme that said polls are always wrong.

Admit it, you have been lying so much for so long now that you cannot tell what is real and what isn't. You should seek help.
One big difference between you and me. I never lie. Everyone that knows me say I'm too truthful.
Funny you don't know what's real.
There is loud talk all over this country by the military, Congress and average citizens that DT is unfit to be president.
Did you hear what Gen Mattis said to the troops warning them about Trump?
Stay in your little Breitbart bubble while reality is caving in around you..

First thing a liar says is "I don't lie". So liar, where was that meme where I said Trump never lied?

Like I said, you don't even know what the truth is anymore.

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